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Metadata update messages
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Audit messages are generated when an S3 client updates an object's metadata.
S3 metadata update audit messages
Code | Name | Description | Trace | See |
S3 Metadata Updated |
Generated when an S3 client updates the metadata for an ingested object. |
Example: S3 metadata update
The example shows a successful transaction to update the metadata for an existing S3 object.
SUPD: S3 Metadata Update
The S3 client makes a request (SUPD) to update the specified metadata (x-amz-meta-\*
) for the S3 object (S3KY). In this example, request headers are included in the field HTRH because it has been configured as an audit protocol header (CONFIGURATION > Monitoring > Audit and syslog server). See Configure audit messages and log destinations.
2017-07-11T21:54:03.157462 [AUDT:[RSLT(FC32):SUCS][TIME(UI64):17631][SAIP(IPAD):""] [HTRH(CSTR):"{\"accept-encoding\":\"identity\",\"authorization\":\"AWS LIUF17FGJARQHPY2E761:jul/hnZs/uNY+aVvV0lTSYhEGts=\", \"content-length\":\"0\",\"date\":\"Tue, 11 Jul 2017 21:54:03 GMT\",\"host\":\"\", \"user-agent\":\"aws-cli/1.9.20 Python/2.7.6 Linux/3.13.0-119-generic botocore/1.3.20\", \"x-amz-copy-source\":\"/testbkt1/testobj1\",\"x-amz-metadata-directive\":\"REPLACE\",\"x-amz-meta-city\":\"Vancouver\"}"] [S3AI(CSTR):"20956855414285633225"][SACC(CSTR):"acct1"][S3AK(CSTR):"SGKHyyv9ZQqWRbJSQc5vI7mgioJwrdplShE02AUaww=="] [SUSR(CSTR):"urn:sgws:identity::20956855414285633225:root"] [SBAI(CSTR):"20956855414285633225"][SBAC(CSTR):"acct1"][S3BK(CSTR):"testbkt1"] [S3KY(CSTR):"testobj1"][CBID(UI64):0xCB1D5C213434DD48][CSIZ(UI64):10][AVER(UI32):10] [ATIM(UI64):1499810043157462][ATYP(FC32):SUPD][ANID(UI32):12258396][AMID(FC32):S3RQ] [ATID(UI64):8987436599021955788]]