SnapManager for SAP docs
Release notes
Installation and Setup for UNIX for Clustered Data ONTAP
Product overview
SnapManager architecture
Deployment workflow
Prepare for deployment
SnapManager licensing
Supported configurations
Supported storage types
UNIX host requirements
Configure databases
Configure the target database
Create an Oracle database user for the target database
Create the repository database instance
Create an Oracle user for the repository database instance
Verify the Oracle listener configuration
Install SnapManager
Integrate with SAP BR* Tools
Set up SnapManager
Start the SnapManager server
Access the SnapManager user interface
Configure the SnapManager repository
Preparing storage systems for SnapMirror and SnapVault replication
Understanding the differences between SnapMirror and SnapVault
Prepare storage systems for SnapMirror replication
Prepare storage systems for SnapVault replication
Backing up and verifying your databases
SnapManager backup overview
Defining a backup strategy
Create a profile for your database
Back up your database
Verify database backups
Schedule recurring backups
Uninstall the software from a UNIX host
Upgrading SnapManager
Preparing to upgrade SnapManager
Upgrade the SnapManager hosts
Post-upgrade tasks
Update the existing repository
Modify the backup retention class
Restore process types
Upgrading SnapManager hosts by using rolling upgrade
Prerequisites for performing rolling upgrades
Perform rolling upgrade on a single host or multiple hosts
What a rollback is
Limitations for performing a rollback
Prerequisites for performing a rollback
Perform a rollback on a single host or multiple hosts
Post rollback tasks
Where to go next
Installation and Setup for UNIX for 7-mode
Product overview
SnapManager architecture
Deployment workflow
Prepare for deployment
SnapManager licensing
Supported configurations
Supported storage types
UNIX host requirements
Configure databases
Configure the target database
Create an Oracle database user for the target database
Create the repository database instance
Create an Oracle user for the repository database instance
Verify the Oracle listener configuration
Install SnapManager
Integrate with SAP BR* Tools
Set up SnapManager
Start the SnapManager server
Access the SnapManager user interface
Configure the SnapManager repository
Preparing storage systems for SnapMirror and SnapVault replication
Understanding the differences between SnapMirror and SnapVault
Prepare storage systems for SnapMirror replication
Prepare storage systems for SnapVault replication
Backing up and verifying your databases
SnapManager backup overview
Defining a backup strategy
Create a profile for your database
Back up your database
Verify database backups
Schedule recurring backups
Uninstall the software from a UNIX host
Upgrading SnapManager
Preparing to upgrade SnapManager
Upgrade the SnapManager hosts
Post-upgrade tasks
Update the existing repository
Modify the backup retention class
Restore process types
Upgrading SnapManager hosts by using rolling upgrade
Prerequisites for performing rolling upgrades
Perform rolling upgrade on a single host or multiple hosts
What a rollback is
Limitations for performing a rollback
Prerequisites for performing a rollback
Perform a rollback on a single host or multiple hosts
Post rollback tasks
Where to go next
Administration for UNIX
Product overview
Create backups using Snapshot copies
Why you should prune archive log files
Archive log consolidation
Full or partial restoration of databases
Verify backup status
Database backup clones
Track details and produce reports
What repositories are
What profiles are
What SnapManager operation states are
How SnapManager maintains security
Access and print online Help
Recommended general database layouts and storage configurations
Define the database home with the oratab file
Requirements for using RAC databases with SnapManager
Supported partition devices
Requirements for using databases with NFS and SnapManager
Sample database volume layouts
Limitations when working with SnapManager
SnapManager limitations for clustered Data ONTAP
Limitations related to Oracle Database
Deprecated versions of Oracle database
Volume management restrictions
Configuring SnapManager
SnapManager configuration parameters
Edit the configuration parameters
Configure SnapDrive for UNIX for an active/active Veritas SFRAC environment
Configure SnapManager to support the Veritas SFRAC environment
Security and credential management
What user authentication is
About role-based access control
Enable role-based access control
Set role-based access control capabilities and roles
Store encrypted passwords for custom scripts
Authorize access to the repository
Authorize access to profiles
View user credentials
Clear user credentials for all hosts, repositories, and profiles
Set credentials after clearing the credential cache
Delete credentials for individual resources
Delete user credentials for repositories
Delete user credentials for hosts
Delete user credentials for profiles
Managing profiles for efficient backups
Create profiles
Snapshot copy naming
Rename profiles
Change profile passwords
Reset the profile password
