部署Cisco Nexus 31108PC-V
本節詳細說明FlexPod 在不息環境中使用的Cisco Nexus 331108PC-V交換器組態。
Cisco Nexus 31108PC-V交換器的初始設定
下列程序說明如何設定Cisco Nexus交換器、以便在FlexPod 基礎版的選用功能中使用。
本程序假設您使用的Cisco Nexus 31108PC-V執行NX-OS軟體版本7.0(3)i7(6)。 |
初次開機並連線至交換器的主控台連接埠時、Cisco NX-OS設定會自動啟動。此初始組態可處理基本設定、例如交換器名稱、mgmt0介面組態和安全Shell(SSH)設定。
在本部署指南中FlexPod 、《Cisco Nexus 31108PC-V交換器》已連線至現有的管理網路。 -
若要設定Cisco Nexus 31108PC-V交換器、請開啟交換器電源並依照螢幕上的提示操作、如此處所示、以取得兩個交換器的初始設定、並以適當的值取代交換器特定資訊。
This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management of the system. *Note: setup is mainly used for configuring the system initially, when no configuration is present. So setup always assumes system defaults and not the current system configuration values. Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime to skip the remaining dialogs. Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): y Do you want to enforce secure password standard (yes/no) [y]: y Create another login account (yes/no) [n]: n Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: n Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: n Enter the switch name : 31108PC-V-B Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no) [y]: y Mgmt0 IPv4 address : <<var_switch_mgmt_ip>> Mgmt0 IPv4 netmask : <<var_switch_mgmt_netmask>> Configure the default gateway? (yes/no) [y]: y IPv4 address of the default gateway : <<var_switch_mgmt_gateway>> Configure advanced IP options? (yes/no) [n]: n Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [n]: n Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [y]: y Type of ssh key you would like to generate (dsa/rsa) [rsa]: rsa Number of rsa key bits <1024-2048> [1024]: <enter> Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]: y NTP server IPv4 address : <<var_ntp_ip>> Configure default interface layer (L3/L2) [L2]: <enter> Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [noshut]: <enter> Configure CoPP system profile (strict/moderate/lenient/dense) [strict]: <enter>
Would you like to edit the configuration? (y es/no) [n]: n
Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no) [y]: Enter
對Cisco Nexus交換器B重複此程序
Cisco NX-OS必須啟用某些進階功能、才能提供額外的組態選項。若要在Cisco Nexus交換器A和交換器B上啟用適當功能、請使用命令(config t)進入組態模式、然後執行下列命令:
feature interface-vlan feature lacp feature vpc
預設的連接埠通道負載平衡雜湊使用來源和目的地IP位址來判斷連接埠通道中介面的負載平衡演算法。除了來源和目的地IP位址之外、您還能為雜湊演算法提供更多輸入、藉此在連接埠通道的成員之間實現更好的發佈。出於同樣的原因、NetApp強烈建議將來源和目的地TCP連接埠新增至雜湊演算法。 |
在組態模式(config t)中、輸入下列命令以設定Cisco Nexus交換器A和交換器B的全域連接埠通道負載平衡組態:
port-channel load-balance src-dst ip-l4port
Cisco Nexus平台使用稱為「橋接保證」的新保護功能。橋接器保證可在不再執行擴充樹演算法時、透過持續轉送資料流量的裝置、協助防止單向連結或其他軟體故障。視平台而定、連接埠可置於多種狀態之一、包括網路或邊緣。
在組態模式(config t)中、執行下列命令、在Cisco Nexus交換器A和交換器B上設定預設的擴充樹選項、包括預設連接埠類型和BPDU防護:
spanning-tree port type network default spanning-tree port type edge bpduguard default spanning-tree port type edge bpdufilter default ntp server <<var_ntp_ip>> use-vrf management ntp master 3
從組態模式(組態t)執行下列命令、以定義及說明Cisco Nexus交換器A和交換器B上的第2層VLAN:
