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Keystone subscription services

Fixed issues in NetApp Service Engine

Contributors netapp-manini

The following issues that were found in a previous release of NetApp Service Engine have been fixed for you to successfully use your NetApp Keystone services.

Issue Description After the fix Fixed in version

Volume move was automatically triggered when non-FabricPool aggregate existed on the cluster.

Any modifications to volumes or disks triggered a volume move to another aggregate.

No volume move is triggered for volume operations.

NetApp Service Engine 2.2

Host groups deletion removed host groups from the NetApp Service Engine user interface (UI), but not from the cluster.


NetApp Service Engine 2.2

Host groups could be unmapped from the disks on the NetApp Service Engine UI, but not from the cluster.


NetApp Service Engine 2.2

Export policies could not be deleted from the NetApp Service Engine UI.

The changed policies can be saved from the UI.

NetApp Service Engine 2.2