Authorize access to profiles
Verify profiles
Update profiles
Delete profiles
Backing up databases
What SnapManager database backups are
What full and partial backups are
Backup types and the number of Snapshot copies
Full online backups
Partial online backups
Examples of backup, restore, and recover operations
About control file and archive log file handling
What database backup scheduling is
Create database backups
Prune archive log files
Consolidate archive log backups
Schedule archive log file pruning
Protect archive log backups
What AutoSupport is
Add storage systems operating in clustered Data ONTAP to the SnapManager server host
Enable AutoSupport in SnapManager
Disable AutoSupport in SnapManager
Verify database backups
Change the backup retention policy
Retain backups forever
Assign backups with a specific retention class
Change the retention policy default behavior
Free or delete retention policy exempt backups
View a list of backups
View backup details
Mount backups
Unmount backups
Free backups
Delete backups
Scheduling database backups
Create backup schedules
Update a backup schedule
View a list of scheduled operations
Suspend backup schedules
Resume backup schedules
Delete backup schedules
Restoring database backups
What database restore is
Guidelines for when you can use fast restore
Advantages and disadvantages of using fast restore
Fast restore eligibility checks
Backup recovery
Database state needed for the restore process
What restore preview plans are
Preview backup restore information
Restore backups by using fast restore
Restore backups by using Single File SnapRestore
Restore backups on primary storage
Restore files from an alternate location
Restore backups from an alternate location overview
Restoration of the data from files
Restoration of data from the file system
Restoration of the data from raw devices
Create restore specifications
Restore backups from an alternate location
Cloning database backup
What Cloning is
Cloning methods
Create clone specifications
Clone databases and using custom plug-in scripts
Clone databases from backups
Clone databases in the current state
Clone database backups without resetlogs
Considerations for cloning a database to an alternate host
Clone a database to an alternate host
View a list of clones
View detailed clone information
Delete clones
Splitting a clone
View a clone split estimate
Split a clone on primary or secondary storage
View the status of the clone split process
View the result of the clone split process
Stop the clone split process
Delete a profile
Destroy a profile
Delete a clone split operation cycle from a repository database
Introduction to data protection in SnapManager
What protection policies are
What protection states are
What resource pools are
About different protection policies
Configuring and enabling policy-driven data protection
Configure DataFabric Manager server and SnapDrive when RBAC is enabled
Configure SnapDrive when RBAC is not enabled
Understanding enabling or disabling of data protection in profile
How SnapManager retains backups on the local storage
Considerations for performing data protection
Licences required for data protection in SnapManager
Protect database backups on secondary or tertiary storage
Restoring protected backups from secondary storage
Restores of protected backups overview
Restore backups from secondary storage
Clone protected backups
SnapManager for SAP uses Protection Manager to protect a database backup
Details of the target database
Primary and secondary storage configuration and topology
Backup schedule and retention strategy
Workflow summary for local and secondary database backup
Protected backup configuration and execution
Use SnapManager for SAP to create the database profile for a local backup
Use Protection Manager to configure a secondary resource pool
Use Protection Manager to configure secondary backup schedules
Use Protection Manager to configure a secondary backup protection policy
Use SnapManager for SAP to create the database profile and assign a protection policy
Use Protection Manager to provision the new dataset
Use SnapManager for SAP to create a protected backup
Use SnapManager for SAP to confirm backup protection
Database restore from backup
Use SnapManager for SAP to restore a local backup on primary storage
Use SnapManager for SAP to restore backups from secondary storage
Performing management operations
View a list of operations
View operation details
Issue commands from an alternate host
Check the SnapManager software version
Stop the SnapManager host server
Restart the SnapManager UNIX host server
Uninstall the software from a UNIX host
Configuring an email notification
Configure a mail server for a repository
Configure email notification for a new profile
Customize the email subject for a new profile
Configure email notification for an existing profile
Customize the email subject for an existing profile
Configure summary email notification for multiple profiles
Add a new profile to summary email notifications
Add an existing profile to summary email notifications
Disable email notification for multiple profiles
Creating task specification file and scripts for SnapManager operations
