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Active IQ Unified Manager 9.12
A newer release of this product is available.

Viewing SVM IOPS traffic by protocol

Contributors netapp-shwetav

You can view detailed IOPS information for an SVM by using the Performance/SVM Explorer page. The IOPS - Total counter chart shows total IOPS usage on the SVM, and the IOPS - Breakdown counter chart is useful for determining the impact of read, write, and other IOPS on the SVM.

Additionally, the IOPS - Protocols chart shows a detailed comparison of the IOPS traffic for each protocol that is being used on the SVM. The following protocols are available:

  • CIFS

  • NFS

  • FCP

  • iSCSI

  • NVMe

  1. In the Performance/SVM Explorer page for your selected SVM, from the IOPS chart, select Protocols from the drop-down menu.

    The IOPS - Protocols chart is displayed.

  2. To view a larger version of the chart, select Zoom View.

    The IOPS advanced protocol comparative chart is displayed. You can restrict the comparison by deselecting or selecting the eye icon that is associated with a protocol.

  3. To view the specific values, move your cursor into the chart area of either chart to see the popup window.