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Generate refresh and access tokens


A refresh token is used to programmatically obtain a new set of access tokens and is good for one week or until it has been used to obtain a new set of tokens.

Steps to generate a refresh token using the Digital Advisor portal are as follows:

  1. Log in to the Digital Advisor portal using NetApp credentials and select Generate Tokens.

    Steps to generate a refresh token using the Digital Advisor portal

    Note For first-time users, if Generate Tokens option is not available, select Register to submit an authorization request. Fill out the registration form to enable the functionality.
  2. The system generates an access token and a refresh token. Save the refresh token on a trusted platform.

    Note The portal gives you multiple ways to save one or both tokens in the set. You can copy them to clipboard, download them as a text file, or view them as plain text.

    Types of token

Generate access token using the Digital Advisor REST API

The access token is used to authenticate Digital Advisor API requests. It can be generated directly through the console along with the refresh token or using the following API call:






  • accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

"refresh_token": "<refresh-token>"

Note You need to have administrative privileges for Digital Advisor to access this endpoint.


API returns an access token and a refresh token in a JSON format as response.

"refresh_token": "string",
"access_token": "string"

Status code: 200 – Successful request

Curl example:

curl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d ' { "refresh_token": "<refresh-token>" }'

Execute the API call

Upon successful generation of an access token, authorized Digital Advisor API calls can be executed for the required information.