Use S3cmd to test and demonstrate S3 access on StorageGRID
By Aron Klein
S3cmd is a free command line tool and client for S3 operations. You can use s3cmd to to test and demonstrate s3 access on StorageGRID.
Install and configure S3cmd
To install S3cmd on a workstation or server, download it from command line S3 client. s3cmd is pre-installed on each StorageGRID node as a tool to aid in troubleshooting.
Initial configuration steps
s3cmd --configure
Provide only access_key and secret_key, for the the rest keep the defaults.
Test access with supplied credentials? [Y/n]: n (bypass the test as it will fail)
Save settings? [y/N] y
Configuration saved to '/root/.s3cfg'
In .s3cfg make fields host_base and host_bucket empty after the "=" sign :
host_base =
host_bucket =
If you specify host_base and host_bucket in step 4, you don't need to specify an endpoint with --host in the CLI. Example: |
host_base = host_bucket = bucketX. s3cmd ls s3://bucketX --no-check-certificate
Basic command examples
Create a bucket:
s3cmd mb s3://s3cmdbucket --host=<endpoint>:<port> --no-check-certificate
List all buckets:
s3cmd ls --host=<endpoint>:<port> --no-check-certificate
List all buckets and their contents:
s3cmd la --host=<endpoint>:<port> --no-check-certificate
List objects in a specific bucket:
s3cmd ls s3://<bucket> --host=<endpoint>:<port> --no-check-certificate
Delete a bucket:
s3cmd rb s3://s3cmdbucket --host=<endpoint>:<port> --no-check-certificate
Put an object:
s3cmd put <file> s3://<bucket> --host=<endpoint>:<port> --no-check-certificate
Get an object:
s3cmd get s3://<bucket>/<object> <file> --host=<endpoint>:<port> --no-check-certificate
Delete an object:
s3cmd del s3://<bucket>/<object> --host=<endpoint>:<port> --no-check-certificate