Snap Creator Framework

使用集群模式 Data ONTAP 在主存储发生故障后还原数据库


您可以在运行集群模式 Data ONTAP 的主存储系统出现故障后还原 SAP HANA 数据库。


  1. 创建类型为数据保护的主卷。

    hana::> volume create -vserver hana1a -volume hana_data -aggregate aggr_sas_101 -size 300G -state online -type DP -policy default -autosize-mode grow_shrink -space-guarantee none
    -snapshot-policy none -foreground true
    [Job 6744] Job is queued: Create hana_data.
    [Job 6744] Job succeeded: Successful
  2. 从备份卷还原所有数据。

    hana::> snapmirror restore -destination-path hana1a:hana_data -source-path hana2b:backup_hana_data -source-snapshot sc-backup-daily_20140505121000
    [Job 6746] Job is queued: snapmirror restore from source "hana2b:backup_hana_data" for the
    snapshot sc-backup-daily_20140505121000.
    hana::> job show -id 6746
    Job ID Name                 Vserver    Node           State
    ------ -------------------- ---------- -------------- ----------
    6746   SnapMirror restore   hana        hana01        Running
           Description: snapmirror restore from source "hana2b:backup_hana_data" for the snapshot sc-backup-daily_20140505121000

还原过程完成后,您可以使用 SAP HANA 执行恢复。