Create pretask, post-task, and policy scripts
Operations in task scripts
Variables available in the task scripts for the backup operation
Variables available in the task scripts for the restore operation
Variables available in the task scripts for clone operation
Error handling in custom scripts
View sample plug-in scripts
Create task scripts
Store the task scripts
Verify the installation of plug-in scripts
Create a task specification file
Perform backup, restore, and clone operations using prescript and post-scripts
Updating storage system name and target database host name associated with a profile
Update the storage system name associated with a profile
View a list of storage systems associated with a profile
Update the target database host name associated with a profile
Maintaining history of SnapManager operations
Configure history for SnapManager operation
View a list of SnapManager operation history
View the detailed history of a specific operation associated with a profile
Delete history of SnapManager operation
Remove history settings associated with a single profile or multiple profiles
View SnapManager history configuration details
Using BR*Tools with SnapManager for SAP
What BR*Tools are
Disabling client access to Snapshot copies
Profile usage for BR*Tools backups
Database backups created using BRBACKUP and BRARCHIVE
Schedule backups with SAP transaction DB13
Database restore by using BRRESTORE and BRRECOVER
Backing up and restoring files using BR*Tools
Restoring a backup to a different host
Restoring a backup from a secondary storage to a different location
SnapManager for SAP command reference
The backint register-sld command
The smsap_server restart command
The smsap_server start command
The smsap_server status command
The smsap_server stop command
The smsap backup create command
The smsap backup delete command
The smsap backup free command
The smsap backup list command
The smsap backup mount command
The smsap backup restore command
The smsap backup show command
The smsap backup unmount command
The smsap backup update command
The smsap backup verify command
The smsap clone create command
The smsap clone delete command
The smsap clone list command
The smsap clone show command
The smsap clone template command
The smsap clone update command
The smsap clone split-delete command
The smsap clone split-estimate command
The smsap clone split command
The smsap clone split-result command
The smsap clone split-stop command
The smsap clone split-status command
The smsap clone detach command
The smsap cmdfile command
The smsap credential clear command
The smsap credential delete command
The smsap credential list command
The smsap credential set command
The smsap history list command
The smsap history operation-show command
The smsap history purge command
The smsap history remove command
The smsap history set command
The smsap history show command
The smsap help command
The smsap notification remove-summary-notification command
The smsap notification update-summary-notification command
The smsap notification set command
The smsap operation dump command
The smsap operation list command
The smsap operation show command
The smsap password reset command
The smsap plugin check command
The smsap profile create command
The smsap profile delete command
The smsap profile destroy command
The smsap profile dump command
The smsap profile list command
The smsap profile show command
The smsap profile sync command
The smsap profile update command
The smsap profile verify command
The smsap protection-policy command
The smsap repository create command
The smsap repository delete command
The smsap repository rollback command
The smsap repository rollingupgrade command
The smsap repository show command
The smsap repository update command
The smsap schedule create command
The smsap schedule delete command
The smsap schedule list command
The smsap schedule resume command
The smsap schedule suspend command
The smsap schedule update command
The smsap storage list command
The smsap storage rename command
The smsap system dump command
The smsap system verify command
The smsap version command
Troubleshooting SnapManager
Dump files
Create operation-level dump files
Create profile-level dump files
Create system-level dump files
How to locate dump files
How to collect dump files
Collecting additional log information for easier debugging
Troubleshooting clone issues
Troubleshooting graphical user interface issues
Troubleshooting SnapDrive issues
Troubleshooting storage system renaming issue
Troubleshooting known issues
Mounting a FlexClone volume fails in NFS environment
Running multiple parallel operations fails in SnapManager
Where to go for more information
Error message classifications
Error messages
Installation and Administration for Windows
What SnapManagerfor SAP is
What SnapManager for SAP does
Integration with other NetApp applications and technologies
Advantages of using SnapManager
Create backups using Snapshot copies
Why you should prune archive log files
Archive log consolidation
Full or partial restoration of databases
Verify backup status
Database backup clones
Track details and produce reports
What the SnapManager for SAP architecture is
