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ONTAP MetroCluster

設定NVIDIA IP SN2100交換器


您必須設定NVIDIA SN2100 IP交換器作為叢集互連和後端MetroCluster 的SIP連線。

[Reset-the switch]將NVIDIA IP SN2100交換器重設為原廠預設值







  • 使用者與認證組態

  • 管理網路連接埠eth0的組態

註 在應用RCF檔案期間發生的所有其他組態變更、都會還原為原始組態。
  • 您必須根據設定交換器 下載並安裝NVIDIA RCF檔案。如果您尚未以這種方式設定、或是在執行RCF檔案之前已設定其他功能、則無法使用此程序。

  • 您必須在MetroCluster 各個採用EIP組態的IP交換器上重複這些步驟。

  • 您必須使用序列主控台連線連接至交換器。

  • 此工作會重設管理網路的組態。

  1. 確認RCF組態已成功套用至相同或相容的RCF檔案版本、而且備份檔案已存在。

    註 輸出內容可以顯示備份檔案、保留檔案或兩者。如果輸出中沒有出現備份檔案或保留的檔案、您就無法使用此程序。
    cumulus@IP_switch_A_1:mgmt:~$ sudo python3
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    >>> Opened RcfApplyLog
    A RCF configuration has been successfully applied.
      Backup files exist.
        Preserved files exist.
        Listing completion of the steps:
            Success: Step: 1: Performing Backup and Restore
            Success: Step: 2: updating MOTD file
            Success: Step: 3: Disabling apt-get
            Success: Step: 4: Disabling cdp
            Success: Step: 5: Adding lldp config
            Success: Step: 6: Creating interfaces
            Success: Step: 7: Configuring switch basic settings: Hostname, SNMP
            Success: Step: 8: Configuring switch basic settings: bandwidth allocation
            Success: Step: 9: Configuring switch basic settings: ecn
            Success: Step: 10: Configuring switch basic settings: cos and dscp remark
            Success: Step: 11: Configuring switch basic settings: generic egress cos mappings
            Success: Step: 12: Configuring switch basic settings: traffic classification
            Success: Step: 13: Configuring LAG load balancing policies
            Success: Step: 14: Configuring the VLAN bridge
            Success: Step: 15: Configuring local cluster ISL ports
            Success: Step: 16: Configuring MetroCluster ISL ports
            Success: Step: 17: Configuring ports for MetroCluster-1, local cluster and MetroCluster interfaces
            Success: Step: 18: Configuring ports for MetroCluster-2, local cluster and MetroCluster interfaces
            Success: Step: 19: Configuring ports for MetroCluster-3, local cluster and MetroCluster interfaces
            Success: Step: 20: Configuring L2FC for MetroCluster interfaces
            Success: Step: 21: Configuring the interface to UP
            Success: Step: 22: Final commit
            Success: Step: 23: Final reboot of the switch
        Exiting ...
    <<< Closing RcfApplyLog
  2. 使用選項執行RCF檔案以還原預設值:「恢復預設值」

    cumulus@IP_switch_A_1:mgmt:~$ sudo python3 restoreDefaults
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    >>> Opened RcfApplyLog
    Can restore from backup directory. Continuing.
    This will reboot the switch !!!
    Enter yes or no: yes
  3. 對提示回應「是」。交換器會還原為原始組態並重新開機。

  4. 等待交換器重新開機。

    交換器會重設並保留初始組態、例如管理網路組態和目前認證、然後再套用RCF檔案。重新開機後、您可以使用相同或不同版本的 RCF 檔案來套用新組態。

下載並安裝 Cumulus 軟體



  • 您必須使用序列主控台連線連接至交換器。

  • 可透過HTTP存取Cummulis交換器軟體映像。

    註 如需安裝 Cumulus Linux 的詳細資訊、請參閱 "NVIDIA SN2100交換器的安裝與組態總覽"
  • 您必須擁有root密碼才能存取命令。

  1. 從Cummulo主控台下載交換器軟體、然後使用命令「onie-install -A -i」排入安裝佇列、接著再輸入交換器軟體的檔案路徑:

