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Active IQ Unified Manager 9.10
A newer release of this product is available.

Selecting performance charts to display

Contributors netapp-manini

The Choose charts drop-down list enables you to select the types of performance counter charts to display in the Counter Charts pane. This enables you to view specific data and counters, based on your performance requirements.

  1. In the Counter Charts pane, click the Choose charts drop-down list.

  2. Add or remove charts:

    To…​ Do this…​

    Add or remove individual charts

    Click the check boxes next to the charts you want to show or hide

    Add all charts

    Click Select All

    Remove all charts

    Click Unselect All

    Your chart selections are displayed in the Counter Charts pane. Note that as you add charts, the new charts are inserted into the Counter Charts pane to match the order of the charts listed in the Choose charts drop-down list. Selecting additional charts might require additional scrolling.