在計畫性升級之前執行 ONTAP 自動升級前檢查
您不需要升級 ONTAP 軟體、就能執行 ONTAP 自動升級預先檢查。 獨立於 ONTAP 自動升級程序執行升級前檢查、可讓您查看哪些檢查是針對叢集執行、並在您開始實際升級之前、提供任何應更正的錯誤或警告清單。 例如、假設您預期在排定於兩週內進行的維護期間內升級 ONTAP 軟體。 在等待排程日期時、您可以執行自動升級預先檢查、並在維護期間之前採取任何必要的修正行動。 這將在您開始升級後、降低發生非預期組態錯誤的風險。
如果您已準備好開始 ONTAP 軟體升級、則不需要執行此程序。 您應該遵循 "自動化升級程序",包括執行自動升級預先檢查。
對於 MetroCluster 組態、您應該先在叢集 A 上執行這些步驟、然後在叢集 B 上執行相同的步驟 |
您應該 "下載目標 ONTAP 軟體映像"。
若要執行的自動升級預先檢查"直接多跳升級"、您只需下載目標 ONTAP 版本的軟體套件。在您開始實際升級之前、您不需要載入中繼 ONTAP 版本。例如、如果您要執行自動升級前檢查、以從 9.7 升級至 9.11.1 、則需要下載 ONTAP 9.11.1 的軟體套件。您不需要下載 ONTAP 9.8.1 的軟體套件。
驗證 ONTAP 目標映像:
如果您要升級 MetroCluster 組態、您應該驗證叢集 A 、然後在叢集 B 上重複驗證程序 -
視您執行的版本而定ONTAP 、請執行下列其中一個步驟:
S69.5、9.6及9.7 ONTAP
在 Overview (總覽)窗格的右角,單擊
按一下* ONTAP 《更新*》。
在 * 叢集更新 * 索引標籤中、新增映像或選取可用的映像。
您應該已經擁有了 "已下載映像" 至本機用戶端。
在 * 可用的軟體映像 * 下、按一下 * 從本機 * 新增。
從 HTTP 或 FTP 伺服器新增軟體映像
在 * 新增軟體映像 * 對話方塊中、輸入您從 NetApp 支援網站 下載 ONTAP 軟體映像的 HTTP 或 FTP 伺服器 URL 。
對於匿名FTP、您必須在中指定URL ftp://anonymous@ftpserver 格式。
按一下「 * 新增 * 」。
按一下 * 驗證 * 以執行升級前驗證檢查。
如果在驗證期間發現任何錯誤或警告、則會顯示這些錯誤或警告、並附上修正動作清單。您必須先解決所有錯誤、才能繼續升級。 最佳做法是也解決警告。
將目標 ONTAP 軟體映像載入叢集套件儲存庫:
cluster image package get -url location
cluster1::> cluster image package get -url http://www.example.com/software/9.15.1/image.tgz Package download completed. Package processing completed.
cluster image package show-repository
cluster1::> cluster image package show-repository Package Version Package Build Time ---------------- ------------------ 9.15.1 MM/DD/YYYY 10:32:15
cluster image validate -version <package_version_number> -show-validation-details true
cluster1::> cluster image validate -version 9.15.1 -show-validation-details true It can take several minutes to complete validation... Validation checks started successfully. Run the "cluster image show-update-progress" command to check validation status.
cluster image show-update-progress
如果 * 狀態 * 為「進行中」、請等待並再次執行命令、直到完成為止。 cluster1::*> cluster image show-update-progress Update Phase Status Duration Duration -------------------- ----------------- --------------- --------------- Pre-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:01:03 Details: Pre-update Check Status Error-Action -------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------- AMPQ Router and OK N/A Broker Config Cleanup Aggregate online OK N/A status and parity check Aggregate plex OK N/A resync status check Application OK N/A Provisioning Cleanup Autoboot Bootargs OK N/A Status Backend OK N/A ... Volume Conversion OK N/A In Progress Check Volume move OK N/A progress status check Volume online OK N/A status check iSCSI target portal OK N/A groups status check Overall Status Warning Warning 75 entries were displayed.
