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當您在啟用多管理員驗證(MAV)的叢集上啟動受保護的作業或命令時ONTAP 、多方面的操作或命令都會自動攔截、並要求產生要求、而該要求必須獲得一或多位MAV核准群組(MAV系統管理員)中的系統管理員核准。或者、您也可以建立不含對話方塊的MAV要求。


MAV功能會遵守現有的RBAC設定。也就是您的系統管理員角色必須擁有足夠的權限、才能在不考慮MAV設定的情況下執行受保護的作業。 "深入瞭解RBAC"


System Manager程序


Approval request to delete the volume was sent.
Track the request ID 356 from Events & Jobs > Multi-Admin Requests.


  • 營運

  • 索引(數字)

  • 狀態(「Pending(擱置)」、「Approved(已核准)」、「Rejected(已拒絕)


  • 查詢(所要求作業的任何參數或值)

  • 正在申請使用者

  • 申請截止日期

  • (數量)待核准者

  • (數量)潛在核准者



Request to perform delete operation is pending approval.
Retry the operation after request is approved.


  1. 直接輸入受保護的作業、或使用MAV REQUEST命令輸入。


    • volume delete

      cluster-1::*> volume delete -volume vol1 -vserver vs0
      Warning: This operation requires multi-admin verification. To create a
               verification request use "security multi-admin-verify request
               Would you like to create a request for this operation?
                {y|n}: y
      Error: command failed: The security multi-admin-verify request (index 3) is
             auto-generated and requires approval.
    • security multi-admin-verify request create “volume delete”

      Error: command failed: The security multi-admin-verify request (index 3)
             requires approval.
  2. 檢查申請狀態、並回應MAV通知。

    1. 如果申請獲得核准、請回應CLI訊息以完成作業。


      cluster-1::> security multi-admin-verify request show 3
           Request Index: 3
               Operation: volume delete
                   Query: -vserver vs0 -volume vol1
                   State: approved
      Required Approvers: 1
       Pending Approvers: 0
         Approval Expiry: 2/25/2022 14:32:03
        Execution Expiry: 2/25/2022 14:35:36
               Approvals: admin2
             User Vetoed: -
                 Vserver: cluster-1
          User Requested: admin
            Time Created: 2/25/2022 13:32:03
           Time Approved: 2/25/2022 13:35:36
                 Comment: -
         Users Permitted: -
      cluster-1::*> volume delete -volume vol1 -vserver vs0
      Info: Volume "vol1" in Vserver "vs0" will be marked as deleted and placed in the volume recovery queue. The space used by the volume will be recovered only after the retention period of 12 hours has completed. To recover the space immediately, get the volume name using (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue show vol1_*" and then "volume recovery-queue purge -vserver vs0 -volume <volume_name>" command. To recover the volume use the (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue recover -vserver vs0       -volume <volume_name>" command.
      Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume "vol1" in Vserver "vs0" ?
      {y|n}: y
    2. 如果申請遭否決或過期、請刪除申請、然後重新提交或聯絡MAV管理員。


    cluster-1::> security multi-admin-verify request show 3
         Request Index: 3
             Operation: volume delete
                 Query: -vserver vs0 -volume vol1
                 State: vetoed
    Required Approvers: 1
     Pending Approvers: 1
       Approval Expiry: 2/25/2022 14:38:47
      Execution Expiry: -
             Approvals: -
           User Vetoed: admin2
               Vserver: cluster-1
        User Requested: admin
          Time Created: 2/25/2022 13:38:47
         Time Approved: -
               Comment: -
       Users Permitted: -
    cluster-1::*> volume delete -volume vol1 -vserver vs0
    Error: command failed: The security multi-admin-verify request (index 3) hasbeen vetoed. You must delete it and create a new verification request.
    To delete, run "security multi-admin-verify request delete 3".