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Repair and remove the Windows Unified Host Utilities

Contributors netapp-ranuk

You can use the Repair option of the Host Utilities installation program to update the Host bus adapter (HBA) and Windows registry settings. You can also remove the Host Utilities entirely, either interactively or from the Windows command line.

Repair or remove interactively

The Repair option updates the Windows registry and FC HBAs with the required settings. You can also remove the Host Utilities entirely.

  1. Open Windows Programs and Features (Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, and Windows 2022).

  2. Select NetApp Windows Unified Host Utilities.

  3. Select Change.

  4. Select Repair or Remove, as needed.

  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Repair or remove from command line

The Repair option updates the Windows registry and FC HBAs with the required settings. You can also remove the Host Utilities entirely from a Windows command line.

  1. Enter the following command on the Windows command line to repair Windows Host Utilities:

    msiexec /f installer.msi [/quiet]

    • /f repairs the installation.

    • installer.msi is the name of the Windows Host Utilities installation program on your system.

    • /quiet suppresses all feedback and reboots the system automatically without prompting when the command completes.