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Restore Admin Node database when recovering primary Admin Node

Contributors netapp-lhalbert

If you want to retain the historical information about attributes and alerts on a primary Admin Node that has failed, you can restore the Admin Node database. You can only restore this database if your StorageGRID system includes another Admin Node.

Before you begin
  • The recovered Admin Node is installed and running.

  • The StorageGRID system includes at least two Admin Nodes.

  • You have the Passwords.txt file.

  • You have the provisioning passphrase.

About this task

If an Admin Node fails, the historical information stored in its Admin Node database is lost. This database includes the following information:

  • Alert history

  • Historical attribute data, which is used in legacy-style charts on Nodes page

When you recover an Admin Node, the software installation process creates an empty Admin Node database on the recovered node. However, the new database only includes information for servers and services that are currently part of the system or added later.

If you restored a primary Admin Node and your StorageGRID system has another Admin Node, you can restore the historical information by copying the Admin Node database from a non-primary Admin Node (the source Admin Node) to the recovered primary Admin Node. If your system has only a primary Admin Node, you can't restore the Admin Node database.

Note Copying the Admin Node database might take several hours. Some Grid Manager features will be unavailable while services are stopped on the source Admin Node.
  1. Log in to the source Admin Node:

    1. Enter the following command: ssh admin@grid_node_IP

    2. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    3. Enter the following command to switch to root: su -

    4. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

  2. From the source Admin Node, stop the MI service: service mi stop

  3. From the source Admin Node, stop the Management Application Program Interface (mgmt-api) service: service mgmt-api stop

  4. Complete the following steps on the recovered Admin Node:

    1. Log in to the recovered Admin Node:

      1. Enter the following command: ssh admin@grid_node_IP

      2. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

      3. Enter the following command to switch to root: su -

      4. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    2. Stop the MI service: service mi stop

    3. Stop the mgmt-api service: service mgmt-api stop

    4. Add the SSH private key to the SSH agent. Enter:ssh-add

    5. Enter the SSH Access Password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    6. Copy the database from the source Admin Node to the recovered Admin Node: /usr/local/mi/bin/ Source_Admin_Node_IP

    7. When prompted, confirm that you want to overwrite the MI database on the recovered Admin Node.

      The database and its historical data are copied to the recovered Admin Node. When the copy operation is done, the script starts the recovered Admin Node.

    8. When you no longer require passwordless access to other servers, remove the private key from the SSH agent. Enter:ssh-add -D

  5. Restart the services on the source Admin Node: service servermanager start