Provider script configuration and Ansible playbooks
The following provider configuration file, execution script, and Ansible playbooks are used during the sample deployment and workflow execution in this documentation.
The example scripts are provided as is and are not supported by NetApp. You can request the current version of the scripts via email to |
Provider configuration file netapp_clone.conf
The configuration file is created as described in the SAP LaMa Documentation - Configuring SAP Host Agent Registered Scripts. This configuration file must be located on the Ansible control node where the SAP host agent is installed.
The configured os-user sapuser
must have the appropriate permissions to execute the script and the called Ansible playbooks. You can place the script in a common script directory. SAP LaMa can provide multiple parameters when calling the script.
In addition to the custom parameters, PARAM_ClonePostFix
, PROP_ClonePostFix
, PARAM_ClonePostFix
, and PROP_ClonePostFix
, many others can be handed over, as is shown in the SAP LaMa Documentation.
root@sap-jump:~# cat /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/operations.d/netapp_clone.conf Name: netapp_clone Username: sapuser Description: NetApp Clone for Custom Provisioning Command: /usr/sap/scripts/ --HookOperationName=$[HookOperationName] --SAPSYSTEMNAME=$[SAPSYSTEMNAME] --SAPSYSTEM=$[SAPSYSTEM] --MOUNT_XML_PATH=$[MOUNT_XML_PATH] --PARAM_ClonePostFix=$[PARAM-ClonePostFix] --PARAM_SnapPostFix=$[PARAM-SnapPostFix] --PROP_ClonePostFix=$[PROP-ClonePostFix] --PROP_SnapPostFix=$[PROP-SnapPostFix] --SAP_LVM_SRC_SID=$[SAP_LVM_SRC_SID] --SAP_LVM_TARGET_SID=$[SAP_LVM_TARGET_SID] ResulConverter: hook Platform: Unix
Provider script
The provider script must be stored in /usr/sap/scripts
as configured in the provider configuration file.
The following variables are hard coded in the script and must be adapted accordingly.
<hostname of netapp cluster> -
<SVM name where source system volumes are stored>
The certificate files PRIMARY_KEYFILE=/usr/sap/scripts/ansible/certs/ontap.key
and PRIMARY_CERTFILE=/usr/sap/scripts/ansible/certs/ontap.pem
must be provided as described in NetApp Ansible modules - Prepare ONTAP.
If different clusters or SVMs are required for different SAP systems, these variables can be added as parameters in the SAP LaMa provider definition. |
Function: create inventory file
To make Ansible playbook execution more dynamic, an inventory. yml
file is created on the fly. Some static values are configured in the variable section and some are dynamically created during execution.
Function: run Ansible playbook
This function is used to execute the Ansible playbook together with the dynamically created inventory.yml
file. The naming convention for the playbooks is netapp_lama_${HookOperationName}.yml
. The values for ${HookOperationName}
is dependent on the LaMa operation and handed over by LaMa as a command line parameter.
Section Main
This section contains the main execution plan. The variable ${HookOperationName}
contains the name of the LaMa replacement step and is provided by LaMa when the script is called.
Values with the system clone and system copy provisioning workflow:
Value with the system destroy workflow:
Value with the system refresh workflow:
HookOperationName = CloneVolumes
With this step, the Ansible playbook is executed, which triggers the Snapshot copy and cloning operation. The volume names and mount configuration are handed over by SAP LaMa through an XML file defined in the variable $MOUNT_XML_PATH
. This file is saved because it is used later in the step FinalizeCloneVolumes
to create the new mount-point configuration. The volume names are extracted from the XML file and the Ansible cloning playbook is executed for each volume.
In this example, the AS instance and the central services share the same volume. Therefore, volume cloning is only executed when the SAP instance number ($SAPSYSTEM ) is not 01 . This might differ in other environments and must be changed accordingly.
HookOperationName = PostCloneVolumes
During this step, the custom properties ClonePostFix
and SnapPostFix
and the mount point configuration for the target system are maintained.
The custom properties are used later as input when the system is decommissioned during the ServiceConfigRemoval
or ClearMountConfig
phase. The system is designed to preserve the settings of the custom parameters that were specified during the system provisioning workflow.
The values used in this example are ClonePostFix=_clone_20221115
and SnapPostFix=_snap_20221115
For the volume HN9_sap
, the dynamically created Ansible file includes the following values: datavolumename
: HN9_sap
, snapshotpostfix: _snap_20221115
, and clonepostfix: _clone_20221115
Which leads into the snapshot name on the volume HN9_sap HN9_sap_snap_20221115
and the created volume clone name HN9_sap_clone_20221115
Custom properties could be used in any way to preserve parameters used during the provisioning process. |
The mount point configuration is extracted from the XML file that has been handed over by LaMa in the CloneVolume
step. The ClonePostFix
is added to the volume names and send back to LaMa through the default script output. The functionality is described in SAP Note 1889590.
