SnapManager for Hyper-V docs
Release notes
What SnapManager for Hyper-V is
What you can do with SnapManager for Hyper-V
List of SnapManager for Hyper-V limitations
Data management concepts
List of requirements for installing SnapManager for Hyper-V
SnapManager for Hyper-V licensing for ONTAP
Hyper-V parent host requirements
Hotfix requirements for Windows Server environments
License requirements
Requirements for using the Remote Host Install wizard
Install SnapManager for Hyper-V
Download SnapManager for Hyper-V
Installation order for SnapDrive for Windows and SnapManager for Hyper-V
Install SnapManager for Hyper-V
Remotely install or uninstall SnapManager for Hyper-V on nodes or hosts
List and description of command line switches for silent installation
Uninstall SnapManager for Hyper-V on Windows
Uninstall SnapManager for Hyper-V
Configure SnapManager for Hyper-V
Dashboard settings
Configure hosts
Requirements for adding a Hyper-V parent host or host cluster
Add a Hyper-V parent host or host cluster
Manage storage connection settings
View a Hyper-V parent host or host cluster
View a virtual machine
Migrat a Hyper-V virtual machine for SnapManager for Hyper-V operations
Import or export host and dataset configuration information
Remove a Hyper-V parent host or parent host cluster
Event notification settings
Configure email notifications
Report path settings
Configure SnapInfo directory settings
Set up a SnapInfo LUN
Change the SnapInfo directory path
Configure datasets
Requirements for creating a dataset
Create a dataset
Modify a dataset
View a dataset
Delete a dataset
Configure policies
Requirements for adding policies to a dataset
Add policies
Modify policies
View policies
Delete policies
Configure SVMs or CIFS servers for Hyper-V over SMB
Manage reports
View a dataset report
View a host report
Delete a report
VSS components
CSV 2.0 in Windows Server 2012 and later
SMB 3.0 support for Hyper-V VMs in Windows Server 2012
How SnapManager for Hyper-V uses VSS
ONTAP VSS Hardware Provider requirement
View installed VSS providers
Verify that the VSS Hardware Provider was used successfully
Create and manage backup jobs in SnapManager for Hyper-V
Requirements for manually backing up a dataset
How SnapManager for Hyper-V handles saved-state backups
Manually backing up a dataset
Monitor backup jobs
Delete a backup
Restore a virtual machine from a backup copy
Requirements for restoring a virtual machine
Restore a virtual machine from a backup copy
Perform a cluster operating system rolling upgrade
Map LUNs in mixed operating system mode
Update the dataset and SnapInfo across all nodes
Perform disaster recovery
Configure SnapManager for Hyper-V for failover
Recover and restor from a disaster recovery failover
Reconfigure storage systems after a disaster recovery failback
Restore the original configuration for standalone hosts
Restore the original configuration for clustered hosts
Troubleshoot SnapManager for Hyper-V
Backup Failed for the following VM(s) since it cannot be backedup online or No VM to be found for backup
Unexpected error querying for the IVssWriterCallback interface. hr = 0x80070005, Access is denied.
Backup reports use management console time zone information in report name
Backup and restore notifications not sent in IPv6-only environments
Failover clustering event ID 5121
Virtual machine backups made while a restore operation is in progress might be invalid
Virtual machine managing itself
Connection time is longer with IPv6-only host
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An internal inconsistency was detected
Web Service Client channel was unable to connect to the ConfigurationManagementService instance on machine smhv51_81clus
MSI custom property used in silent installation
SnapManager for Hyper-V is not licensed on the host or in the Storage System
Delete backups after failover
Storage performance degrades after failed backup
Deleted SnapInfo Snapshot copies
High memory consumption caused by antivirus solution
Space consumption when making two Snapshot copies for each backup
SnapDrive SDDiscoveryFileSystemListInfo response is null while backing up
Error: Vss Requestor - Backup components failed
Vss Requestor - Backup Components failed. An expected disk did not arrive in the system
Vss Requestor - Backup Components failed with partial writer error
VSS returns errors against Microsoft iSCSI Target VSS Hardware Provider during NAS backup
Vss Requestor - Backup Components failed. Failed to call keep snapshot set.
MBR LUNs unsupported in SnapManager for Hyper-V
Backup fails after you remove a virtual machine from Hyper-V Manager
Some types of backup failures do not result in partial backup failure
Restore failure after storage system volume renaming
Restore from a backup after failback
Web Service Client channel unable to connect while updating the dataset to the new node
Datasets are not automatically replicated to new nodes in a Windows Failover Cluster
Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly component
Backup jobs that involve more than 15 CSVs from the same storage system might fail
Either the specified VM(s) are not present or they cannot be backed up online
Required hotfix KB2263829 cannot be installed on some platforms
Backup failure with the error “Shadow copy creation is already in progress”
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