    在此範例中、為韌體檔案 cumulus-linux-4.4.3-mlx-amd64.bin 從 HTTP 伺服器 '' 複製到本機交換器。

    cumulus@IP_switch_A_1:mgmt:~$ sudo onie-install -a -i
    Fetching installer:
    Downloading URL:
    ######################################################################### 100.0%
    Success: HTTP download complete.
    tar: ./sysroot.tar: time stamp 2021-01-30 17:00:58 is 53895092.604407122 s in the future
    tar: ./kernel: time stamp 2021-01-30 17:00:58 is 53895092.582826352 s in the future
    tar: ./initrd: time stamp 2021-01-30 17:00:58 is 53895092.509682557 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/bootloader/grub: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.509433937 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/bootloader/init: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.509336507 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/bootloader/uboot: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.509213637 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/bootloader: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.509153787 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/lib/init: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.509064547 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/lib/logging: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508997777 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/lib/platform: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508913317 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/lib/utility: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508847367 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/lib/check-onie: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508761477 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/lib: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:47 is 49482981.508710647 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/storage/blk: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508631277 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/storage/gpt: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508523097 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/storage/init: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508437507 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/storage/mbr: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508371177 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/storage/mtd: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508293856 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/storage: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508243666 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/platforms.db: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:16 is 49482950.508179456 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer/install: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:47 is 49482981.508094606 s in the future
    tar: ./embedded-installer: time stamp 2020-12-10 15:25:47 is 49482981.508044066 s in the future
    tar: ./control: time stamp 2021-01-30 17:00:58 is 53895092.507984316 s in the future
    tar: .: time stamp 2021-01-30 17:00:58 is 53895092.507920196 s in the future
    Staging installer image...done.
    WARNING: Activating staged installer requested.
    WARNING: This action will wipe out all system data.
    WARNING: Make sure to back up your data.
    Are you sure (y/N)? y
    Activating staged installer...done.
    Reboot required to take effect.
  2. 在下載並驗證映像時、請回應提示「y」以確認安裝。

  3. 重新啟動交換器以安裝新軟體:「Udo reboot…​」

    cumulus@IP_switch_A_1:mgmt:~$ sudo reboot
    註 交換器會重新開機並進入交換器軟體安裝、這需要一些時間。安裝完成後、交換器會重新開機、並保持「登入」提示。
  4. 設定基本交換器設定

    1. 當交換器開機並出現登入提示時、請登入並變更密碼。

      註 使用者名稱為「累計」、預設密碼為「累計」。
    Debian GNU/Linux 10 cumulus ttyS0
    cumulus login: cumulus
    You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced)
    Changing password for cumulus.
    Current password:
    New password:
    Retype new password:
    Linux cumulus 4.19.0-cl-1-amd64 #1 SMP Cumulus 4.19.206-1+cl4.4.3u1 (2021-12-18) x86_64
    Welcome to NVIDIA Cumulus (R) Linux (R)
    For support and online technical documentation, visit
    The registered trademark Linux (R) is used pursuant to a sublicense from LMI,
    the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a world-wide
  5. 設定管理網路介面。


    註 以下命令範例將主機名稱設定為 ip_switch_a_1 、 IP 位址設定為 、網路遮罩設定為 ( 24 )、閘道位址設定為 。
    Cumulus 4.4.x

    以下命令範例可在執行 Cumulus 4.4.x 的交換器上設定主機名稱、 IP 位址、網路遮罩和閘道

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ net add hostname IP_switch_A_1
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ net add interface eth0 ip address
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ net add interface eth0 ip gateway
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ net pending
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ net commit
    net add/del commands since the last "net commit"
    User Timestamp Command
    cumulus 2021-05-17 22:21:57.437099 net add hostname Switch-A-1
    cumulus 2021-05-17 22:21:57.538639 net add interface eth0 ip address
    cumulus 2021-05-17 22:21:57.635729 net add interface eth0 ip gateway
    Cumulus 5.4.x 及更新版本

    以下命令範例可在執行 Cumulus 5.4.x 的交換器上設定主機名稱、 IP 位址、網路遮罩和閘道或更新版本。

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv set system hostname IP_switch_A_1
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv set interface eth0 ip address cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv set interface eth0 ip gateway cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv config apply
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv config save
  6. 使用「show reboot"命令重新啟動交換器。

    cumulus@cumulus:~$ sudo reboot

    當交換器重新開機時、您可以使用中的步驟套用新的組態 下載並安裝NVIDIA RCF檔案

[[Download-and -install]]下載並安裝NVIDIA RCF檔案

您必須在 MetroCluster IP 組態中產生交換器 RCF 檔案、並將其安裝至每台交換器。

  • 您必須擁有root密碼才能存取命令。

  • 交換器軟體已安裝且管理網路已設定完成。

  • 您依照步驟、使用方法1或方法2開始安裝交換器。

  • 初始安裝之後、您並未套用任何其他組態。

    註 如果您在重設交換器之後以及套用RCF檔案之前執行進一步的組態、則無法使用此程序。

您必須在MetroCluster 各個IP交換器上重複上述步驟(全新安裝)或更換交換器(更換交換器)。

  1. 產生NVIDIA RCF檔案MetroCluster 以利知識IP。

    1. 下載 "RcfFileGeneratorfor MetroCluster EfIP"

