Decommission multiple Storage Nodes
If you need to remove more than one Storage Node, you can decommission them either sequentially or in parallel.
Use caution when you decommission Storage Nodes in a grid containing software-based metadata-only nodes. If you decommission all nodes configured to store both objects and metadata, the ability to store objects is removed from the grid. See Types of Storage Nodes for more information about metadata-only Storage Nodes. |
If you decommission Storage Nodes sequentially, you must wait for the first Storage Node to complete decommissioning before starting to decommission the next Storage Node.
If you decommission Storage Nodes in parallel, the Storage Nodes simultaneously process decommission tasks for all Storage Nodes being decommissioned. This can result in a situation where all permanent copies of a file are marked as "read‐only," temporarily disabling deletion in grids where this functionality is enabled.