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Audit log file format

Contributors netapp-lhalbert

The audit log files are found on every Admin Node and contain a collection of individual audit messages.

Each audit message contains the following:

  • The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the event that triggered the audit message (ATIM) in ISO 8601 format, followed by a space:

    YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.UUUUUU, where UUUUUU are microseconds.

  • The audit message itself, enclosed within square brackets and beginning with AUDT.

The following example shows three audit messages in an audit log file (line breaks added for readability). These messages were generated when a tenant created an S3 bucket and added two objects to that bucket.




In their default format, the audit messages in the audit log files aren't easy to read or interpret. You can use the audit-explain tool to obtain simplified summaries of the audit messages in the audit log. You can use the audit-sum tool to summarize how many write, read, and delete operations were logged and how long these operations took.