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Restore applications

Contributors netapp-mwallis

You can use Trident protect to restore your application from a snapshot or backup. Restoring from an existing snapshot will be faster when restoring the application to the same cluster.

Note When you restore an application, all execution hooks configured for the application are restored with the app. If a post-restore execution hook is present, it runs automatically as part of the restore operation.

Restore from a backup to a different namespace

When you restore a backup to a different namespace using a BackupRestore CR, Trident protect restores the application in a new namespace, but the restored application is not automatically protected by Trident protect. To protect the restored application, you need to create an Application CR for the restored application so that it will be protected by Trident protect.

Note Restoring a backup to a different namespace with existing resources will not alter any resources that share names with those in the backup. To restore all resources in the backup, either delete and re-create the target namespace, or restore the backup to a new namespace.
Use a CR
  1. Create the custom resource (CR) file and name it trident-protect-backup-restore-cr.yaml.

  2. In the file you created, configure the following attributes:

    • (Required) The name of this custom resource; choose a unique and sensible name for your environment.

    • spec.appArchivePath: The path inside AppVault where the backup contents are stored. You can use the following command to find this path:

      kubectl get backups <BACKUP_NAME> -n my-app-namespace -o jsonpath='{.status.appArchivePath}'
    • spec.appVaultRef: (Required) The name of the AppVault where the backup contents are stored.

    • spec.namespaceMapping: The mapping of the source namespace of the restore operation to the destination namespace. Replace my-source-namespace and my-destination-namespace with information from your environment.

    • spec.storageClassMapping: The mapping of the source storage class of the restore operation to the destination storage class. Replace destinationStorageClass and sourceStorageClass with information from your environment.

      kind: BackupRestore
        name: my-cr-name
        namespace: my-app-namespace
        appArchivePath: my-backup-path
        appVaultRef: appvault-name
        namespaceMapping: [{"source": "my-source-namespace", "destination": "my-destination-namespace"}]
          destination: "${destinationStorageClass}"
          source: "${sourceStorageClass}"
  3. (Optional) If you need to select only certain resources of the application to restore, add filtering that includes or excludes resources marked with particular labels:

    • resourceFilter.resourceSelectionCriteria: (Required for filtering) Use include or exclude to include or exclude a resource defined in resourceMatchers. Add the following resourceMatchers parameters to define the resources to be included or excluded:

      • resourceFilter.resourceMatchers: Array of resourceMatcher objects.

        • resourceMatchers[].group: (Optional) Group of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].kind: (Optional) Kind of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].version: (Optional) Version of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].names: (Optional) Names in the Kubernetes field of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].namespaces: (Optional) Namespaces in the Kubernetes field of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].labelSelectors: (Optional) Label selector string in the Kubernetes field of the resource as defined in the Kubernetes documentation. For example: "".

          For example:

              resourceSelectionCriteria: "include"
                group: my-resource-group
                kind: my-resource-kind
                version: my-resource-version
                names: ["my-resource-names"]
                namespaces: ["my-resource-namespaces"]
                labelSelectors: [""]
  4. After you populate the trident-protect-backup-restore-cr.yaml file with the correct values, apply the CR:

    kubectl apply -f trident-protect-backup-restore-cr.yaml
Use the CLI
  1. Restore the backup to a different namespace, replacing values in brackets with information from your environment. The namespace-mapping argument uses colon-separated namespaces to map source namespaces to the correct destination namespaces in the format source1:dest1,source2:dest2. For example:

    tridentctl protect create backuprestore <my_restore_name> --backup <backup_namespace>/<backup_to_restore> --namespace-mapping <source_to_destination_namespace_mapping>

Restore from a backup to the original namespace

You can restore a backup to the original namespace at any time.

Use a CR
  1. Create the custom resource (CR) file and name it trident-protect-backup-ipr-cr.yaml.

  2. In the file you created, configure the following attributes:

    • (Required) The name of this custom resource; choose a unique and sensible name for your environment.

