從《產品介紹》9.12開始ONTAP 、您可以使用System Manager檢視本機層的已認可容量、以判斷本機層是否需要額外容量。請參閱。 "監控System Manager中的容量" |
選擇 * 儲存 > Tiers* 。
選取 * 新增容量 * 。
如果沒有可新增的備用磁碟、則不會顯示「新增容量」選項、而且您無法增加本機層的容量。 -
請根據ONTAP 安裝的版本執行下列步驟:
如果ONTAP 安裝此版本的Iash…
零點9.8、9.9或9.10.1 ONTAP
如果節點包含多個儲存層、請選取您要新增至本機層的磁碟數量。 否則、如果節點只包含單一儲存層、則會自動預估新增的容量。
從ONTAP 功能上開始。9.11.1
如果您要新增磁碟至新的RAID群組、請勾選核取方塊。 隨即顯示RAID分配。
程序完成後、您可以在* Storage > Tiers*的本機層資訊中檢視增加的容量量。
(僅適用於 ONTAP 9.7 )選擇 * (返回經典版本) * 。
選擇 * 硬體與診斷 > Aggregate * 。
選取您要新增容量磁碟的集合體,然後選取 * 動作 > 新增容量 * 。
您應該新增與集合體中其他磁碟大小相同的磁碟。 -
(僅適用於 ONTAP 9.7 )選擇 * 切換至新體驗 * 。
選取 * 儲存 > Tiers* 以驗證新集合體的大小。
storage aggregate show-spare-disks -original-owner node_name
僅顯示分割磁碟機或僅顯示未分割磁碟機的參數。cl1-s2::> storage aggregate show-spare-disks -original-owner cl1-s2 -is-disk-shared true Original Owner: cl1-s2 Pool0 Shared HDD Spares Local Local Data Root Physical Disk Type RPM Checksum Usable Usable Size Status --------------------------- ----- ------ -------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1.0.1 BSAS 7200 block 753.8GB 73.89GB 828.0GB zeroed 1.0.2 BSAS 7200 block 753.8GB 0B 828.0GB zeroed 1.0.3 BSAS 7200 block 753.8GB 0B 828.0GB zeroed 1.0.4 BSAS 7200 block 753.8GB 0B 828.0GB zeroed 1.0.8 BSAS 7200 block 753.8GB 0B 828.0GB zeroed 1.0.9 BSAS 7200 block 753.8GB 0B 828.0GB zeroed 1.0.10 BSAS 7200 block 0B 73.89GB 828.0GB zeroed 2 entries were displayed.
storage aggregate show-status <aggr_name>
cl1-s2::> storage aggregate show-status -aggregate data_1 Owner Node: cl1-s2 Aggregate: data_1 (online, raid_dp) (block checksums) Plex: /data_1/plex0 (online, normal, active, pool0) RAID Group /data_1/plex0/rg0 (normal, block checksums) Usable Physical Position Disk Pool Type RPM Size Size Status -------- ----------- ---- ----- ------ -------- -------- ---------- shared 1.0.10 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.5 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.6 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.11 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.0 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) 5 entries were displayed.
storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate <aggr_name> -diskcount <number_of_disks_or_partitions> -simulate true
cl1-s2::> storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate aggr_test -diskcount 5 -simulate true Disks would be added to aggregate "aggr_test" on node "cl1-s2" in the following manner: First Plex RAID Group rg0, 5 disks (block checksum, raid_dp) Usable Physical Position Disk Type Size Size ---------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- -------- shared 1.11.4 SSD 415.8GB 415.8GB shared 1.11.18 SSD 415.8GB 415.8GB shared 1.11.19 SSD 415.8GB 415.8GB shared 1.11.20 SSD 415.8GB 415.8GB shared 1.11.21 SSD 415.8GB 415.8GB Aggregate capacity available for volume use would be increased by 1.83TB.
storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate <aggr_name> -raidgroup new -diskcount <number_of_disks_or_partitions>
建立 Flash Pool Aggregate 時、如果您要新增的磁碟與 Aggregate 不同的 Checksum 、或是要將磁碟新增至混合式 Checksum Aggregate 、則必須使用
參數。如果您要將磁碟新增至 Flash Pool Aggregate 、則必須使用
指定要新增磁碟大小的參數。只會選取約有指定大小的磁碟來新增至集合體。cl1-s2::> storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate data_1 -raidgroup new -diskcount 5
storage aggregate show-status -aggregate <aggr_name>
cl1-s2::> storage aggregate show-status -aggregate data_1 Owner Node: cl1-s2 Aggregate: data_1 (online, raid_dp) (block checksums) Plex: /data_1/plex0 (online, normal, active, pool0) RAID Group /data_1/plex0/rg0 (normal, block checksums) Usable Physical Position Disk Pool Type RPM Size Size Status -------- --------------------------- ---- ----- ------ -------- -------- ---------- shared 1.0.10 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.5 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.6 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.11 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.0 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.2 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.3 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.4 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.8 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) shared 1.0.9 0 BSAS 7200 753.8GB 828.0GB (normal) 10 entries were displayed.
storage aggregate show-spare-disks -original-owner <node_name>
cl1-s2::> storage aggregate show-spare-disks -original-owner cl1-s2 -is-disk-shared true Original Owner: cl1-s2 Pool0 Shared HDD Spares Local Local Data Root Physical Disk Type RPM Checksum Usable Usable Size Status --------------------------- ----- ------ -------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1.0.1 BSAS 7200 block 753.8GB 73.89GB 828.0GB zeroed 1.0.10 BSAS 7200 block 0B 73.89GB 828.0GB zeroed 2 entries were displayed.