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Install Keystone Collector in private mode

Contributors netapp-shwetav

Complete a few steps to install Keystone Collector in an environment that does not have internet access, also known as a dark site or private mode. This type of installation is perfect for your secure sites.

You can either deploy Keystone Collector on VMware vSphere systems or install it on Linux systems, depending on your requirements. Follow the installation steps that correspond to your selected option.

Deploy on VMware vSphere

Follow these steps:

  1. Download the OVA template file from NetApp Keystone web portal.

  2. For steps to deploy Keystone collector with OVA file, refer to the section Deploying the OVA template.

Install on Linux

Keystone Collector software is installed on the Linux server using the provided .deb or .rpm files, based on the Linux distribution.

Follow these steps to install the software on your Linux server:

  1. Download or transfer the Keystone Collector installation file to the Linux server:


  2. Open a terminal on the server and run the following commands to begin the installation.

    • Using Debian package

      dpkg -i keystone-collector_<version>_all.deb

    • Using RPM file

      yum install keystone-collector-<version>.noarch.rpm


      rpm -i keystone-collector-<version>.noarch.rpm

  3. Enter y when prompted to install the package.