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Active IQ Unified Manager 9.7
A newer release of this product is available.

Group action-volume thresholds section


The group action-volume thresholds section enables you to configure group-level health thresholds for volumes. These thresholds are applied to all the volumes in a group. When the volume health thresholds are configured at the group level, the global health threshold values are not affected.

You can configure volume health thresholds for the following to configure a group action:

  • Capacity

  • Growth

  • Qtree quota

  • Snapshot copies

  • Inodes

Global default values are used if volume health thresholds are not configured for any of these categories. You can set health thresholds for the following:

  • Capacity

  • Growth

  • Qtree quota

  • Snapshot copies

  • Inodes

Capacity section

You can set conditions for the following volume capacity health thresholds:

  • Space Nearly Full

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to be nearly full:

    • Default value: 80 percent

      The value for this threshold must be lower than the value for the Volume Full threshold for the management server to generate an event.

    • Event generated: Volume Nearly Full

    • Event severity: Warning

  • Space Full

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered full:

    • Default value: 90 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Full

    • Event severity: Error

  • Overcommitted

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to be overcommitted:

    • Default value: 100 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Overcommitted

    • Event severity: Error

Growth section

You can set the following health threshold conditions for volume growth:

  • Growth Rate

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume's growth rate is considered to be normal before the system generates a Volume Growth Rate Abnormal event:

    • Default value: 1 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Growth Rate Abnormal

    • Event severity: Warning

  • Growth Rate Sensitivity

    Specifies the factor that is applied to the standard deviation of a volume's growth rate. If the growth rate exceeds the factored standard deviation, a Volume Growth Rate Abnormal event is generated.

    A lower value for growth rate sensitivity indicates that the aggregate is highly sensitive to changes in the growth rate. The range for the growth rate sensitivity is 1 through 5.

    • Default value: 2

Qtree Quota section

You can set the following health threshold conditions for volume quotas:

  • Nearly Overcommitted

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to be nearly overcommitted by qtree quotas:

    • Default value: 95 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Qtree Quota Nearly Overcommitted

    • Event severity: Warning

  • Overcommitted

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to be overcommitted by qtree quotas:

    • Default value: 100 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Qtree Quota Overcommitted

    • Event severity: Error

Snapshot Copies section

You can set the following health threshold conditions for the Snapshot copies in the volume:

  • Snapshot Reserve Full

    Specifies the percentage at which the space reserved for Snapshot copies is considered full:

    • Default value: 90 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Snapshot Reserve Full

    • Event severity: Error

  • Days Until Full

    Specifies the number of days remaining before the space reserved for Snapshot copies reaches full capacity:

    • Default value: 7

    • Event generated: Volume Snapshot Reserve Days Until Full

    • Event severity: Error

  • Count

    Specifies the number of Snapshot copies on a volume that are considered to be too many:

    • Default value: 250

    • Event generated: Too Many Snapshot Copies

    • Event severity: Error

Inodes section

You can set the following health threshold conditions for inodes:

  • Nearly Full

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to have consumed most of its inodes:

    • Default value: 80 percent

    • Event generated: Inodes Nearly Full

    • Event severity: Warning

  • Full

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to have consumed all of its inodes:

    • Default value: 90 percent

    • Event generated: Inodes Full

    • Event severity: Error