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Digital Advisor

Known limitations

Contributors netapp-manishc

Known limitations identify platforms, devices, or functions that are not supported by this release of the product, or that do not interoperate correctly with it. Review these limitations carefully.

The following limitations exist:

  • For Data ONTAP storage systems operating in 7-Mode only (Data ONTAP storage systems operating in 7-Mode is nearing End of Support Life)

    • Performance charts

    • Storage efficiency

  • Upgrade Advisor will not support upgrade plans for clustered ONTAP earlier than 9.0.

Editing a watchlist may take 60 minutes to reflect in Digital Advisor

Editing a watchlist does not update the information in Digital Advisor immediately. It may take up to 60 minutes for the changes to reflect in Digital Advisor.

A blank report is displayed while scheduling reports

Scheduled reports are available only with a SupportEdge Advisor or a SupportEdge Expert support contract. If your systems are not under SupportEdge Advisor or a SupportEdge Expert support contract, you may get a blank report while scheduling reports.

Acknowledged and unacknowledged risks may take 60 minutes to reflect in Digital Advisor

The status of the risks that are acknowledged and unacknowledged do not reflect immediately in Digital Advisor. It may take up to 60 minutes for the changes to reflect in Digital Advisor and in wellness report.

AutoSupport Widget not available for cluster and serial numbers

The AutoSupport widget will not provide alerts for cluster and serial number searches.

AutoSupport Widget not able to drill down to serial level AutoSupport details

On the AutoSupport Reporting page, clicking on any of the statuses, systems that recently stopped sending, or systems that have AutoSupport turned off does not navigate to the Health Check screen.

Filtering and sorting are not available in the Inventory widget

You cannot filter and sort data in the inventory widget. No data is displayed if you select ONTAP AFF, ONTAP ASA, ONTAP Edge, or ONTAP Select in the "Filter by" drop-down.