In this example, qtrees on the storage system are used as a common way to place different data on a single volume. For example, HN9_sap holds the mount points for /usr/sap/HN9 , /sapmnt/HN9 , and /home/hn9adm . Subdirectories work in the same way. This might differ in other environments and must be changed accordingly.
HookOperationName = ServiceConfigRemoval
In this step, the Ansible playbook that is responsible for the deletion of the volume clones is running.
The volume names are handed over by SAP LaMa through the mount configuration file, and the custom properties ClonePostFix
and SnapPostFix
are used to hand over the values of the parameters originally specified during the system provisioning workflow (see the note at HookOperationName = PostCloneVolumes
The volume names are extracted from the xml file, and the Ansible cloning playbook is executed for each volume.
In this example, the AS instance and the central services share the same volume. Therefore, the volume deletion is only executed when the SAP instance number ($SAPSYSTEM ) is not 01 . This might differ in other environments and must be changed accordingly.
HookOperationName = ClearMountConfig
In this step, the Ansible playbook that is responsible for the deletion of the volume clones during a system refresh workflow is running.
The volume names are handed over by SAP LaMa through the mount configuration file, and the custom properties ClonePostFix
and SnapPostFix
are used to hand over the values of the parameters originally specified during the system provisioning workflow.
The volume names are extracted from the XML file and the Ansible cloning playbook is executed for each volume.
In this example, the AS instance and the central services share the same volume. Therefore, volume deletion is only executed when the SAP instance number ($SAPSYSTEM ) is not 01 . This might differ in other environments and must be changed accordingly.
root@sap-jump:~# cat /usr/sap/scripts/ #!/bin/bash #Section - Variables ######################################### VERSION="Version 0.9" #Path for ansible play-books ANSIBLE_PATH=/usr/sap/scripts/ansible #Values for Ansible Inventory File PRIMARY_CLUSTER=grenada PRIMARY_SVM=svm-sap01 PRIMARY_KEYFILE=/usr/sap/scripts/ansible/certs/ontap.key PRIMARY_CERTFILE=/usr/sap/scripts/ansible/certs/ontap.pem #Default Variable if PARAM ClonePostFix / SnapPostFix is not maintained in LaMa DefaultPostFix=_clone_1 #TMP Files - used during execution YAML_TMP=/tmp/inventory_ansible_clone_tmp_$$.yml TMPFILE=/tmp/tmpfile.$$ MY_NAME="`basename $0`" BASE_SCRIPT_DIR="`dirname $0`" #Sendig Script Version and run options to LaMa Log echo "[DEBUG]: Running Script $MY_NAME $VERSION" echo "[DEBUG]: $MY_NAME $@" #Command declared in the netapp_clone.conf Provider definition #Command: /usr/sap/scripts/ --HookOperationName=$[HookOperationName] --SAPSYSTEMNAME=$[SAPSYSTEMNAME] --SAPSYSTEM=$[SAPSYSTEM] --MOUNT_XML_PATH=$[MOUNT_XML_PATH] --PARAM_ClonePostFix=$[PARAM-ClonePostFix] --PARAM_SnapPostFix=$[PARAM-SnapPostFix] --PROP_ClonePostFix=$[PROP-ClonePostFix] --PROP_SnapPostFix=$[PROP-SnapPostFix] --SAP_LVM_SRC_SID=$[SAP_LVM_SRC_SID] --SAP_LVM_TARGET_SID=$[SAP_LVM_TARGET_SID] #Reading Input Variables hand over by LaMa for i in "$@" do case $i in --HookOperationName=*) HookOperationName="${i#*=}";shift;; --SAPSYSTEMNAME=*) SAPSYSTEMNAME="${i#*=}";shift;; --SAPSYSTEM=*) SAPSYSTEM="${i#*=}";shift;; --MOUNT_XML_PATH=*) MOUNT_XML_PATH="${i#*=}";shift;; --PARAM_ClonePostFix=*) PARAM_ClonePostFix="${i#*=}";shift;; --PARAM_SnapPostFix=*) PARAM_SnapPostFix="${i#*=}";shift;; --PROP_ClonePostFix=*) PROP_ClonePostFix="${i#*=}";shift;; --PROP_SnapPostFix=*) PROP_SnapPostFix="${i#*=}";shift;; --SAP_LVM_SRC_SID=*) SAP_LVM_SRC_SID="${i#*=}";shift;; --SAP_LVM_TARGET_SID=*) SAP_LVM_TARGET_SID="${i#*=}";shift;; *) # unknown