StorageGRID 11.9 docs
StorageGRID appliances
Release notes
Get started
Learn about StorageGRID
What is StorageGRID?
Hybrid clouds with StorageGRID
Architecture and network topology
Grid nodes and services
Nodes and services
What is an Admin Node
What is a Storage Node
What is a Gateway Node
What is an Archive Node
How StorageGRID manages data
What is an object
The life of an object
Ingest data flow
Copy management
Retrieve data flow
Delete data flow
Information lifecycle management
Explore StorageGRID
Explore Grid Manager
Explore Tenant Manager
Networking guidelines
StorageGRID networking
StorageGRID network types
Network topology examples
Grid Network topology
Admin Network topology
Client Network topology
Topology for all three networks
Networking requirements
Network-specific requirements
Deployment-specific networking considerations
Linux deployments
Networking and ports for platform services and Cloud Storage Pools
Appliance nodes
Network installation and provisioning
Post-installation guidelines
Network port reference
Internal grid node communications
External communications
Quick start
Install, upgrade, and hotfix
Install appliances
Install StorageGRID on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Quick start
Plan and prepare for installation on Red Hat
Required information and materials
Download and extract StorageGRID installation files
Manually verify installation files
Software requirements
CPU and RAM requirements
Storage and performance requirements
Node container migration requirements
Prepare the hosts (Red Hat)
How host-wide settings change
Install Linux
Configure host network (Red Hat)
Configure host storage
Configure container engine storage volume
Install StorageGRID host services
Automate installation (Red Hat)
Deploy virtual grid nodes (Red Hat)
Create node configuration files for Red Hat deployments
How grid nodes discover the primary Admin Node
Example node configuration files
Validate the StorageGRID configuration
Start the StorageGRID host service
Configure the grid and complete installation (Red Hat)
Navigate to the Grid Manager
Specify license information
Add sites
Specify Grid Network subnets
Approve pending grid nodes
Specify NTP server information
Specify DNS server information
Specify system passwords
Review configuration and complete installation
Post-installation guidelines
Installation REST API
Where to go next
Troubleshoot installation issues
Example /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
Install StorageGRID on Ubuntu or Debian
Quick start
Plan and prepare for installation on Ubuntu or Debian
Required information and materials
Download and extract StorageGRID installation files
Manually verify installation files
Software requirements
CPU and RAM requirements
Storage and performance requirements
Node container migration requirements
Prepare the hosts (Ubuntu or Debian)
How host-wide settings change
Install Linux
AppArmor profile installation
Configure the host network (Ubuntu or Debian)
Configure host storage
Configure the Docker storage volume
Install Docker
Install StorageGRID host services
Automate the installation (Ubuntu or Debian)
Deploy virtual grid nodes (Ubuntu or Debian)
Create node configuration files for Ubuntu or Debian deployments
How grid nodes discover the primary Admin Node
Example node configuration files
Validate the StorageGRID configuration
Start the StorageGRID host service
Configure grid and complete installation (Ubuntu or Debian)
Navigate to the Grid Manager
Specify license information
Add sites
Specify Grid Network subnets
Approve pending grid nodes
Specify NTP server information
Specify DNS server information
Specify system passwords
Review configuration and complete installation
Post-installation guidelines
Installation REST API
Where to go next
Troubleshoot installation issues
Example /etc/network/interfaces
Install StorageGRID on VMware
Quick start
Plan and prepare for installation on VMware
Required information and materials
Download and extract the StorageGRID installation files
Manually verify installation files
Software requirements
CPU and RAM requirements
Storage and performance requirements
Automate the installation (VMware)
Deploy virtual machine grid nodes (VMware)
Collect information about your deployment environment
How grid nodes discover the primary Admin Node
Deploy a StorageGRID node as a virtual machine
Configure the grid and complete installation (VMware)
Navigate to the Grid Manager
Specify license information
Add sites
Specify Grid Network subnets
Approve pending grid nodes
Specify NTP server information
Specify DNS server information
Specify system passwords
Review configuration and complete installation
