The smsap clone list command
This command lists the clones of the database for a given profile.
smsap clone list -profile profile_name -delimiter character [-quiet | -verbose]
-profile profile_name
Specifies the list of clones associated with the profile. The profile contains the identifier of the database and other database information.
-delimiter character
When this parameter is specified, the command lists the attributes in each row separated by the character specified.
Displays only error messages on the console. The default is to display error and warning messages.
Displays error, warning, and informational messages on the console.
Example command
The following example lists the database clones in the SALES1 profile.
smsap clone list -profile SALES1 -verbose
ID Status SID Host Label Comment -------- ------- ----- ------- ---------- ------- 8ab...01 SUCCESS hsdbc server1 back1clone test comment