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若要支援FlexGroup 高檔案數的現象、並避免檔案ID衝突、您應該在必須FlexGroup 建立此現象磁碟區的SVM上啟用64位元檔案識別碼。

  1. 登入進階權限層級: set -privilege advanced

  2. 修改 SVM 以使用 64 位元 NFSv3 FSID 和檔案 ID : vserver nfs modify -vserver svm_name -v3-64bit-identifiers enabled

    cluster1::*> vserver nfs modify -vserver vs0 -v3-64bit-identifiers enabled
    Warning: You are attempting to increase the number of bits used for NFSv3
             FSIDs and File IDs from 32 to 64 on Vserver "vs0". This could
             result in older client software no longer working with the volumes
             owned by Vserver "vs0".
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
    Warning: Based on the changes you are making to the NFS server on Vserver
             "vs0", it is highly recommended that you remount all NFSv3 clients
             connected to it after the command completes.
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
