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Active IQ Unified Manager 9.10
A newer release of this product is available.

Relationship: Last 1 month Transfer Status view

Contributors netapp-manini

The Relationship: Last 1 month Transfer Status view enables you to analyze the transfer trends over a period of time for volumes and Storage VMs in asynchronous relationships. This page also displays whether the transfer was a success or a failure.

The controls along the top of the page enable you to perform searches to locate specific objects, create, and apply filters to narrow the list of displayed data, add/remove/reorder columns on the page, and export the data on the page to a .csv, .pdf, or .xlsx file. After you have customized the page, you can save the results as a custom view and then schedule a report of this data to be generated and emailed on a regular basis. You can use the Filter option to view only selected storage systems like only volumes or only Storage VMs. The same report is displayed in the Storage page and only for the selected storage entity. For example, if you want to view volume relationships you can access either the Relationship: Last 1 Month Transfer Status report for the Storage VMs either from the Storage > Storage VMs > Relationship: Last 1 Month Transfer Status menu or from Protection > Relationships > Relationship: Last 1 Month Transfer Status menu, and use the Filter to only view data for volumes.

  • Source Volume

    Displays the source volume name.

  • Destination Volume

    Displays the destination volume name.

  • Operation Type

    Displays the type of volume transfer.

  • Operation Result

    Displays whether volume transfer was successful.

  • Transfer Start Time

    Displays the volume transfer start time.

  • Transfer End Time

    Displays the volume transfer end time.

  • Transfer Duration

    Displays the time taken (in hours) to complete the volume transfer.

  • Transfer Size

    Displays the size (in MB) of the transferred volume.

  • Source SVM

    Displays the storage virtual machine (SVM) name.

  • Source Cluster

    Displays the source cluster name.

  • Destination SVM

    Displays the destination SVM name.

  • Destination Cluster

    Displays the destination cluster name.