vlan <<nfs_vlan_id>> name NFS-VLAN vlan <<iSCSI_A_vlan_id>> name iSCSI-A-VLAN vlan <<iSCSI_B_vlan_id>> name iSCSI-B-VLAN vlan <<vmotion_vlan_id>> name vMotion-VLAN vlan <<vmtraffic_vlan_id>> name VM-Traffic-VLAN vlan <<mgmt_vlan_id>> name MGMT-VLAN vlan <<native_vlan_id>> name NATIVE-VLAN exit
在每個交換器的組態模式(config t)中、輸入FlexPod 下列適用於整個過程的埠說明:
Cisco Nexus交換器A
int eth1/1 description AFF C190-A e0c int eth1/2 description AFF C190-B e0c int eth1/3 description UCS-Server-A: MLOM port 0 vSwitch0 int eth1/4 description UCS-Server-B: MLOM port 0 vSwitch0 int eth1/5 description UCS-Server-A: MLOM port 1 iScsiBootvSwitch int eth1/6 description UCS-Server-B: MLOM port 1 iScsiBootvSwitch int eth1/25 description vPC peer-link 31108PC-V-B 1/25 int eth1/26 description vPC peer-link 31108PC-V-B 1/26 int eth1/33 description AFF C190-A e0M int eth1/34 description UCS Server A: CIMC
Cisco Nexus交換器B
int eth1/1 description AFF C190-A e0d int eth1/2 description AFF C190-B e0d int eth1/3 description UCS-Server-A: MLOM port 2 vSwitch0 int eth1/4 description UCS-Server-B: MLOM port 2 vSwitch0 int eth1/5 description UCS-Server-A: MLOM port 3 iScsiBootvSwitch int eth1/6 description UCS-Server-B: MLOM port 3 iScsiBootvSwitch int eth1/25 description vPC peer-link 31108PC-V-A 1/25 int eth1/26 description vPC peer-link 31108PC-V-A 1/26 int eth1/33 description AFF C190-B e0M int eth1/34 description UCS Server B: CIMC
在組態模式(config t)中、輸入下列命令來設定伺服器和儲存設備的管理介面連接埠設定:
Cisco Nexus交換器A
int eth1/33-34 switchport mode access switchport access vlan <<mgmt_vlan>> spanning-tree port type edge speed 1000 exit
Cisco Nexus交換器B
int eth1/33-34 switchport mode access switchport access vlan <<mgmt_vlan>> spanning-tree port type edge speed 1000 exit
虛擬連接埠通道(vPC)可讓實體連接至兩個不同Cisco Nexus交換器的連結、顯示為連接至第三個裝置的單一連接埠通道。第三個裝置可以是交換器、伺服器或任何其他網路裝置。vPC可提供第2層多重路徑、讓您增加頻寬、在節點之間啟用多個平行路徑、以及在有替代路徑的情況下、進行負載平衡流量、藉此建立備援。
vPC功能需要在兩個Cisco Nexus交換器之間進行一些初始設定、才能正常運作。如果使用後端對後端mgmt0組態、請使用介面上定義的位址、並使用「ping」、「[switch_a_mgmt0_ip_addr]VRF」管理命令來驗證它們是否可以通訊。
在組態模式(config t)中、執行下列命令來設定兩個交換器的vPC全域組態:
Cisco Nexus交換器A
vpc domain 1 role priority 10 peer-keepalive destination <<switch_B_mgmt0_ip_addr>> source <<switch_A_mgmt0_ip_addr>> vrf management peer-switch peer-gateway auto-recovery delay restore 150 ip arp synchronize int eth1/25-26 channel-group 10 mode active int Po10 description vPC peer-link switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan <<native_vlan_id>> switchport trunk allowed vlan <<nfs_vlan_id>>,<<vmotion_vlan_id>>, <<vmtraffic_vlan_id>>, <<mgmt_vlan>, <<iSCSI_A_vlan_id>>, <<iSCSI_B_vlan_id>> spanning-tree port type network vpc peer-link no shut exit copy run start
Cisco Nexus交換器B
