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NetApp Solutions SAP

Update history

Contributors netapp-mschoen

The following technical changes have been made to this solution since its original publication.

Date Update summary

February 2015

Initial version

October 2015

Included I/O parameters for SAP HANA and HWVAL SPS 10 and later

February 2016

Updated capacity sizing

February 2017

New NetApp storage systems and disk shelves
New features of ONTAP 9
New OS releases (SLES12 SP1 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2)
New SAP HANA release

July 2017

Minor updates

September 2018

New NetApp storage systems
New OS releases (SLES12 SP3 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4)
Additional minor updates

September 2019

New OS releases
Minor updates

April 2020

New AFF ASA series storage systems
Introduced multiple data partition features available since SAP HANA 2.0 SPS4

June 2020

Additional information about optional functionalities
Minor updates

February 2021

Linux LVM support
New NetApp storage systems
New OS releases (SLES15SP2, RHEL 8)

April 2021

VMware vSphere-specific information added

September 2022

New OS-Releases

August 2023

New Storage Systems (AFF C-Series)

May 2024

New Storage Systems (AFF A-Series)