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Deprecated bucket requests for legacy Compliance


You might need to use the StorageGRID S3 REST API to manage buckets that were created using the legacy Compliance feature.

Compliance feature deprecated

The StorageGRID Compliance feature that was available in previous StorageGRID versions is deprecated and has been replaced by S3 Object Lock.

If you previously enabled the global Compliance setting, the global S3 Object Lock setting is enabled in StorageGRID 11.6. You can no longer create new buckets with Compliance enabled; however, as required, you can use the StorageGRID S3 REST API to manage any existing legacy Compliant buckets.

Deprecated compliance requests:

  • Deprecated - PUT Bucket request modifications for compliance

    The SGCompliance XML element is deprecated. Previously, you could include this StorageGRID custom element in the optional XML request body of PUT Bucket requests to create a Compliant bucket.

  • Deprecated - GET Bucket compliance

    The GET Bucket compliance request is deprecated. However, you can continue to use this request to determine the compliance settings currently in effect for an existing legacy Compliant bucket.

  • Deprecated - PUT Bucket compliance

    The PUT Bucket compliance request is deprecated. However, you can continue to use this request to modify the compliance settings for an existing legacy Compliant bucket. For example, you can place an existing bucket on legal hold or increase its retention period.