Configure DNS servers
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You can add, update, and remove DNS servers, so that you can use fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostnames rather than IP addresses.
To use fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) instead of IP addresses when specifying hostnames for external destinations, specify the IP address of each DNS server you will use. These entries are used for AutoSupport, alert emails, SNMP notifications, platform services endpoints, Cloud Storage Pools, and more.
You are signed in to the Grid Manager using a supported web browser.
You have the Maintenance or Root access permission.
You have the IP addresses of the DNS servers to configure.
To ensure proper operation, specify two or three DNS servers. If you specify more than three, it is possible that only three will be used because of known OS limitations on some platforms. If you have routing restrictions in your environment, you can customize the DNS server list for individual nodes (typically all nodes at a site) to use a different set of up to three DNS servers.
If possible, use DNS servers that each site can access locally to ensure that an islanded site can resolve the FQDNs for external destinations.
Add a DNS server
Follow these steps to add a DNS server.
Select MAINTENANCE > Network > DNS servers.
Select Add another server to add a DNS server.
Select Save.
Modify a DNS server
Follow these steps to modify a DNS server.
Select MAINTENANCE > Network > DNS servers.
Select the IP address of the server name you want to edit and make the necessary changes.
Select Save.
Delete a DNS server
Follow these steps to delete an IP address of a DNS server.
Select MAINTENANCE > Network > DNS servers.
Select the delete icon
next to the IP address.
Select Save.