SnapManager host
SnapManager graphical user and command-line interfaces
SnapManager repository
SnapDrive on SnapManager server
What repositories are
What profiles are
What SnapManager operation states are
How SnapManager maintains security
Access and print online Help
SnapManager for SAP deployment considerations
Requirements for running SnapManager
Supported host hardware
Supported general configurations
Clustered configurations
Database version support and configuration overview
General layout and configuration
Sample database volume layouts
Limitations when working with SnapManager
SnapManager features and Oracle technologies not supported on Windows
SnapManager limitations for clustered Data ONTAP
Limitations related to Oracle Database
Deprecated versions of Oracle database
Installing SnapManager for SAP
Preparing to install SnapManager for SAP
Preinstallation tasks
Download the SnapManager for SAP installation package
Install SnapManager for SAP
Integrate with SAP BR* Tools
Upgrading SnapManager
Preparing to upgrade SnapManager
Upgrade SnapManager hosts
Post-upgrade tasks
Update the existing repository
Modify the backup retention class
Upgrading SnapManager hosts by using rolling upgrade
Prerequisites for performing rolling upgrades
Perform roll upgrade on a single host or multiple hosts
What a rollback is
Limitations for performing a rollback
Prerequisites for performing a rollback
Perform a rollback on a single host or multiple hosts
Post rollback tasks
Configuring SnapManager
SnapManager configuration parameters
Edit the configuration parameters
Start SnapManagerfor SAP
Identify an existing database to backup
Verify the Oracle listener status
Create Oracle users for the repository database
Create an Oracle user for the target database
Accessing SnapManager
Start the SnapManager host server
Verify the SnapManager host server status
Use SnapManager commands
Start the SnapManager GUI
Download and start the graphical user interface using Java Web Start
Verify the environment
Verify SnapDrive for Windows
Create repositories
How to organize repositories
Order of performing operations
Security and credential management
What user authentication is
Store encrypted passwords for custom scripts
Authorize access to the repository
Authorize access to profiles
View user credentials
Clear user credentials for all hosts, repositories, and profiles
Set credentials after clearing the credential cache
Delete credentials for individual resources
Delete user credentials for repositories
Delete user credentials for hosts
Delete user credentials for profiles
Managing profiles for efficient backups
Create profiles
Snapshot copy naming
Rename profiles
Change profile passwords
Reset the profile password
Authorize access to profiles
Verify profiles
Update profiles
Delete profiles
Backing up databases
What SnapManager database backups are
What full and partial backups are
Backup types and the number of Snapshot copies
Full online backups
Partial online backups
Examples of backup, restore, and recover operations
About control file and archive log file handling
What database backup scheduling is
Create database backups
Prune archive log files
Consolidate archive log backups
Schedule archive log file pruning
What AutoSupport is
Add storage systems operating in clustered Data ONTAP to the SnapManager server host
Enable AutoSupport in SnapManager
Disable AutoSupport in SnapManager
Verify database backups
Change the backup retention policy
Retain backups forever
Assign backups with a specific retention class
Change the retention policy default behavior
Free or delete retention policy exempt backups
View a list of backups
View backup details
Mount backups
Unmount backups
Free backups
Delete backups
Scheduling database backups
Create backup schedules
Update a backup schedule
View a list of scheduled operations
Suspend backup schedules
Resume backup schedules
Delete backup schedules
Restoring database backups
What database restore is
Backup recovery
Database state needed for the restore process
What restore preview plans are
Preview backup restore information
Restore backups on primary storage
Restore files from an alternate location
Restore backups from an alternate location overview
Restoration of the data from files
Restoration of data from the file system
Create restore specifications
Restore backups from an alternate location
Cloning database backup
What Cloning is
Cloning methods
Create clone specifications
Clone databases and using custom plug-in scripts
Clone databases from backups
Clone databases in the current state
Clone database backups without resetlogs
Considerations for cloning a database to an alternate host
Clone a database to an alternate host
View a list of clones
View detailed clone information
Delete clones
Introduction to data protection in SnapManager
How SnapManager retains backups on the local storage
Considerations for performing data protection
Licences required for data protection in SnapManager
Protecting database backups by using postscripts
Sample post-scripts
Create or update the post scripts
Create post-process, task-specification files
Use post-processing task specification to mirror volumes
