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Riferimento al comando HP-UX host Utilities 6.0


È possibile utilizzare il riferimento al comando di esempio delle utilità host unificate HP-UX 6.0 per una convalida end-to-end della configurazione dello storage NetApp utilizzando lo strumento delle utility host.

Elenca tutti gli iniziatori host mappati all'host

È possibile recuperare un elenco di tutti gli iniziatori host mappati a un host.

# sanlun fcp show adapter -v

Esempio di output

adapter name:      fclp2
WWPN:              10000000c985ef92
WWNN:              20000000c985ef92
driver name:       fclp
model:             AJ763-63001
model description: HP 8Gb Dual Channel PCI-e 2.0 FC HBA
serial number:     MY19034N9U
hardware version:  3
driver version:    @(#) FCLP: PCIe Fibre Channel driver (FibrChanl-02), B.11.31.1805, Feb  5 2018, FCLP_IFC (3,2)
firmware version:  2.02X2 SLI-3 (U3D2.02X2)
Number of ports:   1 of 2
port type:         Unknown
port state:        Link Down
supported speed:   8 GBit/sec
negotiated speed:  Speed not established
OS device name:    /dev/fclp2

adapter name:      fclp3
WWPN:              10000000c985ef93
WWNN:              20000000c985ef93
driver name:       fclp
model:             AJ763-63001
model description: HP 8Gb Dual Channel PCI-e 2.0 FC HBA
serial number:     MY19034N9U
hardware version:  3
driver version:    @(#) FCLP: PCIe Fibre Channel driver (FibrChanl-02), B.11.31.1805, Feb  5 2018, FCLP_IFC (3,2)
firmware version:  2.02X2 SLI-3 (U3D2.02X2)
Number of ports:   2 of 2
port type:         Unknown
port state:        Link Down
supported speed:   8 GBit/sec
negotiated speed:  Speed not established
OS device name:    /dev/fclp3

Elenca tutti i LUN mappati all'host

È possibile recuperare un elenco di tutti i LUN mappati a un host.

# sanlun lun show -p -v all

Esempio di output

                    ONTAP Path: vs_hp_cluster:/vol/chathpux_217_vol_en_1_10/hp_en_217_lun
                           LUN: 55
                      LUN Size: 15g
                   Host Device: /dev/rdisk/disk718
                          Mode: C
                            VG: /dev/vg_data
              Multipath Policy: A/A
            Multipath Provider: Native
-------- ---------- -------------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------
host     vserver    /dev/dsk                                                                    HP A/A
path     path       filename             host    vserver                                        path failover
state    type       or hardware path     adapter LIF                                            priority
-------- ---------- -------------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------
up       primary    /dev/dsk/c37t6d7     fclp0   hpux_7                                         0
up       primary    /dev/dsk/c22t6d7     fclp1   hpux_8                                         0
up       secondary  /dev/dsk/c36t6d7     fclp0   hpux_5                                         1
up       secondary  /dev/dsk/c44t6d7     fclp1   hpux_6                                         1

Elencare tutti i LUN mappati all'host da una SVM specifica

È possibile recuperare un elenco di tutte le LUN mappate all'host da una determinata SVM.

# sanlun lun show -p -v vs_hp_cluster

Esempio di output

                    ONTAP Path: vs_hp_cluster:/vol/chathpux_217_vol_en_1_10/hp_en_217_lun
                           LUN: 55
                      LUN Size: 15g
                   Host Device: /dev/rdisk/disk718
                          Mode: C
                            VG: /dev/vg_data
              Multipath Policy: A/A
            Multipath Provider: Native
-------- ---------- -------------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------
host     vserver    /dev/dsk                                                                    HP A/A
path     path       filename             host    vserver                                        path failover
state    type       or hardware path     adapter LIF                                            priority
-------- ---------- -------------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------
up       primary    /dev/dsk/c37t6d7     fclp0   hpux_7                                         0
up       primary    /dev/dsk/c22t6d7     fclp1   hpux_8                                         0
up       secondary  /dev/dsk/c36t6d7     fclp0   hpux_5                                         1
up       secondary  /dev/dsk/c44t6d7     fclp1   hpux_6                                         1

Elencare tutti gli attributi di un LUN assegnato all'host

È possibile recuperare un elenco di tutti gli attributi di un LUN specificato mappato a un host.