vpc domain 1 peer-switch role priority 20 peer-keepalive destination <<switch_A_mgmt0_ip_addr>> source <<switch_B_mgmt0_ip_addr>> vrf management peer-gateway auto-recovery delay-restore 150 ip arp synchronize int eth1/25-26 channel-group 10 mode active int Po10 description vPC peer-link switchport switchport trunk native vlan <<native_vlan_id>> switchport trunk allowed vlan <<nfs_vlan_id>>,<<vmotion_vlan_id>>, <<vmtraffic_vlan_id>>, <<mgmt_vlan>>, <<iSCSI_A_vlan_id>>, <<iSCSI_B_vlan_id>> spanning-tree port type network vpc peer-link no shut exit copy run start
從組態模式(config t)、在每個交換器上執行下列命令、以設定個別介面、以及連接至NetApp AFF Ef2控制器的連接埠所產生的連接埠通道組態。
int eth1/1 channel-group 11 mode active int Po11 description vPC to Controller-A switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan <<native_vlan_id>> switchport trunk allowed vlan <<nfs_vlan_id>>,<<mgmt_vlan_id>>,<<iSCSI_A_vlan_id>>, <<iSCSI_B_vlan_id>> spanning-tree port type edge trunk mtu 9216 vpc 11 no shut
int eth1/2 channel-group 12 mode active int Po12 description vPC to Controller-B switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan <<native_vlan_id>> switchport trunk allowed vlan <<nfs_vlan_id>>,<<mgmt_vlan_id>>, <<iSCSI_A_vlan_id>>, <<iSCSI_B_vlan_id>> spanning-tree port type edge trunk mtu 9216 vpc 12 no shut exit copy run start
Cisco UCS伺服器具有四埠虛擬介面卡VIC1457、可用於資料流量、以及使用iSCSI啟動ESXi作業系統。這些介面設定為彼此容錯移轉、提供單一連結以外的額外備援。將這些連結分散到多個交換器、即使是交換器故障、伺服器也能維持正常運作。
在組態模式(config t)中、執行下列命令、為連接至每個伺服器的介面設定連接埠設定。
Cisco Nexus交換器A:Cisco UCS伺服器A與Cisco UCS伺服器B組態
int eth1/5 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan <<native_vlan_id>> switchport trunk allowed vlan <<iSCSI_A_vlan_id>>,<<nfs_vlan_id>>,<<vmotion_vlan_id>>,<<vmtraffic_vlan_id>>,<<mgmt_vlan_id>> spanning-tree port type edge trunk mtu 9216 no shut exit copy run start
Cisco Nexus交換器B:Cisco UCS伺服器A與Cisco UCS伺服器B組態
int eth1/6 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan <<native_vlan_id>> switchport trunk allowed vlan <<iSCSI_B_vlan_id>>,<<nfs_vlan_id>>,<<vmotion_vlan_id>>,<<vmtraffic_vlan_id>>,<<mgmt_vlan_id>> spanning-tree port type edge trunk mtu 9216 no shut exit copy run start
int eth1/3 channel-group 13 mode active int Po13 description vPC to Server-A switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan <<native_vlan_id>> switchport trunk allowed vlan <<nfs_vlan_id>>,<<vmotion_vlan_id>>,<<vmtraffic_vlan_id>>,<<mgmt_vlan_id>> spanning-tree port type edge trunk mtu 9216 vpc 13 no shut
int eth1/4 channel-group 14 mode active int Po14 description vPC to Server-B switchport switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan <<native_vlan_id>> switchport trunk allowed vlan <<nfs_vlan_id>>,<<vmotion_vlan_id>>,<<vmtraffic_vlan_id>>,<<mgmt_vlan_id>> spanning-tree port type edge trunk mtu 9216 vpc 14 no shut
本解決方案驗證使用的MTU為9000。不過、您可以針對應用程式需求、為MTU設定不同的值。務必在FlexPod 整個解決方案中設定相同的MTU值。元件之間的MTU組態不正確、會導致封包遭到丟棄、而這些封包需要再次傳輸、進而影響解決方案的整體效能。 |
若要透過新增其他Cisco UCS伺服器來擴充解決方案、請使用新增伺服器插入交換器A和B的交換器連接埠來執行先前的命令 |
視可用的網路基礎架構而定、有數種方法和功能可用來上行鏈路FlexPod 到整個環境。如果存在現有的Cisco Nexus環境、NetApp建議使用VPC、將FlexPod 包含在整個過程中的Cisco Nexus 31108交換器上行鏈路到基礎架構中。上行鏈路可以是10GbE基礎架構解決方案的10GbE上行鏈路、或是1GbE基礎架構解決方案的1GbE(若有需要)。上述程序可用來建立上行鏈路vPC至現有環境。完成組態設定後、請務必執行copy start(複本開始)以儲存每個交換器上的組態。