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Troubleshoot expansion

Contributors netapp-lhalbert

If you encounter errors during the grid expansion process that you are unable to resolve, or if a grid task fails, collect the log files and contact technical support.

Before you contact technical support, collect the required log files to assist in troubleshooting.

  1. Connect to the expansion node that has experienced failures:

    1. Enter the following command:ssh -p 8022 admin@grid_node_IP

      Note Port 8022 is the SSH port of the base OS, while port 22 is the SSH port of the container engine running StorageGRID.
    2. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    3. Enter the following command to switch to root: su -

    4. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    After you log in as root, the prompt changes from $ to #.

  2. Depending on the stage the installation reached, retrieve any of the following logs that are available on the grid node:

    Platform Logs


    • /var/log/daemon.log

    • /var/log/storagegrid/daemon.log

    • /var/log/storagegrid/nodes/<node-name>.log


    • /var/log/storagegrid/daemon.log

    • /etc/storagegrid/nodes/<node-name>.conf (for each failed node)

    • /var/log/storagegrid/nodes/<node-name>.log (for each failed node; might not exist)