Reversing protection relationships from the Volume Relationships page
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When a disaster disables the source volume in your protection relationship, you can use the destination volume to serve data by converting it to a read/write volume while you repair or replace the source. When the source is again available to receive data, you can use the reverse resynchronization operation to establish the relationship in the reverse direction, synchronizing the data on the source with the data on the read/write destination.
Before you begin
You must have the Application Administrator or Storage Administrator role.
You must have set up Workflow Automation.
The relationship must not be a SnapVault relationship.
A protection relationship must already exist.
The protection relationship must be broken.
Both the source and destination must be online.
The source must not be the destination of another data protection volume.
About this task
When you perform this task, data on the source that is newer than the data on the common Snapshot copy is deleted.
Policies and schedules created on reverse resynchronization relationships are the same as those on the original protection relationship.
If policies and schedules do not exist, they are created.
From the Volume Relationships page, select one or more volumes with relationships that you want to reverse, and, on the toolbar, click Reverse Resync.
The Reverse Resync dialog box is displayed.
Verify that the relationships displayed in the Reverse Resync dialog box are the ones for which you want to perform the reverse resynchronization operation, and then click Submit.
The reverse resynchronization operation is started, you are returned to the Volume Relationships page, and a jobs link is displayed at the top of the page.
Click View Jobs on the Volume Relationships page to track the status of each reverse resynchronization job.
A filtered list of jobs related to this operation is displayed.
Click the Back arrow on your browser to return to the Volume Relationships page.
The reverse resynchronization operation is finished when all job tasks successfully complete.