cluster1::*> cluster image validate -version 9.14.1 -show-validation-details true It can take several minutes to complete validation... WARNING: There are additional manual upgrade validation checks that must be performed after these automated validation checks have completed successfully. Refer to the Upgrade Advisor Plan or the "What should I verify before I upgrade with or without Upgrade Advisor" section in the "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation for the remaining manual validation checks that need to be performed before update. Upgrade ONTAP documentation available at: https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap/upgrade/index.html The list of checks are available at: https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap/upgrade/task_what_to_check_before_upgrade.html Failing to do so can result in an update failure or an I/O disruption. Use the Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT http://mysupport.netapp.com/matrix) to verify host system supportability configuration information. Validation checks started successfully. Run the "cluster image show-update-progress" command to check validation status. fas2820-2n-wic-1::*> cluster image show-update-progress Estimated Elapsed Update Phase Status Duration Duration -------------------- ----------------- --------------- --------------- Pre-update checks in-progress 00:10:00 00:00:42 Details: Pre-update Check Status Error-Action -------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------- fas2820-2n-wic-1::*> cluster image show-update-progress Estimated Elapsed Update Phase Status Duration Duration -------------------- ----------------- --------------- --------------- Pre-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:01:03 Details: Pre-update Check Status Error-Action -------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------- AMPQ Router and OK N/A Broker Config Cleanup Aggregate online OK N/A status and parity check Aggregate plex OK N/A resync status check Application OK N/A Provisioning Cleanup Autoboot Bootargs OK N/A Status Backend OK N/A Configuration Status Boot Menu Status Warning Warning: bootarg.init.bootmenu is enabled on nodes: fas2820-wic-1a, fas2820-wic-1b. The boot process of the nodes will be delayed. Action: Set the bootarg.init.bootmenu bootarg to false before proceeding with the upgrade. Broadcast Domain OK N/A availability and uniqueness for HA pair status CIFS compatibility OK N/A status check CLAM quorum online OK N/A status check CPU Utilization OK N/A Status Capacity licenses OK N/A install status check Check For SP/BMC OK N/A Connectivity To Nodes Check LDAP fastbind OK N/A users using unsecure connection. Check for unsecure OK N/A kex algorithm configurations. Check for unsecure OK N/A mac configurations. Cloud keymanager OK N/A connectivity check Cluster health and OK N/A eligibility status Cluster quorum OK N/A status check Cluster/management OK N/A switch check Compatible New OK N/A Image Check Current system OK N/A version check if it is susceptible to possible outage during NDU Data ONTAP Version OK N/A and Previous Upgrade Status Data aggregates HA OK N/A policy check Disk status check OK N/A for failed, broken or non-compatibility Duplicate Initiator OK N/A Check Encryption key OK N/A migration status check External OK N/A key-manager with legacy KMIP client check External keymanager OK N/A key server status check Fabricpool Object OK N/A Store Availability High Availability OK N/A configuration status check Infinite Volume OK N/A availibility check LIF failover OK N/A capability status check LIF health check OK N/A LIF load balancing OK N/A status check LIFs is on home OK N/A node status Logically over OK N/A allocated DP volumes check MetroCluster OK N/A configuration status check for compatibility Minimum number of OK N/A aggregate disks check NAE Aggregate and OK N/A NVE Volume Encryption Check NDMP sessions check OK N/A NFS mounts status Warning Warning: This cluster is serving NFS check clients. If NFS soft mounts are used, there is a possibility of frequent NFS timeouts and race conditions that can lead to data corruption during the upgrade. Action: Use NFS hard mounts, if possible. To list Vservers running NFS, run the following command: vserver nfs show Name Service OK N/A Configuration DNS Check Name Service OK N/A Configuration LDAP Check Node to SP/BMC OK N/A connectivity check OKM/KMIP enabled OK N/A systems - Missing keys check ONTAP API to REST Warning Warning: NetApp ONTAP API has been transition warning used on this cluster for ONTAP data storage management within the last 30 days. NetApp ONTAP API is approaching end of availability. Action: Transition your automation tools from ONTAP API to ONTAP REST API. For more details, refer to CPC-00410 - End of availability: ONTAPI https://mysupport.netapp.com/info/ communications/ECMLP2880232.html ONTAP Image OK N/A Capability Status OpenSSL 3.0.x OK N/A upgrade validation check Openssh 7.2 upgrade OK N/A validation check Platform Health OK N/A Monitor check Pre-Update OK N/A Configuration Verification RDB Replica Health OK N/A Check Replicated database OK N/A schema consistency check Running Jobs Status OK N/A SAN LIF association OK N/A status check SAN compatibility OK N/A for manual configurability check SAN kernel agent OK N/A status check Secure Purge OK N/A operation Check Shelves and Sensors OK N/A check SnapLock Version OK N/A Check SnapMirror OK N/A Synchronous relationship status check SnapMirror OK N/A compatibility status check Supported platform OK N/A check Target ONTAP OK N/A release support for FiberBridge 6500N check Upgrade Version OK N/A Compatibility Status Verify all bgp OK N/A peer-groups are in the up state Verify if a cluster OK N/A management LIF exists Verify that e0M is OK N/A home to no LIFs with high speed services. Volume Conversion OK N/A In Progress Check Volume move OK N/A progress status check Volume online OK N/A status check iSCSI target portal OK N/A groups status check Overall Status Warning Warning 75 entries were displayed.