Post-installation guidelines
Installation REST API
Where to go next
Troubleshoot installation issues
Upgrade StorageGRID software
Before you begin
What's new in StorageGRID 11.9
Removed or deprecated features
Changes to Grid Management API
Changes to Tenant Management API
Plan and prepare for upgrade
Estimate time to complete upgrade
How your system is affected during upgrade
Verify installed StorageGRID version
Obtain required materials
Check system
Upgrade software
Upgrade quick start
Linux: Download and install RPM or DEB package
Perform upgrade
Troubleshoot upgrade issues
Apply StorageGRID hotfix
Hotfix procedure
How your system is affected when you apply a hotfix
Obtain required materials for hotfix
Download hotfix file
Check system’s condition before applying hotfix
Apply hotfix
Configure and manage
Administer StorageGRID
Administration tasks
Get started with Grid Manager
Web browser requirements
Sign in to the Grid Manager
Sign out of the Grid Manager
Change your password
View StorageGRID license information
Update StorageGRID license information
Use the API
Use the Grid Management API
Grid Management API operations
Grid Management API versioning
Protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Use the API if single sign-on is enabled
Active Directory
Deactivate features with the API
Control access to StorageGRID
StorageGRID access
Change the provisioning passphrase
Change node console passwords
Change SSH access passwords
Use identity federation
Manage admin groups
Admin group permissions
Manage users
Use single sign-on (SSO)
Configure single sign-on
Requirements for single sign-on
Confirm federated users can sign in
Use sandbox mode
Create relying party trusts in AD FS
Create enterprise applications in Azure
Create SP connections in PingFederate
Disable single sign-on
Temporarily disable and reenable single sign-on for one Admin Node
Use grid federation
What is grid federation
What is account clone
What is cross-grid replication
Compare cross-grid replication and CloudMirror replication
Create grid federation connections
Manage grid federation connections
Manage permitted tenants
Troubleshoot grid federation errors
Identify and retry failed replication operations
Manage security
Security components
Review StorageGRID encryption methods
Manage certificates
Manage security certificates
Supported server certificate types
Configure management interface certificates
Configure S3 API certificates
Copy or download the Grid CA certificate
Configure StorageGRID certificates for FabricPool
Configure client certificates
Configure security settings
Manage TLS and SSH policy
Configure network and object security
Change interface security settings
Configure key management servers
What is key management server
KMS and appliance configuration
Considerations and requirements for using a key management server
Considerations for changing the KMS for a site
Configure StorageGRID as a client in the KMS
Add a key management server (KMS)
Manage a KMS
Manage proxy settings
Configure storage proxy
Configure admin proxy
Control firewalls
Control access at external firewall
Manage internal firewall
Configure internal firewall
Manage tenants
What are tenant accounts
Create tenant account
Edit tenant account
Change password for tenant’s local root user
Delete tenant account
Manage platform services
What are platform services
Network and ports for platform services
Per-site delivery of platform services messages
Troubleshoot platform services
Manage S3 Select for tenant accounts
Configure client connections
Configuration tasks
Security for S3 clients
Use S3 setup wizard
S3 setup wizard considerations and requirements
Access and complete the S3 application setup wizard
Manage HA groups
What is HA group
How are HA groups used
Configuration options for HA groups
Configure HA groups
Manage load balancing
Considerations for load balancing
Configure load balancer endpoints
Configure S3 endpoint domain names
Summary: IP addresses and ports for client connections
Manage networks and connections
Configure network settings
Guidelines for StorageGRID networks
View IP addresses
Configure VLAN interfaces
Manage traffic classification policies
What is traffic classification policy
Create traffic classification policies
Edit a traffic classification policy
Delete a traffic classification policy
View network traffic metrics
Supported ciphers for outgoing TLS connections
Benefits of active, idle, and concurrent HTTP connections
Manage link costs
Use AutoSupport
What is AutoSupport
Configure AutoSupport
Manually trigger an AutoSupport package
Troubleshoot AutoSupport packages
Send E-Series AutoSupport packages through StorageGRID
