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Get started using the Digital Advisor REST API to retrieve Keystone data

Contributors netapp-shwetav

Digital Advisor REST API provides a programmatic interface for retrieving Keystone subscription and consumption details.

At a high level, the workflow to interact with Digital Advisor REST API involves the following steps:

  1. Set up your Digital Advisor account. You must have valid NetApp Support site credentials to log in to Digital Advisor. To learn more, refer to Log in to Digital Advisor.

  2. Understand the two-step authentication process.

    1. Generate a refresh token: A refresh token is obtained through Digital Advisor console using NetApp credentials. This token is used to ensure continuous access without the need for repeated logins.

    2. Generate an access token: The refresh token is used to generate access tokens. An access token is required to authorize API calls to the Keystone service and is valid for one hour.

  3. Execute an API call to retrieve the desired data.You can programmatically retrieve lists of customers, customer subscription data, and customer consumption details.