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ONTAP MetroCluster

Switchover, healing, and switchback operations during nondisruptive transition

Contributors netapp-martyh netapp-thomi NetAppZacharyWambold

Depending on the stage of the transition process, the MetroCluster switchover, healing, and switchback operations use either the MetroCluster FC or MetroCluster IP workflow.

The following table shows what workflows are used at different stages of the transition process. In some stages, switchover and switchback are not supported.

  • In the MetroCluster FC workflow, the switchover, healing, and switchback steps are those used by a MetroCluster FC configuration.

  • In the MetroCluster IP workflow, the switchover, healing, and switchback steps are those used by a MetroCluster IP configuration.

  • In the unified workflow, when both the FC and IP nodes are configured, the steps depend on whether NSO or USO is performed. The details are shown in the table.

For information on the MetroCluster FC and IP workflows for switchover, healing, and switchback, see Understanding MetroCluster data protection and disaster recovery.

Note Automatic unplanned switchover is not available during the transition process.

Stage of transition

Negotiated switchover uses this workflow…​

Unplanned switchover uses this workflow…​

Before the MetroCluster IP nodes have joined the cluster

MetroCluster FC

MetroCluster FC

After the MetroCluster IP nodes have joined the cluster, before the metrocluster configure command is performed

Not supported

MetroCluster FC

After the metrocluster configure command has been issued. Volume move can be in progress.

Unified: All remote site nodes remain up and healing is done automatically


  • Mirrored aggregates owned by the MetroCluster FC node are mirrored if storage is accessible, all others are degraded after switchover.

  • All remote site nodes are able to boot up.

  • The heal aggregate and heal root commands must be run manually.

The MetroCluster FC nodes have been unconfigured.

Not supported

MetroCluster IP

The cluster unjoin command has been performed on the MetroCluster FC nodes.

MetroCluster IP

MetroCluster IP