Manage Storage Nodes
Storage Node management
Use Storage options
What is object segmentation
What are storage volume watermarks
Manage object metadata storage
Increase Metadata Reserved Space setting
Compress stored objects
Manage full Storage Nodes
Manage Admin Nodes
Use multiple Admin Nodes
Identify the primary Admin Node
View notification status and queues
Manage objects with ILM
ILM and object lifecycle
How ILM operates throughout an object's life
How objects are ingested
Ingest options
Advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of ingest options
How objects are stored (replication or erasure coding)
What is replication
Why you should not use single-copy replication
What is erasure coding
What are erasure-coding schemes
Advantages, disadvantages, and requirements for erasure coding
How object retention is determined
How objects are deleted
Create and assign storage grades
Use storage pools
What is a storage pool
Guidelines for creating storage pools
Enable site-loss protection
Create storage pool
View storage pool details
Edit storage pool
Remove storage pool
Use Cloud Storage Pools
What is a Cloud Storage Pool
Lifecycle of Cloud Storage Pool object
When to use Cloud Storage Pools
Considerations for Cloud Storage Pools
Compare Cloud Storage Pools and CloudMirror replication
Create Cloud Storage Pool
View Cloud Storage Pool details
Edit Cloud Storage Pool
Remove Cloud Storage Pool
Troubleshoot Cloud Storage Pools
Manage erasure-coding profiles
Configure regions (optional and S3 only)
Create ILM rule
Use rules to manage objects
Access Create ILM rule wizard
Step 1 of 3: Enter details
Step 2 of 3: Define placements
Use Last access time in ILM rules
Step 3 of 3: Select ingest behavior
Create default ILM rule
Manage ILM policies
Use ILM policies
Create ILM policies
Example ILM policy simulations
Manage ILM policy tags
Verify ILM policy with object metadata lookup
Work with ILM policies and rules
Use S3 Object Lock
Manage objects with S3 Object Lock
S3 Object Lock tasks
Requirements for S3 Object Lock
Enable S3 Object Lock globally
Resolve consistency errors when updating S3 Object Lock or legacy Compliance configuration
Example ILM rules and policies
Example 1: ILM rules and policy for object storage
Example 2: ILM rules and policy for EC object size filtering
Example 3: ILM rules and policy for better protection for image files
Example 4: ILM rules and policy for S3 versioned objects
Example 5: ILM rules and policy for Strict ingest behavior
Example 6: Change ILM policy
Example 7: Compliant ILM policy for S3 Object Lock
Example 8: Priorities for S3 bucket lifecycle and ILM policy
System hardening
General considerations
Hardening guidelines for upgrades
Hardening guidelines for networks
Hardening guidelines for nodes
Hardening guidelines for TLS and SSH
Other hardening guidelines
Configure StorageGRID for FabricPool
Quick start
Information needed to attach StorageGRID as a cloud tier
Use FabricPool setup wizard
Considerations and requirements
Access and complete the wizard
Configure StorageGRID manually
Create HA group
Create load balancer endpoint
Create tenant account
Create S3 bucket and obtain access keys
Configure ILM for FabricPool data
Create traffic classification policy
Configure ONTAP System Manager
Configure DNS server
StorageGRID best practices for FabricPool
Best practices for HA groups
Best practices for load balancing for FabricPool
Best practices for ILM
Other best practices
Remove FabricPool data from StorageGRID
Use StorageGRID
Use a tenant account
What is tenant account
How to sign in and sign out
Sign in to Tenant Manager
Sign out of Tenant Manager
Tenant Manager dashboard
Tenant Management API
Understand Tenant Management API
Tenant Management API versioning
Protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Use grid federation connections
Clone tenant groups and users
Clone S3 access keys using the API
Manage cross-grid replication
View grid federation connections
Manage groups and users
Use identity federation
Manage tenant groups
Create S3 groups
Create Swift groups
Tenant management permissions
Manage groups
Manage local users
Manage S3 access keys
Tenant access keys
Create your S3 access keys
View your S3 access keys
Delete your S3 access keys
Create another user’s S3 access keys
View another user’s S3 access keys
Delete another user’s S3 access keys
Manage S3 buckets
Create bucket
View bucket details
Apply ILM policy tag to bucket
Manage bucket policy
Manage bucket consistency
Enable or disable last access time updates
Change object versioning
Use S3 Object Lock
Update S3 Object Lock default retention
Configure cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
