Managing an HTTPS certificate for secure access
By default, Cloud Manager uses a self-signed certificate for HTTPS access to the web console. You can install a certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA), which provides better security protection than a self-signed certificate.
Before you get started
You need to create a Connector before you can change Cloud Manager settings. Learn how.
Installing an HTTPS certificate
Install a certificate signed by a CA for secure access.
In the upper right of the Cloud Manager console, click the Settings icon, and select HTTPS Setup.
In the HTTPS Setup page, install a certificate by generating a certificate signing request (CSR) or by installing your own CA-signed certificate:
Option Description Generate a CSR
Enter the host name or DNS of the Connector host (its Common Name), and then click Generate CSR.
Cloud Manager displays a certificate signing request.
Use the CSR to submit an SSL certificate request to a CA.
The certificate must use the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) Base-64 encoded X.509 format.
Copy the contents of the signed certificate, paste it in the Certificate field, and then click Install.
Install your own CA-signed certificate
Select Install CA-signed certificate.
Load both the certificate file and the private key and then click Install.
The certificate must use the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) Base-64 encoded X.509 format.
Cloud Manager now uses the CA-signed certificate to provide secure HTTPS access. The following image shows a Cloud Manager system that is configured for secure access:
Renewing the Cloud Manager HTTPS certificate
You should renew the Cloud Manager HTTPS certificate before it expires to ensure secure access to the Cloud Manager web console. If you do not renew the certificate before it expires, a warning appears when users access the web console using HTTPS.
In the upper right of the Cloud Manager console, click the Settings icon, and select HTTPS Setup.
Details about the Cloud Manager certificate displays, including the expiration date.
Click Renew HTTPS Certificate and follow the steps to generate a CSR or install your own CA-signed certificate.
Cloud Manager uses the new CA-signed certificate to provide secure HTTPS access.