Migrating a Unified Manager virtual appliance to a Linux system
You can restore a Unified Manager database backup from a virtual appliance to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS Linux system if you want to change the host operating system on which Unified Manager is running.
Before you begin
On the virtual appliance:
You must have the Operator, Administrator, or Storage Administrator role to create the backup.
You must know the name of the Unified Manager maintenance user for the restore operation.
On the Linux system:
You must have installed Unified Manager on a RHEL or CentOS server following the instructions in the Installation Guide.
The version of Unified Manager on this server must be the same as the version on the virtual appliance from which you are using the backup file.
Do not launch the UI or configure any clusters, users, or authentication settings on the Linux system after installation. The backup file populates this information during the restore process.
You must have the root user credentials for the Linux host.
About this task
These steps describe how to create a backup file on the virtual appliance, copy the backup files to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS system, and then restore the database backup to the new system.
On the virtual appliance, in the toolbar click
, and then click Management > Database Backup.
In the Database Backup page, click Actions > Database Backup Settings.
Change the backup path to
. -
In the Schedule Frequency section, select the Enable checkbox, select Daily, and enter a time a few minutes past the current time so that the backup is created shortly.
Click Save and Close.
Wait a few hours for the backup to be generated.
A full backup can be over 1 GB and can take three to four hours to complete.
Log in as the root user to the Linux host on which Unified Manager is installed and copy the backup files from
on the virtual appliance using SCP.root@<rhel_server>:/# scp -r admin@<vapp_server_ip_address>:/support/* .
root@ocum_rhel-21:/# scp -r admin@* .
Make sure you have copied the
backup file and all the.7z
repository files in the/database-dumps-repo
subdirectory. -
At the command prompt, restore the backup:
um backup restore -f /<backup_file_path>/<backup_file_name>
um backup restore -f /UM_9.4.N151113.1348_backup_unix_02-12-2018-04-16.7z
After the restore operation completes, log in to the Unified Manager web UI.
After you finish
You should perform the following tasks:
Generate a new HTTPS security certificate and restart the Unified Manager server.
Change the backup path to the default setting for your Linux system (
), or to a new path of your choice, because there is no/jail/support
path on the Linux system. -
Reconfigure both sides of your Workflow Automation connection, if WFA is being used.
Reconfigure SAML authentication settings, if you are using SAML.
After you have verified that everything is running as expected on your Linux system, you can shut down and remove the Unified Manager virtual appliance.