Delete objects in bucket
Delete bucket
Use S3 Console
Manage S3 platform services
S3 platform services
Considerations for platform services
CloudMirror replication service
Notifications for buckets
Search integration service
Manage platform services endpoints
Configure platform services endpoints
Specify URN
Create endpoint
Test connection
Edit endpoint
Delete endpoint
Troubleshoot platform services errors
Configure CloudMirror replication
Configure event notifications
Configure search integration service
Supported versions and updates
Quick reference
Test S3 REST API connections
How StorageGRID implements S3 REST API
Conflicting client requests
Consistency values
Object versioning
Use S3 REST API to configure S3 Object Lock
Create S3 lifecycle configuration
Recommendations for implementing S3 REST API
Support for Amazon S3 REST API
Implementation details
Authenticate requests
Operations on the service
Operations on buckets
Operations on objects
S3 object operations
Use S3 Select
Use server-side encryption
Operations for multipart uploads
Multipart uploads
Error responses
StorageGRID custom operations
Custom operations list
GET Bucket consistency
PUT Bucket consistency
GET Bucket last access time
PUT Bucket last access time
DELETE Bucket metadata notification configuration
GET Bucket metadata notification configuration
PUT Bucket metadata notification configuration
GET Storage Usage
Deprecated bucket requests for legacy Compliance
Deprecated features and requests
Deprecated - CreateBucket request modifications for compliance
Deprecated - GET Bucket compliance request
Deprecated - PUT Bucket compliance request
Bucket and group access policies
Use bucket and group access policies
Example bucket policies
Example group policies
S3 operations tracked in audit logs
Use Swift REST API (end of life)
Monitor and troubleshoot
Monitor StorageGRID system
Monitoring tasks
View and manage dashboard
View the Nodes page
Nodes page contents
View the Overview tab
View the Hardware tab
View the Network tab
View the Storage tab
View the Objects tab
View the ILM tab
Use the Tasks tab
View the Load balancer tab
View the Platform services tab
View the Manage drives tab
View the SANtricity tab (E-Series only)
Information to monitor regularly
What and when to monitor
Monitor system health
Monitor storage capacity
Monitor information lifecycle management
Monitor networking and system resources
Monitor tenant activity
Monitor S3 client operations
Monitor load balancing operations
Monitor grid federation connections
Manage alerts
Alert system
View alert rules
Create custom alert rules
Edit alert rules
Disable alert rules
Remove custom alert rules
Manage alert notifications
Set up SNMP notifications
Set up email notifications
Silence alert notifications
Alerts reference
Commonly used Prometheus metrics
Log files reference
Access log files
StorageGRID software logs
Deployment and maintenance logs
About the bycast.log
Configure audit message and log destinations
Considerations for external syslog server
Configure audit messages and external syslog server
Use SNMP monitoring
SNMP monitoring
Configure the SNMP agent
Update the SNMP agent
Access MIB files
Collect additional StorageGRID data
Use charts and graphs
Use text reports
Monitor PUT and GET performance
Monitor object verification operations
Monitor events
Review audit messages
Collect log files and system data
Manually trigger an AutoSupport package
View the Grid Topology tree
Review support metrics
Run diagnostics
Create custom monitoring applications
Troubleshoot StorageGRID system
Troubleshooting guidelines
Troubleshoot object and storage issues
Confirm object data locations
Object store failures
Verify object integrity
Troubleshoot S3 PUT Object size too large alert
Troubleshoot lost and missing object data
Methods for retrieving objects
Investigate lost objects
Search for and restore potentially lost objects
Reset lost and missing object counts
Troubleshoot the Low object data storage alert
Troubleshoot Low read-only watermark override alerts
Troubleshoot metadata issues
Troubleshoot certificate errors
Troubleshoot Admin Node and user interface issues
Troubleshoot network, hardware, and platform issues
Troubleshoot external syslog server
Review audit logs
Audit messages and logs
Audit message flow and retention
Access audit log file
Audit log file rotation
Audit log file format
Example audit log format
Use audit-explain tool
Use audit-sum tool
Audit message format
Example audit message
Data types
Event-specific data
Common elements in audit messages
Audit message examples
Audit messages and the object lifecycle
When are audit message generated?
