Linux Unified Host Utilities 7.1 command reference
You can use the Linux Unified Host Utilities 7.1 sample command reference for an end-to-end validation of the NetApp storage configuration using the host utilities tool.
List all host initiators mapped to host
You can retrieve a list of all host initiators mapped to a host.
# sanlun fcp show adapter -v
Example output
adapter name: host15 WWPN: 10000090fa022736 WWNN: 20000090fa022736 driver name: lpfc model: LPe16002B-M6 model description: Emulex LPe16002B-M6 PCIe 2-port 16Gb Fibre Channel Adapter serial number: FC24637890 hardware version: 0000000b 00000010 00000000 driver version:; HBAAPI(I) v2.3.d, 07-12-10 firmware version: 12.8.340.8 Number of ports: 1 port type: Fabric port state: Operational supported speed: 4 GBit/sec, 8 GBit/sec, 16 GBit/sec negotiated speed: 16 GBit/sec OS device name: /sys/class/scsi_host/host15 adapter name: host16 WWPN: 10000090fa022737 WWNN: 20000090fa022737 driver name: lpfc model: LPe16002B-M6 model description: Emulex LPe16002B-M6 PCIe 2-port 16Gb Fibre Channel Adapter serial number: FC24637890 hardware version: 0000000b 00000010 00000000 driver version:; HBAAPI(I) v2.3.d, 07-12-10 firmware version: 12.8.340.8 Number of ports: 1 port type: Fabric port state: Operational supported speed: 4 GBit/sec, 8 GBit/sec, 16 GBit/sec negotiated speed: 16 GBit/sec OS device name: /sys/class/scsi_host/host16
List all LUNs mapped to host
You can retrieve a list of all LUNs mapped to a host.
# sanlun lun show -p -v all
Example output
ONTAP Path: vs_sanboot:/vol/sanboot_169/lun LUN: 0 LUN Size: 150g Product: cDOT Host Device: 3600a0980383143393124515873683561 Multipath Policy: service-time 0 DM-MP Features: 3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50 Hardware Handler: 1 alua Multipath Provider: Native ----------- --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ---------- ---------- host vserver host: dm-mp path path /dev/ chan: vserver major: state state type node id:lun LIF minor ----------- --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ---------- ---------- active up primary sdq 15:0:5:0 lif_18 65:0 active up primary sds 16:0:5:0 lif_17 65:32 active up primary sdac 16:0:7:0 lif_25 65:192 active up primary sdad 15:0:7:0 lif_26 65:208 active up secondary sdt 15:0:4:0 lif_20 65:48 active up secondary sdr 15:0:6:0 lif_19 65:16 active up secondary sdad 16:0:4:0 lif_27 66:96 active up secondary sdan 16:0:6:0 lif_28 66:112
List all LUNs mapped to host from a given SVM
You can retrieve a list of all LUNs mapped to a host from a specific storage VM (SVM).
# sanlun lun show -p -v vs_sanboot
Example output
ONTAP Path: vs_sanboot:/vol/sanboot_169/lun LUN: 0 LUN Size: 160g Product: cDOT Host Device: 3600a0980383143393124515873683561 Multipath Policy: service-time 0 DM-MP Features: 3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50 Hardware Handler: 1 alua Multipath Provider: Native ----------- --------- ---------- ------- ------------ --------------- ---------- host vserver host: dm-mp path path /dev/ chan: vserver major: state state type node id:lun LIF minor ----------- --------- ---------- ------- ------------ --------------- ---------- active up primary sdce 15:0:5:0 lif_16g_5 69:32 active up primary sdfk 16:0:5:0 lif_16g_7 130:96 active up primary sdfm 16:0:7:0 lif_16g_8 130:128 active up primary sdcg 15:0:7:0 lif_16g_6 69:64 active up secondary sdcd 15:0:4:0 lif_16g_1 69:16 active up secondary sdcf 15:0:6:0 lif_16g_2 69:48 active up secondary sdfj 16:0:4:0 lif_16g_3 130:80 active up secondary sdfl 16:0:6:0 lif_16g_4 130:112
List all attributes of a given LUN mapped to host
You can retrieve a list of all attributes of a specified LUN mapped to a host.
