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How to enable StorageGRID in your environment

Bucket consistency level recommendation


NetApp StorageGRID allows the end user to select the consistency level for operations performed on the objects in Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets.

Commvault MediaAgents are the data movers in a Commvault environment. In most cases, MediaAgents are configured to write locally into a primary StorageGRID site. For this reason, a high consistency level within a local primary site is recommended. Use the following guidelines when you set the consistency level on Commvault buckets created in StorageGRID.


If you have a Commvault version earlier than 11.0.0 - Service Pack 16, consider upgrading Commvault to the newest version. If that is not an option, be sure to follow the guidelines for your version.

  • Commvault versions earlier than 11.0.0 - Service Pack 16.* In versions earlier than 11.0.0 - Service Pack 16, Commvault performs S3 HEAD and GET operations on non-existent objects as part of restore and pruning process. Set the bucket consistency level to Strong-site to achieve the optimal consistency level for Commvault backups to StorageGRID.

  • Commvault versions 11.0.0 - Service Pack 16 and later.* In versions 11.0.0 - Service Pack 16 and later, the number of S3 HEAD and GET operations performed on non-existent objects are minimized. Set the default bucket consistency level to Read-after-new-write to ensure high consistency level in the Commvault and StorageGRID environment.