option ;; esac done #If Parameters not provided by the User - defaulting to DefaultPostFix if [ -z $PARAM_ClonePostFix ]; then PARAM_ClonePostFix=$DefaultPostFix;fi if [ -z $PARAM_SnapPostFix ]; then PARAM_SnapPostFix=$DefaultPostFix;fi #Section - Functions ######################################### #Function Create (Inventory) YML File ######################################### create_yml_file() { echo "ontapservers:">$YAML_TMP echo " hosts:">>$YAML_TMP echo " ${PRIMARY_CLUSTER}:">>$YAML_TMP echo " ansible_host: "'"'$PRIMARY_CLUSTER'"'>>$YAML_TMP echo " keyfile: "'"'$PRIMARY_KEYFILE'"'>>$YAML_TMP echo " certfile: "'"'$PRIMARY_CERTFILE'"'>>$YAML_TMP echo " svmname: "'"'$PRIMARY_SVM'"'>>$YAML_TMP echo " datavolumename: "'"'$datavolumename'"'>>$YAML_TMP echo " snapshotpostfix: "'"'$snapshotpostfix'"'>>$YAML_TMP echo " clonepostfix: "'"'$clonepostfix'"'>>$YAML_TMP } #Function run ansible-playbook ######################################### run_ansible_playbook() { echo "[DEBUG]: Running ansible playbook netapp_lama_${HookOperationName}.yml on Volume $datavolumename" ansible-playbook -i $YAML_TMP $ANSIBLE_PATH/netapp_lama_${HookOperationName}.yml } #Section - Main ######################################### #HookOperationName – CloneVolumes ######################################### if [ $HookOperationName = CloneVolumes ] ;then #save mount xml for later usage - used in Section FinalizeCloneVolues to generate the mountpoints echo "[DEBUG]: saving mount config...." cp $MOUNT_XML_PATH /tmp/mount_config_${SAPSYSTEMNAME}_${SAPSYSTEM}.xml #Instance 00 + 01 share the same volumes - clone needs to be done once if [ $SAPSYSTEM != 01 ]; then #generating Volume List - assuming usage of qtrees - "IP-Adress:/VolumeName/qtree" xmlFile=/tmp/mount_config_${SAPSYSTEMNAME}_${SAPSYSTEM}.xml if [ -e $TMPFILE ];then rm $TMPFILE;fi numMounts=`xml_grep --count "/mountconfig/mount" $xmlFile | grep "total: " | awk '{ print $2 }'` i=1 while [ $i -le $numMounts ]; do xmllint --xpath "/mountconfig/mount[$i]/exportpath/text()" $xmlFile |awk -F"/" '{print $2}' >>$TMPFILE i=$((i + 1)) done DATAVOLUMES=`cat $TMPFILE |sort -u` #Create yml file and rund playbook for each volume for I in $DATAVOLUMES; do datavolumename="$I" snapshotpostfix="$PARAM_SnapPostFix" clonepostfix="$PARAM_ClonePostFix" create_yml_file run_ansible_playbook done else echo "[DEBUG]: Doing nothing .... Volume cloned in different Task" fi fi #HookOperationName – PostCloneVolumes ######################################### if [ $HookOperationName = PostCloneVolumes] ;then #Reporting Properties back to LaMa Config for Cloned System echo "[RESULT]:Property:ClonePostFix=$PARAM_ClonePostFix" echo "[RESULT]:Property:SnapPostFix=$PARAM_SnapPostFix" #Create MountPoint Config for Cloned Instances and report back to LaMa according to SAP Note: echo "MountDataBegin" echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' echo "<mountconfig>" xmlFile=/tmp/mount_config_${SAPSYSTEMNAME}_${SAPSYSTEM}.xml numMounts=`xml_grep --count "/mountconfig/mount" $xmlFile | grep "total: " | awk '{ print $2 }'` i=1 while [ $i -le $numMounts ]; do MOUNTPOINT=`xmllint --xpath "/mountconfig/mount[$i]/mountpoint/text()" $xmlFile`; EXPORTPATH=`xmllint --xpath "/mountconfig/mount[$i]/exportpath/text()" $xmlFile`; OPTIONS=`xmllint --xpath "/mountconfig/mount[$i]/options/text()" $xmlFile`; #Adopt Exportpath and add Clonepostfix - assuming usage of qtrees - "IP-Adress:/VolumeName/qtree" TMPFIELD1=`echo $EXPORTPATH|awk -F":/" '{print $1}'` TMPFIELD2=`echo $EXPORTPATH|awk -F"/" '{print $2}'` TMPFIELD3=`echo $EXPORTPATH|awk -F"/" '{print $3}'` EXPORTPATH=$TMPFIELD1":/"${TMPFIELD2}$PARAM_ClonePostFix"/"$TMPFIELD3 echo -e '\t<mount fstype="nfs" storagetype="NETFS">' echo -e "\t\t<mountpoint>${MOUNTPOINT}</mountpoint>" echo -e "\t\t<exportpath>${EXPORTPATH}</exportpath>" echo -e "\t\t<options>${OPTIONS}</options>" echo -e "\t</mount>" i=$((i + 1)) done echo "</mountconfig>" echo "MountDataEnd" #Finished MountPoint Config #Cleanup Temporary Files rm $xmlFile fi #HookOperationName – ServiceConfigRemoval ######################################### if [ $HookOperationName = ServiceConfigRemoval ] ;then #Assure that Properties ClonePostFix and SnapPostfix has been configured through the provisioning process if [ -z $PROP_ClonePostFix ]; then echo "[ERROR]: Propertiy ClonePostFix is not handed over - please investigate";exit 5;fi if [ -z $PROP_SnapPostFix ]; then echo "[ERROR]: Propertiy SnapPostFix is not handed over - please investigate";exit 5;fi #Instance 00 + 01 share the same volumes - clone delete needs to be done once if [ $SAPSYSTEM != 01 ]; then #generating Volume List - assuming usage of qtrees - "IP-Adress:/VolumeName/qtree" xmlFile=$MOUNT_XML_PATH if [ -e $TMPFILE ];then rm $TMPFILE;fi numMounts=`xml_grep --count "/mountconfig/mount" $xmlFile | grep "total: " | awk '{ print $2 }'` i=1 while [ $i -le $numMounts ]; do xmllint --xpath "/mountconfig/mount[$i]/exportpath/text()" $xmlFile |awk -F"/" '{print $2}' >>$TMPFILE i=$((i + 1)) done DATAVOLUMES=`cat $TMPFILE |sort -u| awk -F $PROP_ClonePostFix '{ print $1 }'` #Create yml file and rund playbook for each volume for I in $DATAVOLUMES; do datavolumename="$I" snapshotpostfix="$PROP_SnapPostFix" clonepostfix="$PROP_ClonePostFix" create_yml_file run_ansible_playbook done else echo "[DEBUG]: Doing nothing .... Volume deleted in different Task" fi #Cleanup Temporary Files rm $xmlFile fi #HookOperationName - ClearMountConfig ######################################### if [ $HookOperationName = ClearMountConfig ] ;then #Assure that Properties ClonePostFix and SnapPostfix has been configured through the provisioning process if [ -z $PROP_ClonePostFix ]; then echo "[ERROR]: Propertiy ClonePostFix is not handed over - please investigate";exit 5;fi if [ -z $PROP_SnapPostFix ]; then echo "[ERROR]: Propertiy SnapPostFix is not handed over - please investigate";exit 5;fi #Instance 00 + 01 share the same volumes - clone delete needs to be done once if [ $SAPSYSTEM != 01 ]; then #generating Volume List - assuming usage of qtrees - "IP-Adress:/VolumeName/qtree" xmlFile=$MOUNT_XML_PATH if [ -e $TMPFILE ];then rm $TMPFILE;fi numMounts=`xml_grep --count "/mountconfig/mount" $xmlFile | grep "total: " | awk '{ print $2 }'` i=1 while [ $i -le $numMounts ]; do xmllint --xpath "/mountconfig/mount[$i]/exportpath/text()" $xmlFile |awk -F"/" '{print $2}' >>$TMPFILE i=$((i + 1)) done DATAVOLUMES=`cat $TMPFILE |sort -u| awk -F $PROP_ClonePostFix '{ print $1 }'` #Create yml file and rund playbook for each volume for I in $DATAVOLUMES; do datavolumename="$I" snapshotpostfix="$PROP_SnapPostFix" clonepostfix="$PROP_ClonePostFix" create_yml_file run_ansible_playbook done else echo "[DEBUG]: Doing nothing .... Volume deleted in different Task" fi #Cleanup Temporary Files rm $xmlFile fi #Cleanup ######################################### #Cleanup Temporary Files if [ -e $TMPFILE ];then rm $TMPFILE;fi if [ -e $YAML_TMP ];then rm $YAML_TMP;fi exit 0
Ansible Playbook netapp_lama_CloneVolumes.yml
The playbook that is executed during the CloneVolumes step of the LaMa system clone workflow is a combination of create_snapshot.yml
and create_clone.yml
(see NetApp Ansible modules - YAML files). This playbook can be easily extended to cover additional use cases like cloning from secondary and clone split operations.