Use post-processing task specification to vault qtrees
Performing management operations
View a list of operations
View operation details
Issue commands from an alternate host
Check the SnapManager software version
Stop the SnapManager host server
Restart the SnapManager host server
Uninstall SnapManager
Configuring an email notification
Configure a mail server for a repository
Configure email notification for a new profile
Customize the email subject for a new profile
Configure email notification for an existing profile
Customize the email subject for an existing profile
Configure summary email notification for multiple profiles
Add a new profile to summary email notifications
Add an existing profile to summary email notifications
Disable email notification for multiple profiles
Creating task specification file and scripts for SnapManager operations
Create pretask, post-task, and policy scripts
Operations in task scripts
Variables available in the task scripts for the backup operation
Variables available in the task scripts for the restore operation
Variables available in the task scripts for clone operation
Error handling in custom scripts
View sample plug-in scripts
Create task scripts
Store the task scripts
Verify the installation of plug-in scripts
Create a task specification file
Perform backup, restore, and clone operations using prescript and post-scripts
Updating storage system name and target database host name associated with a profile
Update the storage system name associated with a profile
View a list of storage systems associated with a profile
Update the target database host name associated with a profile
Maintaining history of SnapManager operations
Configure history for SnapManager operation
View a list of SnapManager operation history
View the detailed history of a specific operation associated with a profile
Delete history of SnapManager operation
Remove history settings associated with a single profile or multiple profiles
View SnapManager history configuration details
Using BR*Tools with SnapManager for SAP
What BR*Tools are
Set the path for BR*Tools
Disabling client access to Snapshot copies
Profile usage for BR*Tools backups
Database backups created using BRBACKUP and BRARCHIVE
Schedule backups with SAP transaction DB13
Database restore by using BRRESTORE and BRRECOVER
Backing up and restoring files using BR*Tools
Restoring a backup to a different host
SnapManager for SAP command reference
The backint register-sld command
The smsap_server restart command
The smsap_server start command
The smsap_server status command
The smsap_server stop command
The smsap backup create command
The smsap backup delete command
The smsap backup free command
The smsap backup list command
The smsap backup mount command
The smsap backup restore command
The smsap backup show command
The smsap backup unmount command
The smsap backup update command
The smsap backup verify command
The smsap clone create command
The smsap clone delete command
The smsap clone list command
The smsap clone show command
The smsap clone template command
The smsap clone update command
The smsap clone detach command
The smsap cmdfile command
The smsap credential clear command
The smsap credential delete command
The smsap credential list command
The smsap credential set command
The smsap history list command
The smsap history operation-show command
The smsap history purge command
The smsap history remove command
The smsap history set command
The smsap history show command
The smsap help command
The smsap notification remove-summary-notification command
The smsap notification update-summary-notification command
The smsap notification set command
The smsap operation dump command
The smsap operation list command
The smsap operation show command
The smsap password reset command
The smsap profile create command
The smsap profile delete command
The smsap profile dump command
The smsap profile list command
The smsap profile show command
The smsap profile sync command
The smsap profile update command
The smsap profile verify command
The smsap repository create command
The smsap repository delete command
The smsap repository rollback command
The smsap repository rollingupgrade command
The smsap repository show command
The smsap repository update command
The smsap schedule create command
The smsap schedule delete command
The smsap schedule list command
The smsap schedule resume command
The smsap schedule suspend command
The smsap schedule update command
The smsap storage list command
The smsap storage rename command
The smsap system dump command
The smsap system verify command
The smsap version command
Troubleshooting SnapManager
Dump files
Create operation-level dump files
Create profile-level dump files
Create system-level dump files
How to locate dump files
How to collect dump files
Collecting additional log information for easier debugging
Troubleshooting clone issues
Troubleshooting graphical user interface issues
Troubleshooting known issues
Running multiple parallel operations fails in SnapManager
Unable to restore RAC database from one of the RAC nodes where the profile was not created
Where to go for more information
Error message classifications
Error messages
Legal notices