    • spec.appArchivePath: The path inside AppVault where the backup contents are stored. You can use the following command to find this path:

      kubectl get backups <BACKUP_NAME> -n my-app-namespace -o jsonpath='{.status.appArchivePath}'
    • spec.appVaultRef: (Required) The name of the AppVault where the backup contents are stored.

      For example:

      kind: BackupInplaceRestore
        name: my-cr-name
        namespace: my-app-namespace
        appArchivePath: my-backup-path
        appVaultRef: appvault-name
  3. (Optional) If you need to select only certain resources of the application to restore, add filtering that includes or excludes resources marked with particular labels:

    • resourceFilter.resourceSelectionCriteria: (Required for filtering) Use include or exclude to include or exclude a resource defined in resourceMatchers. Add the following resourceMatchers parameters to define the resources to be included or excluded:

      • resourceFilter.resourceMatchers: Array of resourceMatcher objects.

        • resourceMatchers[].group: (Optional) Group of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].kind: (Optional) Kind of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].version: (Optional) Version of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].names: (Optional) Names in the Kubernetes field of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].namespaces: (Optional) Namespaces in the Kubernetes field of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].labelSelectors: (Optional) Label selector string in the Kubernetes field of the resource as defined in the Kubernetes documentation. For example: "".

          For example:

              resourceSelectionCriteria: "include"
                group: my-resource-group
                kind: my-resource-kind
                version: my-resource-version
                names: ["my-resource-names"]
                namespaces: ["my-resource-namespaces"]
                labelSelectors: [""]
  4. After you populate the trident-protect-backup-ipr-cr.yaml file with the correct values, apply the CR:

    kubectl apply -f trident-protect-backup-ipr-cr.yaml
Use the CLI
  1. Restore the backup to the original namespace, replacing values in brackets with information from your environment. The backup argument uses a namespace and backup name in the format <namespace>/<name>. For example:

    tridentctl protect create backupinplacerestore <my_restore_name> --backup <namespace/backup_to_restore>

Restore from a snapshot to a different namespace

You can restore data from a snapshot using a custom resource (CR) file either to a different namespace or the original source namespace. When you restore a snapshot to a different namespace using a SnapshotRestore CR, Trident protect restores the application in a new namespace, but the restored application is not automatically protected by Trident protect. To protect the restored application, you need to create an Application CR for the restored application so that it will be protected by Trident protect.

Use a CR
  1. Create the custom resource (CR) file and name it trident-protect-snapshot-restore-cr.yaml.

  2. In the file you created, configure the following attributes:

    • (Required) The name of this custom resource; choose a unique and sensible name for your environment.

    • spec.appVaultRef: (Required) The name of the AppVault where the snapshot contents are stored.

    • spec.appArchivePath: The path inside AppVault where the snapshot contents are stored. You can use the following command to find this path:

      kubectl get snapshots <SNAPHOT_NAME> -n my-app-namespace -o jsonpath='{.status.appArchivePath}'
    • spec.namespaceMapping: The mapping of the source namespace of the restore operation to the destination namespace. Replace my-source-namespace and my-destination-namespace with information from your environment.

    • spec.storageClassMapping: The mapping of the source storage class of the restore operation to the destination storage class. Replace destinationStorageClass and sourceStorageClass with information from your environment.

      kind: SnapshotRestore
        name: my-cr-name
        namespace: my-app-namespace
        appVaultRef: appvault-name
        appArchivePath: my-snapshot-path
        namespaceMapping: [{"source": "my-source-namespace", "destination": "my-destination-namespace"}]
          destination: "${destinationStorageClass}"
          source: "${sourceStorageClass}"
  3. (Optional) If you need to select only certain resources of the application to restore, add filtering that includes or excludes resources marked with particular labels:

    • resourceFilter.resourceSelectionCriteria: (Required for filtering) Use include or exclude to include or exclude a resource defined in resourceMatchers. Add the following resourceMatchers parameters to define the resources to be included or excluded:

      • resourceFilter.resourceMatchers: Array of resourceMatcher objects.