root@sap-jump:~# cat /usr/sap/scripts/ansible/netapp_lama_CloneVolumes.yml --- - hosts: ontapservers connection: local collections: - netapp.ontap gather_facts: false name: netapp_lama_CloneVolumes tasks: - name: Create SnapShot na_ontap_snapshot: state: present snapshot: "{{ datavolumename }}{{ snapshotpostfix }}" use_rest: always volume: "{{ datavolumename }}" vserver: "{{ svmname }}" hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" cert_filepath: "{{ certfile }}" key_filepath: "{{ keyfile }}" https: true validate_certs: false - name: Clone Volume na_ontap_volume_clone: state: present name: "{{ datavolumename }}{{ clonepostfix }}" use_rest: always vserver: "{{ svmname }}" junction_path: '/{{ datavolumename }}{{ clonepostfix }}' parent_volume: "{{ datavolumename }}" parent_snapshot: "{{ datavolumename }}{{ snapshotpostfix }}" hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" cert_filepath: "{{ certfile }}" key_filepath: "{{ keyfile }}" https: true validate_certs: false
Ansible Playbook netapp_lama_ServiceConfigRemoval.yml
The playbook that is executed during the ServiceConfigRemoval
phase of the LaMa system destroy workflow is combination of delete_clone.yml
and delete_snapshot.yml
(see NetApp Ansible modules - YAML files). It must be aligned to the execution steps of the netapp_lama_CloneVolumes
root@sap-jump:~# cat /usr/sap/scripts/ansible/netapp_lama_ServiceConfigRemoval.yml --- - hosts: ontapservers connection: local collections: - netapp.ontap gather_facts: false name: netapp_lama_ServiceConfigRemoval tasks: - name: Delete Clone na_ontap_volume: state: absent name: "{{ datavolumename }}{{ clonepostfix }}" use_rest: always vserver: "{{ svmname }}" wait_for_completion: True hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" cert_filepath: "{{ certfile }}" key_filepath: "{{ keyfile }}" https: true validate_certs: false - name: Delete SnapShot na_ontap_snapshot: state: absent snapshot: "{{ datavolumename }}{{ snapshotpostfix }}" use_rest: always volume: "{{ datavolumename }}" vserver: "{{ svmname }}" hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" cert_filepath: "{{ certfile }}" key_filepath: "{{ keyfile }}" https: true validate_certs: false root@sap-jump:~#
Ansible Playbook netapp_lama_ClearMountConfig.yml
The playbook, which is executed during the netapp_lama_ClearMountConfig
phase of the LaMa system refresh workflow is combination of delete_clone.yml
and delete_snapshot.yml
(see NetApp Ansible modules - YAML files). It must be aligned to the execution steps of the netapp_lama_CloneVolumes
root@sap-jump:~# cat /usr/sap/scripts/ansible/netapp_lama_ServiceConfigRemoval.yml --- - hosts: ontapservers connection: local collections: - netapp.ontap gather_facts: false name: netapp_lama_ServiceConfigRemoval tasks: - name: Delete Clone na_ontap_volume: state: absent name: "{{ datavolumename }}{{ clonepostfix }}" use_rest: always vserver: "{{ svmname }}" wait_for_completion: True hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" cert_filepath: "{{ certfile }}" key_filepath: "{{ keyfile }}" https: true validate_certs: false - name: Delete SnapShot na_ontap_snapshot: state: absent snapshot: "{{ datavolumename }}{{ snapshotpostfix }}" use_rest: always volume: "{{ datavolumename }}" vserver: "{{ svmname }}" hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" cert_filepath: "{{ certfile }}" key_filepath: "{{ keyfile }}" https: true validate_certs: false root@sap-jump:~#
Sample Ansible inventory.yml
This inventory file is dynamically built during workflow execution, and it is only shown here for illustration.
ontapservers: hosts: grenada: ansible_host: "grenada" keyfile: "/usr/sap/scripts/ansible/certs/ontap.key" certfile: "/usr/sap/scripts/ansible/certs/ontap.pem" svmname: "svm-sap01" datavolumename: "HN9_sap" snapshotpostfix: " _snap_20221115" clonepostfix: "_clone_20221115"