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System Manager Classic

產生AutoSupport 關於完成擴充的資訊


擴充叢集之後、您應該傳送AutoSupport 一個不完整的訊息、表示擴充程序已經完成。此訊息傳達給內部和外部支援人員、說明擴充已完成、並做為日後可能需要進行的任何疑難排解的時間戳記。



  1. 針對叢集中的每個節點、使用傳送 AutoSupport 訊息 system node autosupport invoke 命令。



    cluster1::> system node autosupport invoke -node * -message "cluster expansion complete" -type all
    The AutoSupport was successfully invoked on node "cluster1-1". To view the status
    of the AutoSupport, use the "system node autosupport history show" command.
    Note: It may take several minutes for the AutoSupport to appear in the history list.
    The AutoSupport was successfully invoked on node "cluster1-2". To view the status
    of the AutoSupport, use the "system node autosupport history show" command.
    Note: It may take several minutes for the AutoSupport to appear in the history list.
    The AutoSupport was successfully invoked on node "cluster1-3". To view the status
    of the AutoSupport, use the "system node autosupport history show" command.
    Note: It may take several minutes for the AutoSupport to appear in the history list.
    The AutoSupport was successfully invoked on node "cluster1-4". To view the status
    of the AutoSupport, use the "system node autosupport history show" command.
    Note: It may take several minutes for the AutoSupport to appear in the history list.
    4 entries were acted on.