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SnapCenter 6.0 cmdlets



Removes the specified plug-ins on one or more hosts.


Remove-SmPlugin [-HostNames]  <String>  [-PluginCodes]  <PluginCode>  [-Force]  <>

Detailed Description

Removes the specified plug-ins on one or more hosts.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Name of one or more hosts from which you want to uninstall the specified plug-ins.


true (ByPropertyName)


Provides the code for the plug-in you want to uninstall. Valid plug-in codes include SCSQL, SCO, SCE and hana.For custom plug-ins, the value is the custom plug-in name. For example "CustomPlugin1".For example, if you want to uninstall SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server, the plug-in code is SCSQL.


true (ByPropertyName)


Internal switch.


true (ByPropertyName)


Example 1: Uninstalling SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server from a host

 Remove-SmPlugin -HostNames myHostname -PluginCodes SCSQL

This command syntax uninstalls SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server from the specified host.

Are you sure you want to uninstall plugin(s) from the host(s)?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"):

Example 2: Uninstall single plug-in from a single host without a confirmation dialogue

 Remove-SmPlugin -HostNames -PluginCodes DB2 -Verbose -Confirm:$false

Uninstall single Plug-in from single host

VERBOSE: Start Remove-SmPlugin
Name: Plug-in Uninstallation on host ''
Id  : 56
StartTime   : 6/16/2016 1:37:25 AM
EndTime :
IsCancellable   : False
IsRestartable   : False
IsCompleted : False
IsVisible   : True
IsScheduled : False
PercentageCompleted : 0
Description :
Status  : Queued
Owner   :
Error   :
Priority: None
Tasks   : {}
ParentJobID : 0
EventId : 0

Example 3: Uninstall multiple plug-ins from multiple hosts without the confirm dialogue

 Remove-SmPlugin –Hostnames myhostname1,myhostname2 –PluginCodes DB2,MongoDB -Confirm:$false

One main job will be created for removing plug-ins from the hosts. Separate tasks will be created for removing each of the plug-in from the host.