Create a tenant account for FabricPool
You must create a tenant account in the Grid Manager for FabricPool use.
Tenant accounts allow client applications to store and retrieve objects on StorageGRID. Each tenant account has its own account ID, authorized groups and users, buckets, and objects.
For details about this task, see Create tenant account. To use the FabricPool setup wizard to complete this task, go to Access and complete the FabricPool setup wizard.
You are signed in to the Grid Manager using a supported web browser.
You have specific access permissions.
Select Create.
For the Enter details steps, enter the following information.
Field Description Name
A name for the tenant account. Tenant names don't need to be unique. When the tenant account is created, it receives a unique, numeric account ID.
Description (optional)
A description to help identify the tenant.
Client type
Must be S3 for FabricPool.
Storage quota (optional)
Leave this field blank for FabricPool.
For the Select permissions step:
Don't select Allow platform services.
FabricPool tenants don't typically need to use platform services, such as CloudMirror replication.
Optionally, select Use own identity source.
Don't select Allow S3 Select.
FabricPool tenants don't typically need to use S3 Select.
Optionally, select Use grid federation connection to allow the tenant to use a grid federation connection for account clone and cross-grid replication. Then, select the grid federation connection to use.
For the Define root access step, specify which user will have the initial Root access permission for the tenant account, based on whether your StorageGRID system uses identity federation, single sign-on (SSO), or both.
Option Do this If identity federation is not enabled
Specify the password to use when signing into the tenant as the local root user.
If identity federation is enabled
Select an existing federated group to have Root access permission for the tenant.
Optionally, specify the password to use when signing in to the tenant as the local root user.
If both identity federation and single sign-on (SSO) are enabled
Select an existing federated group to have Root access permission for the tenant. No local users can sign in.
Select Create tenant.