# sanlun lun show -p -v vs_hp_cluster:/vol/chathpux_217_vol_en_1_5/hp_en_217_lun

Esempio di output

                    ONTAP Path: vs_hp_cluster:/vol/chathpux_217_vol_en_1_5/hp_en_217_lun
                           LUN: 49
                      LUN Size: 15g
                   Host Device: /dev/rdisk/disk712
                          Mode: C
                            VG: /dev/vg_data
              Multipath Policy: A/A
            Multipath Provider: Native
-------- ---------- -------------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------
host     vserver    /dev/dsk                                                                    HP A/A
path     path       filename             host    vserver                                        path failover
state    type       or hardware path     adapter LIF                                            priority
-------- ---------- -------------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------
up       primary    /dev/dsk/c37t6d1     fclp0   hpux_7                                         0
up       primary    /dev/dsk/c22t6d1     fclp1   hpux_8                                         0
up       secondary  /dev/dsk/c36t6d1     fclp0   hpux_5                                         1
up       secondary  /dev/dsk/c44t6d1     fclp1   hpux_6                                         1

Elencare gli attributi del LUN ONTAP in base al nome del file del dispositivo host

È possibile recuperare un elenco di attributi del LUN ONTAP in base al nome file del dispositivo host specificato.

#sanlun lun show -dv /dev/rdisk/disk716

Esempio di output

                                                                 device             host                  lun
vserver              lun-pathname                                filename           adapter    protocol   size    mode
vs_hp_cluster        /vol/chathpux_217_vol_en_1_14/hp_en_217_lun /dev/rdisk/disk716 0          FCP        15g     C
             LUN Serial number: 80D7l?NiNP5U
         Controller Model Name: AFF-A800
          Vserver FCP nodename: 208400a098ba7afe
          Vserver FCP portname: 207e00a098ba7afe
              Vserver LIF name: hpux_5
            Vserver IP address:
           Vserver volume name: chathpux_217_vol_en_1_14        MSID::0x00000000000000000000000080915935
         Vserver snapshot name:

Elenca tutte le WWPN LIF di destinazione SVM collegate all'host

È possibile recuperare un elenco di tutte le WWPN LIF di destinazione SVM collegate a un host.

# sanlun lun show -wwpn

Esempio di output

vserver(Cmode)       target wwpn        lun-pathname                                  device filename
vs_hp_cluster        208300a098ba7afe   /vol/chathpux_217_vol_en_1_10/hp_en_217_lun   /dev/rdsk/c22t6d7
vs_hp_cluster        208100a098ba7afe   /vol/chathpux_217_vol_en_1_10/hp_en_217_lun   /dev/rdsk/c44t6d7
vs_hp_cluster        208200a098ba7afe   /vol/chathpux_217_vol_en_1_10/hp_en_217_lun   /dev/rdsk/c37t6d7
vs_hp_cluster        207e00a098ba7afe   /vol/chathpux_217_vol_en_1_10/hp_en_217_lun   /dev/rdsk/c36t6d7
vs_hp_cluster        207d00a098ba7afe   /vol/chathpux_217_os/hp_217_os                /dev/rdsk/c18t7d4
vs_hp_cluster        207f00a098ba7afe   /vol/chathpux_217_os/hp_217_os                /dev/rdsk/c42t7d4

host adapter    lun size    mode
fclp1           15g         C
fclp1           15g         C
fclp0           15g         C
fclp0           15g         C
fclp1           30g         C
fclp0           30g         C