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Client write audit messages


Client write audit messages are logged when an S3 or Swift client application makes a request to create or modify an object.

Code Description Used by See


Object Overwrite: Logs a transaction to overwrite one object with another object.

S3 and Swift clients


S3 DELETE: Logs a successful transaction to delete an object or bucket.

Note: If the transaction operates on a subresource, the audit message will include the field S3SR.

S3 client


S3 POST: Logs a successful transaction to restore an object from AWS Glacier storage to a Cloud Storage Pool.

S3 client


S3 PUT: Logs a successful transaction to create a new object or bucket.

Note: If the transaction operates on a subresource, the audit message will include the field S3SR.

S3 client


S3 Metadata Updated: Logs a successful transaction to update the metadata for an existing object or bucket.

S3 client


Swift DELETE: Logs a successful transaction to delete an object or container.

Swift client


Swift PUT: Logs a successful transaction to create a new object or container.

Swift client