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What's new in Keystone STaaS

Contributors netapp-manini netapp-shwetav

NetApp offers you new and enhanced features in every release of Keystone STaaS services.

New features and enhancements for March 28, 2024

The following enhancement has been made on the Keystone Subscriptions screen of Active IQ Digital Advisor (also known as Digital Advisor):

Improvement to QoS policy compliance display in the Volume Details tab

The Volume Details tab within the Volumes & Objects tab now provides better visibility into Quality of Service (QoS) policy compliance. The column formerly known as AQoS is renamed to Compliant, which indicates whether the QoS policy is in compliance. In addition, a new column QoS Policy Type is added, which specifies if the policy is fixed or adaptive. If neither applies, the column displays Not Available. For more information, see Volumes & Objects tab.

New column and simplified subscription display in the Volume Summary tab

  • The Volume Summary tab within the Volumes & Objects tab now includes a new column titled Protected. This column provides a count of the protected volumes associated with your subscribed service levels. If you click the number of protected volumes, it takes you to the Volume Details tab, where you can view a filtered list of protected volumes.

  • The Volume Summary tab is updated to display only base subscriptions, excluding add-on services. For more information, see Volumes & Objects tab.

Change to accrued burst detail display in the Capacity Trend tab

The tooltip that appears when hovering over the capacity usage bar chart in the Capacity Trend tab will display the details of accrued bursts for the current month. The details will not be available for the previous months.

Enhanced access to view historical data for Keystone subscriptions

You can now view historical data if a Keystone subscription is modified or renewed. You can set the start date of a subscription to a previous date to view :

  • Consumption and accrued burst usage data from the Capacity Trend tab,

  • Performance metrics of ONTAP volumes from the Performance tab,

all of which show the data based on the selected date of the subscription.

New features and enhancements for February 29, 2024

Several enhancements have been made on the Active IQ Digital Advisor (also known as Digital Advisor) dashboard and Keystone Subscriptions screen for this release:

Addition of the Assets tab

The Keystone Subscriptions screen now includes the Assets tab. This new tab provides cluster-level information based on your subscriptions. For more information, see Assets tab.

Improvements to the Volumes & Objects tab

To provide better clarity to your ONTAP system volumes, two new tab buttons, Volume Summary and Volume Details, have been added to the Volumes tab. The Volume Summary tab provides an overall count of the volumes associated with your subscribed service levels, including their AQoS compliance status and capacity information. The Volume Details tab lists all the volumes and their specifics. For more information, see Volumes & Objects tab.

Enhanced search experience on Digital Advisor

The search parameters on the Digital Advisor screen now include Keystone subscription numbers and watchlists created for Keystone subscriptions. You can enter the first three characters of a subscription number or watchlist name. For more information, see View Keystone dashboard on Active IQ Digital Advisor.

View timestamp of the consumption data

You can view the timestamp of the consumption data (in UTC) on the old dashboard of the Keystone Subscriptions widget.

New features and enhancements for February 13, 2024

The following enhancement has been made on the Keystone Subscriptions screen of Active IQ Digital Advisor (also known as Digital Advisor).

Ability to view subscriptions linked to a primary subscription

Some of your primary subscriptions can have linked, secondary subscriptions. If that is the case, the primary subscription number will continue to be displayed in the Subscription Number column, while the linked subscription numbers will be listed in a new column Linked Subscriptions on the Subscriptions tab. The Linked Subscriptions column becomes available to you only if you have linked subscriptions, and you can see information messages notifying you about them.

New features and enhancements for January 11, 2024

Learn what's new in this release.

The following enhancements have been made on the Keystone Subscriptions screen of Active IQ Digital Advisor (also known as Digital Advisor).

Invoiced data returned for accrued burst

The labels for Accrued Burst are now modified to Invoiced Accrued Burst in the Capacity Trend tab. Selecting this option enables you to view the the monthly charts for the billed accrued burst data. For more information, see View invoiced accrued burst.

Accrued consumption details for specific rate plans

If you have a subscription that has rate plans with zero committed capacity, you can view the accrued consumption details in the Capacity Trend tab. On selecting the Invoiced Accrued Consumption option, you can view the the monthly charts for the billed accrued consumption data.

New features and enhancements for December 15, 2023

Learn what's new in this release.

Ability to search by watchlists

The support for watchlists in Active IQ Digital Advisor (also known as Digital Advisor) has been extended to include Keystone systems. You can now view the details of the subscriptions for multiple customers by searching with watchlists. For more information about the use of watchlists in Keystone STaaS, see Search by using Keystone watchlists.

Date converted to UTC timezone

The data returned on the tabs of the Keystone Subscriptions screen of Active IQ Digital Advisor is displayed in UTC time (server timezone). When you enter a date for query, it is automatically considered to be in UTC time. For more information, see Keystone Subscription dashboard and reporting.