- SANtricity 11.9 docs
- Release notes
Get started
- Overview
- Supported browsers and OSs
System Manager setup
- Access System Manager
- Setup wizard overview
- What if I don’t see all of my hardware components?
- What if I don’t see all of my hosts?
- How does identifying applications help me manage my storage array?
- What is a workload?
- How do I configure the delivery method for AutoSupport?
- How do I know if I should accept the recommended pool configuration?
- System Manager has not detected any hosts. What do I do?
- Unified Manager setup
System Manager
Main interface
- System Manager interface overview
- View performance data
- View storage hierarchy
- Manage interface settings
- Manage notifications
- What are the supported browsers?
- What are the keyboard shortcuts?
- How do performance statistics for individual volumes relate to the total?
- Why does data display as zero in the graphs and table?
- What does the Latency graph show?
- What does the IOPS graph show?
- What does the MiB/s graph show?
- What does the CPU graph show?
- What does the Headroom graph show?
- Where can I find more information about display preferences?
Pools and volume groups
- Overview
- Concepts
- Configure storage
- Manage storage
- Modify pool and group settings
- Manage SSD cache
- Manage reserved capacity
- What is a volume group?
- What is a pool?
- What is reserved capacity?
- What is FDE/FIPS security?
- What is redundancy check?
- What are the differences between pools and volume groups?
- Why would I want to manually configure a pool?
- Why are capacity alerts important?
- Why can’t I increase my preservation capacity?
- Is there a limit on the number of drives I can remove from a pool?
- What media types are supported for a drive?
- Why are some drives not showing up?
- How do I maintain shelf/drawer loss protection?
- What is the optimal drive positioning for pools and volume groups?
- What RAID level is best for my application?
- What is Data Assurance?
- What is secure-capable (Drive Security)?
- What do I need to know about increasing reserved capacity?
- Why can’t I choose another amount to decrease by?
- Why do I need reserved capacity for each member volume?
- How do I view and interpret all SSD Cache statistics?
- What is optimization capacity for pools?
- What is optimization capacity for volume groups?
- What is resource provisioning capable?
- What do I need to know about the resource-provisioned volumes feature?
Volumes and workloads
- Overview
- Concepts
- Configure storage
- Manage volumes
- Manage settings
- Use copy services
- What is a volume?
- Why am I seeing a capacity over-allocation error when I have enough free capacity in a volume group to create volumes?
- How does my selected workload impact volume creation?
- Why aren’t these volumes associated with a workload?
- Why can’t I delete the selected workload?
- How do application-specific workloads help me manage my storage array?
- How does providing this information help create storage?
- What do I need to do to recognize the expanded capacity?
- Why don’t I see all my pools and/or volume groups?
- What is segment size?
- What is preferred controller ownership?
- When would I want to use the assign host later selection?
- What do I need to know about host block size requirements?
Hosts and host clusters
- Overview
- Concepts
- Configure host access
- Manage hosts and clusters
- Manage settings
- What are hosts and host clusters?
- Why would I need to create a host cluster?
- How do I know which host operating system type is correct?
- What are HBAs and adapter ports?
- How do I match the host ports to a host?
- How do I create CHAP secrets?
- What is the default cluster?
- What is host connectivity reporting?
- Overview
- Concepts
- Create snapshots and snapshot objects
- Manage snapshot schedules
- Manage snapshot images
- Manage snapshot consistency groups
- Manage snapshot volumes
- Why don’t I see all my volumes, hosts, or host clusters?
- What is a snapshot image?
- Why use snapshot images?
- What kinds of volumes can be used for snapshots?
- Why would I create a snapshot consistency group?
- What is a snapshot volume and when does it need reserved capacity?
- What is a snapshot group?
- Why would I disable a snapshot volume?
- What is the Disabled state?
- Why would I suspend a snapshot schedule?
- Overview
- Async concepts
- Sync concepts
- Manage async mirror consistency groups
- Manage async mirrored pairs
- Manage sync mirrored pairs
- Deactivate mirroring
Async FAQs
- How does asynchronous mirroring differ from synchronous mirroring?
- Why can’t I access my chosen mirroring feature?
- What do I need to know before creating a mirror consistency group?
- Asynchronous mirroring - What do I need to know before creating a mirrored pair?
- What do I need to know before increasing my reserved capacity on a mirrored pair volume?
- Why can’t I increase reserved capacity with my requested amount?
- Why would I change this percentage?
- Why do I see more than one reserved capacity candidate?
- Why do I see Not Available values displayed in the table?
- Why don’t I see all of my pools and volume groups?
- Asynchronous mirroring - Why don’t I see all my volumes?
- Asynchronous mirroring - Why don’t I see all the volumes on the remote storage array?
- Why would I update my remote storage array’s IP address?
Sync FAQs
- How does synchronous mirroring differ from asynchronous mirroring?
- Synchronous mirroring - Why don’t I see all my volumes?