Object ingest transactions
Object delete transactions
Object retrieve transactions
Metadata update messages
Audit messages
Message descriptions
Audit message categories
System audit messages
Object storage audit messages
Client read audit messages
Client write audit messages
Management audit message
ILM audit messages
Audit message reference
BROR: Bucket Read Only Request
CBRB: Object Receive Begin
CBRE: Object Receive End
CBSB: Object Send Begin
CBSE: Object Send End
CGRR: Cross-Grid Replication Request
EBDL: Empty Bucket Delete
EBKR: Empty Bucket Request
ECMC: Missing Erasure-Coded Data Fragment
ECOC: Corrupt Erasure-Coded Data Fragment
ETAF: Security Authentication Failed
GNRG: GNDS Registration
GNUR: GNDS Unregistration
GTED: Grid Task Ended
GTST: Grid Task Started
GTSU: Grid Task Submitted
IDEL: ILM Initiated Delete
LKCU: Overwritten Object Cleanup
LKDM: Leaked Object Cleanup
LLST: Location Lost
MGAU: Management audit message
OLST: System Detected Lost Object
ORLM: Object Rules Met
OVWR: Object Overwrite
S3SL: S3 Select request
SADD: Security Audit Disable
SADE: Security Audit Enable
SCMT: Object Store Commit
SREM: Object Store Remove
SUPD: S3 Metadata Updated
SVRF: Object Store Verify Fail
SVRU: Object Store Verify Unknown
SYSD: Node Stop
SYST: Node Stopping
SYSU: Node Start
Expand a grid
Expansion types
Plan StorageGRID expansion
Add storage capacity
Guidelines: Add object capacity
Add storage capacity for replicated objects
Add storage capacity for erasure-coded objects
Considerations for rebalancing erasure-coded data
Add metadata capacity
Add redundancy or new capabilities
Add new site
Gather required materials
Add storage volumes
Add storage volumes to Storage Nodes
VMware: Add storage volumes to Storage Node
Linux: Add direct-attached or SAN volumes to Storage Node
Add grid nodes or site
Add grid nodes to existing site or add new site
Update subnets for Grid Network
Deploy new grid nodes
Perform expansion
Configure expanded system
Configuration steps
Verify that Storage Node is active
Copy Admin Node database
Copy Prometheus metrics
Copy audit logs
Rebalance erasure-coded data after adding Storage Nodes
Troubleshoot expansion
Maintain your grid
Grid maintenance
Download Recovery Package
Decommission nodes or site
Decommission node or site
Decommission nodes
Grid node decommission
Considerations for Admin or Gateway Nodes
Considerations for Storage Nodes
General considerations
ADC quorum
Review ILM policy and storage configuration
Consolidate Storage Nodes
Decommission multiple Storage Nodes
Check data repair jobs
Gather required materials
Access Decommission Nodes page
Decommission disconnected grid nodes
Decommission connected grid nodes
Pause and resume decommission process for Storage Nodes
Decommission site
Considerations for removing site
Gather required materials
Select site
View details
Revise ILM policies
Remove ILM references
Resolve node conflicts (and start decommission)
Monitor decommission
Rename grid, site, or node
Use rename procedure
Add or update display names
Node procedures
Node maintenance procedures
Server Manager procedures
View Server Manager status and version
View current status of all services
Start Server Manager and all services
Restart Server Manager and all services
Stop Server Manager and all services
View current status of service
Stop service
Force service to terminate
Start or restart service
Use a DoNotStart file
Troubleshoot Server Manager
Reboot, shutdown, and power procedures
Perform rolling reboot
Reboot node from Tasks tab
Reboot node from command shell
Shut down node
Power down host
Power off and power on all nodes
Port remap procedures
Remove port remaps
