Protect archive log backups
While creating profiles, you can enable protection for the archive log backups based on the archive log protection policy.
Enter the following command:
smsap profile create -profile profile [-profile-password profile_password] -repository -dbname repo_dbname -host repo_host -port repo_port -login -username repo_username -database -dbname db_dbname -host db_host [-sid db_sid] [-login-username db_username -password db_password -port db_port] [-rman {-controlfile | {-login-username rman_username -password rman_password -tnsname rman_tnsname} } ] -osaccount osaccount -osgroup osgroup [-retain [-hourly [-count n] [-duration m]] [-daily [-count n] [-duration m]] [-weekly [-count n] [-duration m]] [-monthly [-count n] [-duration m]]] [-comment comment][-snapname-pattern pattern][-protect [-protection-policy policy_name]] [-summary-notification] [-notification [-success-email email_address1, email_address2 -subject subject_pattern] [-failure-email email_address1, email_address2 -subject subject_pattern]][-separate-archivelog-backups-retain-archivelog-backups-hours hours | -days days | -weeks weeks | -months months [-protect [-protection-policy policy_name] | -noprotect] [-include-with-online-backups | -no-include-with-online-backups]] [-dump]
If… Then… You want to backup archive log backups separately and protect the archive log files
Specify the following options:
enables you to separate the archive log files from the data files. -
assigns a separate protection policy for the archive log archive log backups. -
assigns the protection policy for the archive log backups.