- Synchronous mirroring - Why don’t I see all the volumes on the remote storage array?
- Synchronous mirroring - What do I need to know before creating a mirrored pair?
- What impact does synchronization priority have on synchronization rates?
- Why is it recommended to use a manual synchronization policy?
Remote storage
- Overview
- Concepts
- Manage remote storage
- What do I need to know before creating a remote storage connection?
- Why am I being prompted to remove my remote volumes?
- Why don’t I see all my volumes on my destination array?
- What do I need to know about the remote volume in an import?
- What do I need to know before starting a remote storage import?
Hardware components
- Overview
- Concepts
- Manage shelf components
Manage controllers
- Controller states
- Considerations for assigning IP addresses
- Configure management port
- Configure NTP server addresses
- Configure DNS server addresses
- View controller settings
- Configure remote login (SSH)
- Place controller online
- Place controller offline
- Place controller in service mode
- Reset (reboot) controller
- Manage iSCSI ports
- Manage NVMe ports
- Manage drives
- Manage hot spares
- Shelf FAQs
Controller FAQs
- What is auto-negotiation?
- What is IPv6 stateless address auto-configuration?
- Which do I choose — DHCP or manual configuration?
- What is a DHCP server?
- How do I configure my DHCP server?
- Why do I need to change the controller network configuration?
- Where do I get the network configuration?
- What are ICMP PING responses?
- When should I refresh the port configuration?
- What should I do after configuring the management ports?
- Why is the storage system in non-optimal mode?
- What happens when I use an iSNS server for registration?
- Which registration methods are automatically supported for iSCSI?
- How do I interpret iSER over InfiniBand statistics?
- What else do I need to do to configure or diagnose iSER over InfiniBand?
- What else do I need to do to configure or diagnose iSCSI?
- How do I interpret NVMe over Fabrics statistics?
- What else do I need to do to configure or diagnose NVMe over InfiniBand?
- What else do I need to do to configure or diagnose NVMe over RoCE?
- Why are there two IP addresses for one physical port?
- Why are there two sets of parameters for one physical port?
- Drive FAQs
- Alerts
- Array settings
Drive security
- Overview
- Concepts
- Configure security keys
- Manage security keys
- What do I need to know before creating a security key?
- Why do I need to define a pass phrase?
- Why is it important to record security key information?
- What do I need to know before backing up a security key?
- What do I need to know before unlocking secure drives?
- What is read/write accessibility?
- What do I need to know about validating the security key?
- What is the difference between internal security key and external security key management?
Access management
- Overview
- Concepts
- Use local user roles
- Use directory services
- Use SAML
- Use access tokens
- Manage syslog
- Why can’t I log in?
- What do I need to know before adding a directory server?
- What do I need to know about mapping to storage array roles?
- Which external management tools may be affected by this change?
- What do I need to know before configuring and enabling SAML?
- What types of events are recorded in the audit log?
- What do I need to know before configuring a syslog server?
- The syslog server is no longer receiving audit logs. What do I do?
- Overview
- Concepts
Use certificates
- Use CA-signed certificates for controllers
- Reset management certificates
- View imported certificate info
- Import certificates for controllers when acting as clients
- Enable certificate revocation checking
- Delete trusted certificates
- Use CA-signed certificates for authentication server
- Export key management server certificates
- FAQs
- Overview
- View information and diagnostics
- Collect diagnostic data
- Take recovery actions
Manage AutoSupport
- AutoSupport feature overview
- Workflow for the AutoSupport feature
- Enable or disable AutoSupport features
- Configure AutoSupport delivery method
- Schedule AutoSupport dispatches
- Send AutoSupport dispatches
- View AutoSupport status
- View AutoSupport log
- Enable AutoSupport maintenance window
- Disable AutoSupport maintenance window
- View events
- Manage upgrades
- What data am I collecting?
- What does unreadable sectors data show me?
- What is a health image?
- What do the AutoSupport features do?
- What type of data is collected through the AutoSupport feature?
- How do I configure the delivery method for the AutoSupport feature?
- What is configuration data?
- What do I need to know before upgrading the SANtricity OS Software?
- What do I need to know before suspending IOM auto-synchronization?
- Why is my firmware upgrade progressing so slowly?
- What do I need to know before upgrading drive firmware?
- How do I choose which type of upgrade to perform?
Main interface
Unified Manager
- Main interface
- Storage arrays
- Settings import
- Array groups
- Upgrades
- Overview
- Concepts
- Configure mirroring
- What do I need to know before creating a mirror consistency group?
- What do I need to know before creating a mirrored pair?
- Why would I change this percentage?
- Why do I see more than one reserved capacity candidate?
- Why don’t I see all my volumes?
- Why don’t I see all the volumes on the remote storage array?
- What impact does synchronization priority have on synchronization rates?
- Why is it recommended to use a manual synchronization policy?
- Certificates
- Access management
- Earlier versions
- Legal notices