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NetApp SMI-S Provider

Manage storage systems


You can use NetApp SMI-S Provider commands to add, delete, and list storage systems in the CIMOM repository. You can also list NFS and CIFS exports and exported LUNs for storage systems.

Before you begin
  • You must already have login credentials as Administrator.

  • You must already have logged in to the host system as Administrator.

About this task

For ONTAP, you must specify a management IP address for an SVM, not a cluster IP address, and you must provide the credentials for a vsadmin user. SMI-S Provider does not support cluster IP addresses or node management IP addresses, nor does it support node admin or node SVMs.


You should set the data protocol value to none for the management LIF when you add it to the SMI-S Provider.

  1. Access NetApp SMI-S Provider.

  2. Complete one of the following actions:

    Action Command Additional information

    Add a storage system with an HTTP connection between the provider and the storage system

    smis add storage_sys storage_sys_user

    The command waits for up to 15 minutes for the provider to update the cache and respond.

    Add a storage system with an HTTPS connection between the provider and the storage system

    smis addsecure storage_sys storage_sys_user

    The command waits for up to 15 minutes for the provider to update the cache and respond.

    List NFS and CIFS exports for a storage system

    smis exports


    List the storage systems for the CIMOM repository

    smis list

    You can run this command to verify the storage systems in the CIMOM repository before adding or deleting storage systems.

    List exported LUNs for a storage system

    smis luns


    Delete a storage system from the CIMOM repository

    smis delete storage_sys

    If you no longer need to manage a storage system, you can delete it from the CIMOM repository.

    Because SMI-S Provider gathers information from all storage systems in the CIMOM repository, you should delete an unused storage system from the repository to maintain optimal performance.

    List the current CIM server configuration information

    smis config show


    List the FC and iSCSI port information for storage system

    smis initiators


    List the storage pools for storage system

    smis pools


    List the traditional and flexible volumes for storage system

    smis volumes
