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NetApp Solutions SAP

SAP HANA software installation

Contributors kevin-hoke netapp-mschoen

Below are the requirements for SAP HANA software installation.

Install on single-host system

SAP HANA software installation does not require any additional preparation for a single-host system.

Install on multiple-host system

Note The following installation procedure is based on SAP HANA 1.0 SPS12 or later.

Before beginning the installation, create a global.ini file to enable use of the SAP storage connector during the installation process. The SAP storage connector mounts the required file systems at the worker hosts during the installation process. The global.ini file must be available in a file system that is accessible from all hosts, such as the /hana/shared/SID file system.

Before installing SAP HANA software on a multiple-host system, the following steps must be completed:

  1. Add the following mount options for the data LUNs and the log LUNs to the global.ini file:

    • relatime and inode64 for the data and log file system

  2. Add the WWIDs of the data and log partitions. The WWIDs must match the alias names configured in the /etc/multipath.conf file.

    The following output shows an example of a 2+1 multiple-host setup in which the system identifier (SID) is SS3.

    stlrx300s8-6:~ # cat /hana/shared/global.ini
    listeninterface = .global
    basepath_datavolumes = /hana/data/SS3
    basepath_logvolumes = /hana/log/SS3
    ha_provider = hdb_ha.fcClient
    partition_*_*__prtype = 5
    partition_*_data__mountoptions = -o relatime,inode64
    partition_*_log__mountoptions = -o relatime,inode64,nobarrier
    partition_1_data__wwid = hana-SS3_data_mnt00001
    partition_1_log__wwid = hana-SS3_log_mnt00001
    partition_2_data__wwid = hana-SS3_data_mnt00002
    partition_2_log__wwid = hana-SS3_log_mnt00002
    usage = custom
    ha_fcclient = info
    stlrx300s8-6:~ #

    If LVM is used, the needed configuration is different. The example below shows a 2+1 multiple-host setup with SID=FC5.

    sapcc-hana-tst-03:/hana/shared # cat global.ini
    listeninterface = .global
    basepath_datavolumes = /hana/data/FC5
    basepath_logvolumes = /hana/log/FC5
    ha_provider = hdb_ha.fcClientLVM
    partition_*_*__prtype = 5
    partition_*_data__mountOptions = -o relatime,inode64
    partition_*_log__mountOptions = -o relatime,inode64
    partition_1_data__lvmname = FC5_data_mnt00001-vol
    partition_1_log__lvmname = FC5_log_mnt00001-vol
    partition_2_data__lvmname = FC5_data_mnt00002-vol
    partition_2_log__lvmname = FC5_log_mnt00002-vol
    sapcc-hana-tst-03:/hana/shared #

    Using the SAP hdblcm installation tool, start the installation by running the following command at one of the worker hosts. Use the addhosts option to add the second worker (sapcc-hana-tst-06) and the standby host (sapcc-hana-tst-07).
    The directory where the prepared the global.ini file has been stored is included with the storage_cfg CLI option (--storage_cfg=/hana/shared).
    Depending on the OS version being used, it might be necessary to install phyton 2.7 before installing the SAP HANA database.

/hdblcm --action=install --addhosts=sapcc-hana-tst-06:role=worker:storage_partition=2,sapcc-hana-tst-07:role=standby --storage_cfg=/hana/shared/

AP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Database

Scanning software locations...
Detected components:
    SAP HANA AFL (incl.PAL,BFL,OFL) ( in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/HDB_AFL_LINUX_X86_64/packages
    SAP HANA Database ( in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server
    SAP HANA Database Client ( in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/HDB_CLIENT_LINUX_X86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client
    SAP HANA Studio ( in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/HDB_STUDIO_LINUX_X86_64/studio
    SAP HANA Local Secure Store (2.11.0) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/HANA_LSS_24_LINUX_X86_64/packages
    SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime ( in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSA_RT_10_LINUX_X86_64/packages
    SAP HANA EML AFL ( in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/HDB_EML_AFL_10_LINUX_X86_64/packages
    SAP HANA EPM-MDS ( in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/SAP_HANA_EPM-MDS_10/packages
    Automated Predictive Library (4.203.2321.0.0) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/PAAPL4_H20_LINUX_X86_64/apl-4.203.2321.0-hana2sp03-linux_x64/installer/packages
    GUI for HALM for XSA (including product installer) Version 1 (1.015.0) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSA_CONTENT_10/
    XSAC FILEPROCESSOR 1.0 (1.000.102) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSA_CONTENT_10/
    SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc. (2.015.230503) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSAC_HRTT_20/
    Develop and run portal services for customer applications on XSA (2.007.0) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSA_CONTENT_10/
    The SAP Web IDE for HANA 2.0 (4.007.0) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSAC_SAP_WEB_IDE_20/
    XS JOB SCHEDULER 1.0 (1.007.22) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSA_CONTENT_10/
    SAPUI5 FESV6 XSA 1 - SAPUI5 1.71 (1.071.52) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSA_CONTENT_10/
    SAPUI5 FESV9 XSA 1 - SAPUI5 1.108 (1.108.5) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSA_CONTENT_10/
    SAPUI5 SERVICE BROKER XSA 1 - SAPUI5 Service Broker 1.0 (1.000.4) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSA_CONTENT_10/
    XSA Cockpit 1 (1.001.37) in /mnt/sapcc-share/software/SAP/HANA2SPS7-73/DATA_UNITS/XSA_CONTENT_10/

SAP HANA Database version '' will be installed.

Select additional components for installation:

  Index | Components      | Description
  1     | all             | All components
  2     | server          | No additional components
  3     | client          | Install SAP HANA Database Client version
  4     | lss             | Install SAP HANA Local Secure Store version 2.11.0
  5     | studio          | Install SAP HANA Studio version
  6     | xs              | Install SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime version
  7     | afl             | Install SAP HANA AFL (incl.PAL,BFL,OFL) version
  8     | eml             | Install SAP HANA EML AFL version
  9     | epmmds          | Install SAP HANA EPM-MDS version
  10    | sap_afl_sdk_apl | Install Automated Predictive Library version 4.203.2321.0.0

Enter comma-separated list of the selected indices [3,4]: 2,3
Verify that the installation tool installed all selected components at all worker and standby hosts.