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NetApp SMI-S Provider

Manage the CIM server


You can use SMI-S Provider to start, stop, and restart the CIM server and to review its status.

Before you begin
  • You must already have login credentials as Administrator.

  • You must already have logged in to the host system as Administrator.

  1. Access NetApp SMI-S Provider.

  2. Complete one of the following actions:

    Action Command Additional information

    Start the CIM server

    smis cimserver start

    After entering the command, a status message appears every three minutes. If an attempt to reach the CIM server fails, five more attempts are made to contact the server.

    Stop the CIM server

    smis cimserver stop


    Restart the CIM server

    smis cimserver restart


    View the CIM server status

    smis cimserver status