    2. 使用RcfFileGeneratorfor MetroCluster EscIP、為您的組態產生RCF檔案。

    3. 瀏覽至您的主目錄。如果您記錄為「累計」、則檔案路徑為「home/gumulus」。

      cumulus@IP_switch_A_1:mgmt:~$ cd ~
      cumulus@IP_switch_A_1:mgmt:~$ pwd
    4. 將RCF檔案下載至此目錄。 下列範例顯示您使用 SCP 下載檔案 SN2100_v2.0.0_IP_switch_A_1.txt 從伺服器 '' 到您的主目錄、然後另存為

      cumulus@Switch-A-1:mgmt:~$ scp username@ ./
      The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
      RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:B5gBtOmNZvdKiY+dPhh8=ZK9DaKG7g6sv+2gFlGVF8E.
      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
      Banner of the SCP server
      username@'s password:
      SN2100_v2.0.0_IP_switch_A1.txt 100% 55KB 1.4MB/s 00:00
  2. 執行RCF檔案。RCF檔案需要選項才能套用一或多個步驟。除非技術支援人員指示、否則請在不使用命令列選項的情況下執行RCF檔案。若要驗證RCF檔案各個步驟的完成狀態、請使用選項「-1」或「ALL」來套用所有(擱置中)步驟。

    cumulus@IP_switch_A_1:mgmt:~$ sudo python3
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    The switch will be rebooted after the step(s) have been run.
    Enter yes or no: yes
    ... the steps will apply - this is generating a lot of output ...
    Running Step 24: Final reboot of the switch
    ... The switch will reboot if all steps applied successfully ...
  3. 如果您的組態使用 DAC 纜線、請在交換器連接埠上啟用 DAC 選項:

    cumulus@IP_switch_A_1:mgmt:~$ sudo python3 runCmd <switchport> DacOption [enable | disable]

    以下範例啟用連接埠的 DAC 選項 swp7

    cumulus@IP_switch_A_1:mgmt:~$ sudo python3 runCmd swp7 DacOption enable
        Running cumulus version  : 5.4.0
        Running RCF file version : v2.00
        Running command: Enabling the DacOption for port swp7
        runCmd: 'nv set interface swp7 link fast-linkup on', ret: 0
        runCmd: committed, ret: 0
        Completion: SUCCESS
  4. 在交換器連接埠上啟用 DAC 選項後、重新啟動交換器:

    sudo reboot

    註 當您為多個交換器連接埠設定 DAC 選項時、只需要重新啟動交換器一次。

設定 MetroCluster IP 介面的交換器連接埠速度


使用此程序可將下列系統的交換器連接埠速度設定為 100g :

  • AFF A70

  • AFF A90

  • AFF A1K

  1. 使用具有選項的 RCF 檔案 runCmd 來設定速度。這會套用設定並儲存組態。

    以下命令可設定 MetroCluster 介面的速度 swp7 、以及 swp8

    sudo python3 SN2100_v2.20 runCmd swp7 speed 100
    sudo python3 SN2100_v2.20 runCmd swp8 speed 100
    • 範例 *

    cumulus@Switch-A-1:mgmt:~$ sudo python3 runCmd swp7 speed 100
    [sudo] password for cumulus: <password>
        Running cumulus version  : 5.4.0
        Running RCF file version : v2.20
        Running command: Setting switchport swp7 to 100G speed
        runCmd: 'nv set interface swp7 link auto-negotiate off', ret: 0
        runCmd: 'nv set interface swp7 link speed 100G', ret: 0
        runCmd: committed, ret: 0
        Completion: SUCCESS

停用未使用的 ISL 連接埠和連接埠通道

NetApp 建議停用未使用的 ISL 連接埠和連接埠通道、以避免不必要的健全狀況警示。

  1. 使用 RCF 檔案橫幅識別未使用的 ISL 連接埠和連接埠通道:

    註 如果連接埠處於中斷連線模式、則您在命令中指定的連接埠名稱可能與 RCF 橫幅中指定的名稱不同。您也可以使用 RCF 纜線檔案來尋找連接埠名稱。

    net show interface

  2. 使用 RCF 檔案停用未使用的 ISL 連接埠和連接埠通道。

    cumulus@mcc1-integrity-a1:mgmt:~$ sudo python3 runCmd
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
        Running cumulus version  : 5.4.0
        Running RCF file version : v2.0
    Help for runCmd:
        To run a command execute the RCF script as follows:
        sudo python3 <script> runCmd <option-1> <option-2> <option-x>
        Depending on the command more or less options are required. Example to 'up' port 'swp1'
            sudo python3 runCmd swp1 up
        Available commands:
            UP / DOWN the switchport
                sudo python3 runCmd <switchport> state <up | down>
            Set the switch port speed
                sudo python3 runCmd <switchport> speed <10 | 25 | 40 | 100 | AN>
            Set the fec mode on the switch port
                sudo python3 runCmd <switchport> fec <default | auto | rs | baser | off>
            Set the [localISL | remoteISL] to 'UP' or 'DOWN' state
                sudo python3 runCmd [localISL | remoteISL] state [up | down]
            Set the option on the port to support DAC cables. This option does not support port ranges.
                You must reload the switch after changing this option for the required ports. This will disrupt traffic.
                This setting requires Cumulus 5.4 or a later 5.x release.
                sudo python3 runCmd <switchport> DacOption [enable | disable]

    下列範例命令會停用連接埠 "swp14" :

    sudo python3 runCmd swp14 state down