        • resourceMatchers[].group: (Optional) Group of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].kind: (Optional) Kind of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].version: (Optional) Version of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].names: (Optional) Names in the Kubernetes field of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].namespaces: (Optional) Namespaces in the Kubernetes field of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].labelSelectors: (Optional) Label selector string in the Kubernetes field of the resource as defined in the Kubernetes documentation. For example: "".

          For example:

              resourceSelectionCriteria: "include"
                group: my-resource-group
                kind: my-resource-kind
                version: my-resource-version
                names: ["my-resource-names"]
                namespaces: ["my-resource-namespaces"]
                labelSelectors: [""]
  4. After you populate the trident-protect-snapshot-restore-cr.yaml file with the correct values, apply the CR:

    kubectl apply -f trident-protect-snapshot-restore-cr.yaml
Use the CLI
  1. Restore the snapshot to a different namespace, replacing values in brackets with information from your environment.

    • The snapshot argument uses a namespace and snapshot name in the format <namespace>/<name>.

    • The namespace-mapping argument uses colon-separated namespaces to map source namespaces to the correct destination namespaces in the format source1:dest1,source2:dest2.

      For example:

      tridentctl protect create snapshotrestore <my_restore_name> --snapshot <namespace/snapshot_to_restore> --namespace-mapping <source_to_destination_namespace_mapping>

Restore from a snapshot to the original namespace

You can restore a snapshot to the original namespace at any time.

Use a CR
  1. Create the custom resource (CR) file and name it trident-protect-snapshot-ipr-cr.yaml.

  2. In the file you created, configure the following attributes:

    • (Required) The name of this custom resource; choose a unique and sensible name for your environment.

    • spec.appVaultRef: (Required) The name of the AppVault where the snapshot contents are stored.

    • spec.appArchivePath: The path inside AppVault where the snapshot contents are stored. You can use the following command to find this path:

      kubectl get snapshots <SNAPSHOT_NAME> -n my-app-namespace -o jsonpath='{.status.appArchivePath}'
      kind: SnapshotInplaceRestore
        name: my-cr-name
        namespace: my-app-namespace
        appVaultRef: appvault-name
          appArchivePath: my-snapshot-path
  3. (Optional) If you need to select only certain resources of the application to restore, add filtering that includes or excludes resources marked with particular labels:

    • resourceFilter.resourceSelectionCriteria: (Required for filtering) Use include or exclude to include or exclude a resource defined in resourceMatchers. Add the following resourceMatchers parameters to define the resources to be included or excluded:

      • resourceFilter.resourceMatchers: Array of resourceMatcher objects.

        • resourceMatchers[].group: (Optional) Group of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].kind: (Optional) Kind of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].version: (Optional) Version of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].names: (Optional) Names in the Kubernetes field of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].namespaces: (Optional) Namespaces in the Kubernetes field of the resource to be filtered.

        • resourceMatchers[].labelSelectors: (Optional) Label selector string in the Kubernetes field of the resource as defined in the Kubernetes documentation. For example: "".

          For example:

              resourceSelectionCriteria: "include"
                group: my-resource-group
                kind: my-resource-kind
                version: my-resource-version
                names: ["my-resource-names"]
                namespaces: ["my-resource-namespaces"]
                labelSelectors: [""]
  4. After you populate the trident-protect-snapshot-ipr-cr.yaml file with the correct values, apply the CR:

    kubectl apply -f trident-protect-snapshot-ipr-cr.yaml
Use the CLI
  1. Restore the snapshot to the original namespace, replacing values in brackets with information from your environment. For example:

    tridentctl protect create snapshotinplacerestore <my_restore_name> --snapshot <snapshot_to_restore>

Check the status of a restore operation

You can use the command line to check the status of a restore operation that is in progress, has completed, or has failed.

  1. Use the following command to retrieve status of the restore operation, replacing values in brackes with information from your environment:

    kubectl get backuprestore -n <namespace_name> <my_restore_cr_name> -o jsonpath='{.status}'