# sanlun lun show -p -v vs_sanboot:/vol/sanboot_169/lun
Example output
ONTAP Path: vs_sanboot:/vol/sanboot_169/lun LUN: 0 LUN Size: 160g Product: cDOT Host Device: 3600a0980383143393124515873683561 Multipath Policy: service-time 0 DM-MP Features: 3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50 Hardware Handler: 1 alua Multipath Provider: Native ----------- --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ----------------- ---------- host vserver host: dm-mp path path /dev/ chan: vserver major: state state type node id:lun LIF minor ----------- --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ----------------- ---------- active up primary sdce 15:0:5:0 lif_16g_5 69:32 active up primary sdfk 16:0:5:0 lif_16g_7 130:96 active up primary sdfm 16:0:7:0 lif_16g_8 130:128 active up primary sdcg 15:0:7:0 lif_16g_6 69:64 active up secondary sdcd 15:0:4:0 lif_16g_1 69:16 active up secondary sdcf 15:0:6:0 lif_16g_2 69:48 active up secondary sdfj 16:0:4:0 lif_16g_3 130:80 active up secondary sdfl 16:0:6:0 lif_16g_4 130:112
List the ONTAP SVM identity from which a given LUN is mapped to host
You can retrieve a list of ONTAP SVM identity from which a specific LUN is mapped to a hist.
# sanlun lun show -m -v vs_sanboot:/vol/sanboot_169/lun
Example output
device host lun vserver lun-pathname filename adapter protocol size product --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vs_sanboot /vol/sanboot_169/lun /dev/sdfm host16 FCP 160g cDOT LUN Serial number: 81C91$QXsh5a Controller Model Name: AFF-A400 Vserver FCP nodename: 2008d039ea1308e5 Vserver FCP portname: 2010d039ea1308e5 Vserver LIF name: lif_16g_8 Vserver IP address: Vserver volume name: sanboot_169 MSID::0x000000000000000000000000809E7CC3 Vserver snapshot name:
List ONTAP LUN attributes by host device filename
You can retrieve a list of ONTAP LUN attributes by a host device filename.
# sanlun lun show -d /dev/sdce
Example output
controller(7mode/E-Series)/ device host lun vserver(cDOT/FlashRay) lun-pathname filename adapter protocol size product ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vs_sanboot /vol/sanboot_169/lun /dev/sdce host15 FCP 160g cDOT [root@sr630-13-169 ~]#
List all SVM target LIF WWPNs attached to host
You can retrieve a list of all SVM target LIF WWPNs attached to a host.
# sanlun lun show -wwpn
Example output
controller(7mode/E-Series)/ target device host lun vserver(cDOT/FlashRay) wwpn lun-pathname filename adapter size product ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vs_169_16gEmu 202cd039ea1308e5 /vol/VOL_8g_169_2_8/lun /dev/sdlo host18 10g cDOT vs_169_16gEmu 202cd039ea1308e5 /vol/VOL_8g_169_2_9/lun /dev/sdlp host18 10g cDOT vs_169_16gEmu 202cd039ea1308e5 /vol/VOL_8g_169_2_7/lun /dev/sdln host18 10g cDOT vs_169_16gEmu 202cd039ea1308e5 /vol/VOL_8g_169_2_5/lun /dev/sdll host18 10g cDOT
List ONTAP LUNs seen on host by a given SVM target LIF WWPN
You can retrieve a list of ONTAP LUNs noticed on a host by a specified SVM target LIF WWPN.
# sanlun lun show -wwpn 2010d039ea1308e5
Example output
controller(7mode/E-Series)/ target device host lun vserver(cDOT/FlashRay) wwpn lun-pathname filename adapter size product --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vs_sanboot 2010d039ea1308e5 /vol/sanboot_169/lun /dev/sdfm host16 160g cDOT