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Create a Cloud Storage Pool

Contributors netapp-lhalbert

A Cloud Storage Pool specifies a single external Amazon S3 bucket or other S3-compatible provider or an Azure Blob storage container.

When you create a Cloud Storage Pool, you specify the name and location of the external bucket or container that StorageGRID will use to store objects, the cloud provider type (Amazon S3/GCP or Azure Blob storage), and the information StorageGRID needs to access the external bucket or container.

StorageGRID validates the Cloud Storage Pool as soon as you save it, so you must ensure that the bucket or container specified in the Cloud Storage Pool exists and is reachable.

Before you begin
  1. Select ILM > Storage pools > Cloud Storage Pools.

  2. Select Create, then enter the following information:

    Field Description

    Cloud Storage Pool name

    A name that briefly describes the Cloud Storage Pool and its purpose. Use a name that will be easy to identify when you configure ILM rules.

    Provider type

    Which cloud provider you will use for this Cloud Storage Pool:

    • Amazon S3/GCP: Select this option for an Amazon S3, Commercial Cloud Services (C2S) S3, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or other S3-compatible provider.

    • Azure Blob Storage

    Bucket or container

    The name of the external S3 bucket or Azure container. You can't change this value after the Cloud Storage Pool is saved.

  3. Based on your Provider type selection, enter the service endpoint information.

    1. For the protocol, select either HTTPS or HTTP.

      Note Don't use HTTP connections for sensitive data.
    2. Enter the hostname. Example:

    3. Select the URL style:

      Option Description


      Attempt to automatically detect which URL style to use, based on the information provided. For example, if you specify an IP address, StorageGRID will use a path-style URL. Select this option only if you don't know which specific style to use.


      Use a virtual-hosted-style URL to access the bucket. Virtual-hosted-style URLs include the bucket name as part of the domain name. Example:


      Use a path-style URL to access the bucket. Path-style URLs include the bucket name at the end. Example:

      Note: The path-style URL option is not recommended and will be deprecated in a future release of StorageGRID.

    4. Optionally, enter the port number, or use the default port: 443 for HTTPS or 80 for HTTP.

  1. Select Continue. Then select the authentication type and enter the required information for the Cloud Storage Pool endpoint:

    For Amazon S3/GCP or other S3-compatible provider

    1. Access key ID: Enter the access key ID for the account that owns the external bucket.

    2. Secret access key: Enter the secret access key.

  2. Select Continue. Then choose the type of server verification you want to use:

    Option Description

    Use root CA certificates in Storage Node OS

    Use the Grid CA certificates installed on the operating system to secure connections.

    Use custom CA certificate

    Use a custom CA certificate. Select Browse and upload the PEM-encoded certificate.

    Do not verify certificate

    Selecting this option means that TLS connections to the Cloud Storage Pool aren't secure.

  3. Select Save.

    When you save a Cloud Storage Pool, StorageGRID does the following:

    • Validates that the bucket or container and the service endpoint exist and that they can be reached using the credentials that you specified.

    • Writes a marker file to the bucket or container to identify it as a Cloud Storage Pool. Never remove this file, which is named x-ntap-sgws-cloud-pool-uuid.

      If Cloud Storage Pool validation fails, you receive an error message that explains why validation failed. For example, an error might be reported if there is a certificate error or if the bucket or container you specified does not already exist.

  4. If an error occurs, see the instructions for troubleshooting Cloud Storage Pools, resolve any issues, and then try saving the Cloud Storage Pool again.