Remove port remaps on bare metal hosts
Network procedures
Update subnets for Grid Network
Configure IP addresses
IP address guidelines
Change node network configuration
Add to or change subnet lists on Admin Network
Add to or change subnet lists on Grid Network
Change IP addresses for all nodes in grid
Add interfaces to existing node
Linux: Add Admin or Client interfaces
Linux: Add trunk or access interfaces
VMware: Add trunk or access interfaces
Configure DNS servers
Modify DNS configuration for single grid node
Manage NTP servers
Restore network connectivity for isolated nodes
Host and middleware procedures
Linux: Migrate grid node to new host
VMware: Configure virtual machine for automatic restart
Recover or replace nodes
Warnings and considerations for grid node recovery
Gather required materials for grid node recovery
Select node recovery procedure
Recover from Storage Node failures
Storage Node recovery
Recover appliance Storage Node
Warnings for recovering appliance Storage Nodes
Prepare appliance Storage Node for reinstallation
Start StorageGRID appliance installation
Monitor StorageGRID appliance installation
Select Start Recovery to configure appliance Storage Node
Remount and reformat appliance storage volumes (manual steps)
Restore object data to storage volume for appliance
Check storage state after recovering appliance Storage Node
Recover from storage volume failure where system drive is intact
Recovery tasks
Warnings for storage volume recovery
Identify and unmount failed storage volumes
Recover failed storage volumes and rebuild Cassandra database
Restore object data to storage volume where system drive is intact
Check storage state after recovering storage volumes
Recover from system drive failure
Warnings for Storage Node system drive recovery
Replace the Storage Node
Select Start Recovery to configure Storage Node
Remount and reformat storage volumes (manual steps)
Restore object data to storage volume (system drive failure)
Check storage state after recovering Storage Node system drive
Restore object data using Grid Manager
Monitor repair-data jobs
Recover from Admin Node failures
Primary or non-primary Admin Node
Recover from primary Admin Node failures
Recover primary Admin Node
Copy audit logs from failed primary Admin Node
Replace primary Admin Node
Configure replacement primary Admin Node
Determine hotfix requirement for primary Admin Node
Restore audit log on recovered primary Admin Node
Restore Admin Node database when recovering primary Admin Node
Restore Prometheus metrics when recovering primary Admin Node
Recover from non-primary Admin Node failures
Recover non-primary Admin Node
Copy audit logs from failed non-primary Admin Node
Replace non-primary Admin Node
Select Start Recovery to configure non-primary Admin Node
Restore audit log on recovered non-primary Admin Node
Restore Admin Node database when recovering non-primary Admin Node
Restore Prometheus metrics when recovering non-primary Admin Node
Recover from Gateway Node failures
Replace Gateway Node
Select Start Recovery to configure Gateway Node
Recover from Archive Node failures
Recover from Archive Node failures
Replace Linux node
Linux node replacement
Deploy new Linux hosts
Restore grid nodes to the host
What’s next: Perform additional recovery steps, if required
Replace VMware node
Replace failed node with services appliance
Replacement guidelines
Install services appliance (platform change only)
Prepare appliance for reinstallation (platform replacement only)
Start software installation on services appliance
Monitor services appliance installation
How technical support recovers a site
Enable StorageGRID
StorageGRID and BlueXP
Legal notices